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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16457298

Why is nuclear energy more expensive?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16457296

Can any of you guys explain what I cooked here in chem? I attempted to produce potassium copper acetate. It appeared like it's going great until I carefully evaporated it down and then it formed picrel. Those are not crystals, you can scoop that shit up like goo.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16457285

So Mexico is selling Halloween decorations now? They're even dressing with costumes and overdue it with the gorey shit it's sick and disgusting. Leave the gore for actual professionals you dumb lazy holiday stealers. How are you going to mix dia de los muertos and essentially celebrate gore at the same time fucking idiots.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16457269

Would two equally dense objects several million light years apart in an empty void of space with no other matter in the universe eventually be attracted and move to each other, even if they were completely still?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16457245

Dark Forest Edition

Previous - >>16455224

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🧵 Myostatin Inhibitors

Anonymous No. 16457116

What does the scientific community currently know about myostatin inhibitors?

AKA, clinical trials to suppress the myostatin protein to result in increased muscle size.

How close are we to having an available medication for this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16457005

Can science explain why I love my girlfriend so much?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456933

Simulated universe does NOT mean inauthentic, it can mean efficient.

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🧵 Finding primes

Anonymous No. 16456912

So how are you guys looking for a new biggest prime numbers? know some awesome techniques to pull it off?
Lets discuss it

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456902


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456845

I own businesses in other dimensions including private banks and make a killing off of interest. What about you? Still trying for that worthless pHD? How >>get<< can you get? Kys

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456831

The smartest man of all time

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456829

what if dark matter is just consciousness?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456827

If you're all so smart and ghosts and stuff aren't real, then why doesn't science have a day dedicated to it like halloween? Oh, you're saying that every day is science day? Lame, what are you, 50? It's not fun doing mathematics and watching orbs go in circles, when are you going to understand that? Maybe if you stopped trying to calculate everything, you'd have a girlfriend.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon No. 16456787

If it's as easy as making a reversal of time in a certain place to cure all illness why hasn't it happened?! Does life test you with the worst, or somehow is it all ok?

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🧵 fusion dance

Anonymous No. 16456778

why doesn't fusion work?
like, what's the hold up? is it an engineering thing? is it a physics thing? is it a controls thing?

do we need some new materials to make the reactor out of? or is the process so chaotic that we can't confine the plasma?

what is wrong with these retards? stars do this already.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456714

why can't space bros do anything right?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456658

I am trying to separate Levopropylhexedrine from racemic PPX from Benzedrex inhalers, going on vacation with fiance and... don't trust street drugs and want something relatively simple to do right now. Trying to get over some sexual PTSD, was turned into some guy's meth slave for a few months...

I am also trying to keep the costs low. I already have L-tartaric acid (natural isomer) and would like to avoid spending the money on the alternative, but if it's a good idea, I would.

Basic runup:

Soak cottons in Naphtha in a sealed container for a few hours. Squeeze dry. I assume a loss of 10% to evaporation and what would be left in the cottons, because I'd rather have less L-PPX than more total drug.

In a separate container, add water. Add 0.5 mol of Tartaric Acid per mol of freebase. Slowly add 0.5 mol of Sodium Carbonate. Mix well over mild heat to gas off CO2.

Add to sealed container of Naphtha and shake often. After a few hours of this, siphon Naphtha off, add to another container with water and 0.25 mol of tartaric acid or 0.5 mol of citric acid, unsure which yet but probably the latter.

Pull the water off from the naphtha, with a dispensing syringe or similar, then evaporate off.

Potentially do an acetone wash to get rid of petroleum distillates, evaporate off.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456654

Why does academia ignore all the evidence that whites were the first humans to reach the Americas?

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🧵 Is epiphenomenalism unavolidable?

Anonymous No. 16456648

We are naturally inclined to believed that our conscious thoughts lead to our actions. But a contemporary scientific view of the brain, where electrical signals lead to thoughts, nullify this. In this view, what we perceive as thoughts are actually the mechanical hum of decisions already made in the brain (epiphenomenalism). In other words, electrical signals create thought, which we then perceive as our own rational logic, while that logic isn't actually ours, but rather predetermined by these biological processes.
This is profoundly disturbing, as it suggests that our perceptions of ourselves as rational actors is entirely misguided; our consciousness doesn't represent a Self, but the sound of an engine shifting gears.
Can we avoid this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456592

I'm doing basic mathematics
>no maths
>just realizing it's essential but was putting off
>proofs don't run into each other whether in addition or multiplication because they can essentially be "broken down" so you run into other proofs (for addition or multiplication, haven't got further in) if you "try" and read ab as integers instead as rules or formulas

It's really taking me some time to take things in. I wanted to ask as some of you might be in school or take math, how much do you 'a - b , a + - b' do you internalized(without practice problems) if it's even possible. I also learned that rulers and left or right from 0 is also taken for granted like simple addition and subtraction. Am I reading too much into this or is this the way the book is taught to help me build?

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🧵 Science has a problem

Stop guessing start learning No. 16456556

Scrolling through random threads here and reading popular science publications and mainstream science. I conclude science has a problem.

What Is this problem?

Most new scientific theories are utterly useless.

Blackholes, particle physics, astrophysics. Fusion, And quantum mechanics/computers Aren't profitable and a waste of time.

Like ok black holes exist, now what?

Like what do we do with this information?

The return on investment seems nill. You invest into something hoping for a return.

Techno and scientific optimist worship these theories as scientific progress.

But there is no progress science these days always overpromises and never delivers

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16456486

scientifically speaking, what is the root cause of homosexuality?

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🧵 we shouldn't

Anonymous No. 16456468