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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16449038

Why do academic institutions gatekeep science behind expensive as fuck subscriptions, leaving out the Global South which can't afford the literature? If the prices were adjusted by location, we would have had many times as much research happening. See pic related, the Nature index

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🧵 Necessary math

iamnobody No. 16448924

I need to learn a lot and fast. I have 9 months. I've experienced something and information seems to have been seeded for me to pyt it all together but the puzzle is so complex that I'm eventually going to need help to put it together.
What levels of math do i need to understand quantum mechanics?
Do i need to learn math to program AIs.
I've learned up to calc 2 but that was at least 7 years ago.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448783

How good are standardized tests for judging someone's ability

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448749

Is there a biological life that solid organ(not weak unlike ours)

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

EBOK No. 16448706

Is it possible to communicate from mind to mind?

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🧵 Puzzle with number theory from the university quest

Anonymous No. 16448673

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448665

Why are they so afraid of him?

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🧵 Rond Earth Model

Anonymous No. 16448648

Daily reminder round earthers have literally nothing. After failing and trying to get retards who failed to make a masters degree in anything and pretend to be professors online they started shouting tha flat earth needs a model.

Ok however round earth does not have a model.
There is no round earth model.
If there is surly they look so smart and inteligent for showing it
That is nonsense or some app. Show the model that I can run on pen and paper to predict solar eclipses like it is 1951. This does not exist because round earth is literally nonsense.

It is comical how flat earth models the seasons in all hemispheres perfectly while round earth is only online retards shouting nonsense.
>It is the magic geometry
This literally makes no sense and can not be modeled.

If there is a round earth model show it to everyone. You look so smart.

Meanwhile flat earth has the best model for seasons since round earth must shout like a cultist that some geometry is magic for it to make any sense whatsoever.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448635

>dark energy
>dark matter
>cosmic inflation
>black holes
>time dilation
>space time

what is his problem?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448608

What are the most difficult math/physics subjects, concepts and problems to comprehend? Rather than some gay ass IQ test, I want to test my intelligence in something actually applicable.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448586

Why is African symbolism so terrible? But the syntax so awesome?

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🗑️ 🧵 is insect the most sophisticated land animal

Anonymous No. 16448583

insects are most tolerant of land?
it seems water disguss them
no insects in oceans

human origin:
>fish (requires water at all times)
>amphibian (requires moist environment ut has lungs)
>lizard, no longer requires moist but lays an egg where developing lizard is inside a liquid
>bird (this is not an ancestor of humans)
>placental mammals (baby is in a womb but is surrounded by liquid)
>humans (are placental mammals)

it seems humans arent in terms of developing, not so much land creatures as we like to think

how about insects then?
>first insect rises from the ocean 400 million years ago
>never returns to the sea ever again (there are no insects in the sea today and never has been any fossil found of sea insect)
>330 million years later the first metamorphosing insect is born and is a land animal
>400 million years of land evolution away from water
>insect egg is not filled with water
>insect larva doesnt have gills
>insects breathe air at all times
>the only exception is things like dragonflies whose larva infact do breathe oxygen straight from water (fresh water not salt water)
>adult dragonfly drowns when he drops to water though
>dragonfly is 300 million years old it simply survived to this day so it represenets ancient insect form anyway

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🧵 What are the results for those of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16448550

That is if u chat with chatGPT a little too much and love giving ur sensitive data to big companies.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448491

>earth needs a massive magnetic field to protect life from space weather
>humans think they can build a little tincan and they'll be fine

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🧵 The bullying needs to stop.

Anonymous No. 16448465

And if that means supergiant black holes mowing down dipshit stars that think they can torch nebulas at 10 PM, at this point they have my fucking blessing. Holy shit, this shit needs to stop. It needed to stop a long time ago.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448460

I have lyme disease and I'm concerned of passing it to someone else via kissing/sexual intercourse. Officially, the CDC says it cannot spread between humans. However, many people online claim that it CAN.

I'm not sure how to approach this. Whether to inform others before sex. What to do to prevent from spreading it to whoever I'm with.

Can I ask your opinion on this /sci/ and how to prevent from spreading it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448446

>There's a black hole out there with the mass of 400 BILLION times that of our sun? That's, like, an INCREDIBLE number. Too hard to even IMAGINE. Like, it's wild... I can't even wrap my brain around a figure getting that large. It's too abstract!

>I mean, the earth's only been around for 4 billion years, which isn't even that long at all. It really isn't. We've only existed here for merely the blink of an eye. Can you imagine where humanity would be 100 million years from now? We wouldn't even be human anymore, which is a FREAKY thought.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448439

If there was no atmosphere, would it take the same amount of energy to get a spacecraft from orbit to being stationary on the ground as it did ton get it into orbit?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448354

I don't get it

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🧵 MEGALODON Do they exist?

Anonymous No. 16448332

why do you know less about ocean compared to space?

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🗑️ 🧵 Any Transcension Ideas?

Anonymous No. 16448299

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🗑️ 🧵 Does chess really actually make you be more smarter

Anonymous No. 16448294

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🗑️ 🧵 How are jews so intelligent?

Anonymous No. 16448259

On top of what you may already know about Jewish domination of financial, cultural, media, and academic institutions...
Despite making up just 0.2% of the global population, Jews make up:

>23% of Fields Medalists
>31% of Abel Prize recipients
>38% of recipients recipients of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics
>56% of recipients of the Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement
>44% of recipients of the Bôcher Memorial Prize
>38% of recipients of the Frank Nelson Cole Prizes in Algebra and Number Theory
>38% of the Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry
>40% of recipients of the Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics
>37% of recipients of the George David Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics

>25% of recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics
>40% of recipients of the Wolf Prize in Physics
>24% of recipients of the Max Planck Medaille
>32% of recipients of the ICTP Dirac Medal
>37% of recipients of the Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics
>45% of recipients of the Lars Onsager Prize in Statistical Mechanics
>44% of recipients of the Boltzmann Medal in Statistical Mechanics
>53% of recipients of the Enrico Fermi Award
>48% of recipients of the Atoms for Peace Award

Computer Science:
>30% of recipients of the ACM A.M. Turing Award in Computer Science.
>33% of recipients of the IEEE C.E. Shannon Award in Information Theory.
>40% of recipients of the John von Neumann Theory Prize in Operations Research.
>41% of recipients of the EATCS/ACM Kurt Gödel Prize in Theoretical Computer Science.
>45% of recipients of the ACM/IEEE Donald Knuth Prize in the Foundations of Computer Science.
>52% of recipients of the ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory & Practice Award in Computer Science.
>55% of recipients of the IMU Abacus Medal (Rolf Nevanlinna Prize) in Computer & Information Science.

>47% of undisputed world champions
>42% of undisputed world champion runner-ups

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16448212

>you don't exist for billions of years
>you are born and then experience a maximum of 100 years of existence before you fade back into non-existence for an infinite amount of time

What was the point of being born?