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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591162

These odds just keep RISING. We now have a 1 in 32 chance that an asteroid will wipe out a CITY. If you gave me a 1 in 32 chance of dying right now, I would be terrified!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591157

Virtual photons, mmh?
How bout no

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591131

No one is explaining tree(3) to me properly.vHow big is it exactly?

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🧵 >14-year-old boy dies after crushing a butterfly and injecting liquid into his body

Anonymous No. 16591125


scientifically speaking, what was his goal? and what did he die of?

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🧵 Colossal De-Extinction

Anonymous No. 16590832

Is this company legit or are they some kind of run-of-the-mill LARP/scam/hoax/art project. They claim they are making strides in bringing back the dodo and mammoth, but literally anyone can whip up an infographic make a website and talk buzzwords

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590818

This new German study concludes that there is no causal link between migration and higher crime rates. But why do such studies control for age and gender? If migrants in Europe are disproportionately young males, isn't that a factor of the actual reality of migration contributing to crime, not a confounder? Why remove part of the effect you're trying to measure?

Now the authors might say: If we don't control for age and gender, we conflate the effect of migration with the inherent crime propensity of young males. But if the real-world impact of migration inherently includes a disproportion of young males, then not controlling for those variables actually reflects the "true" effect of migration as experienced. So what's the point of this methodology?

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Heidelburgensis I....png

🧵 Just what was going on with Homo Heidelbergensis in Zambia?

Anonymous No. 16590758

I read about this specimen called Kabwe 1 and it took me down a rabbit hole looking for information about African Heidelbergensis. The more I looked the weirder it got. This is borderline Silurian hypothesis territory here. I don't know if this belongs on /sci/ or /x/. Just what have the paleontologists not published about Homo Heidelbergensis yet? Farming Heidelbergensis?! How many times was this tried before it caught on? This is not the only odd thing to about species from this country. There is a perinate structure built 475,000 years ago only a few miles away from where this starch eating tooth decaying individual lived. Was there a Heidelbergensis population farming at least partially for 200,000 years?

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🧵 Cats of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16590742

Tuesday doppelkätzer edition.

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🧵 detecting voter fraud with math? shpilkin method aka russian tail

Anonymous No. 16590709

the "russian tail" is cited by outlets such as radio free europe as evidence that elections in Russia[1] and Georgia[2] are rigged. Now redditors use it to claim that the 2024 U.S. presidential election was rigged [3].

The people doing this analysis claim that, if you plot precincts in a histogram by % of votes for a candidate, then you should get a normal distribution (or a "bell curve", as they call it) and any other distribution is evidence of voter fraud. I claim that there's no reason to assume that you should get a gaussian distribution and that the people doing this analysis are retards who suck at math and stats. who's right?


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590707

will we ever find a way to remove microplastics from humans anons? i feel like ill probably die at 30 from them at this rate, 40 at most

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590649

>Solves science

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590604


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590599

gm /sci/ frens what u study?
im doing some linalg

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590552

So what actually was that thing and why it was hidden behind black box

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🗑️ 🧵 Telegony?

Anonymous No. 16590542

Hello /sci/, I've seen a lot of people wanting to have girlfriends that are virgins on this website,
namely due to telegony and microchimerism.
I remember that the egg cells in females are created once in the womb of the mother and
are not affected by anything(for example the mRNA vax) until they interact with a sperm cell during ovulation, creating a changed cell(which divides etc.).
So is telegony a thing?
Can sperm cells affect the genetic makeup of egg cells even outside of fertilization?
And while we're at it, does the sexual organ of women absorb the genetic material of sperm cells?
Since there have been cases where women had no children but still have cells with male genes in their body(e.g. brain stem).
This is usually explained by the woman having an older brother which left some cells in the womb, but I'd like to know if it's possible.
Thanks in advance :).

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590504

Nearly all men are most attracted to girls of pubertal age and feel progressively(with increasing age) less attraction to women after 20. That's why 'teen porn' is popular and every human culture has married 12 year old girls to older men.

However, we know that young mothers have far higher chances of pregnancy complications, and children have higher likelihoods of certain birth defects.

Has anyone studied this contradiction? Shouldn't selective pressures get rid of this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590443


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🧵 I plotted 3D genes!

Anonymous No. 16590396

I have put DNA into plotter and now it show as follows in a 3D space

Parameters used:
>species genetical distance from jellies
>species genetical distance from comb-jellies
>species genetical distance from your typical gold fish

And what do we see?
Humans and birds (dendrocopos) stack together

Spiders and sea-spiders stack together (nephila etc)

Do note that:
>spiders may have diverged from sea spiders 400 million years ago (they started to live on land, actual sea spider physiology is unsaitable for land he is too weak, but maybe spiders evolved more able bodies just before the landing and none of those were left in the sea, its hard to imagine actual modern sea spider ever evolving further on land, it would simply die instantly, nevertheless sea spider genes come close to land spiders but they do overlap with insects as well)

>humans diverged from birds PROBABLY 250 million years ago but this is very hard to pinpoint exactly

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590389

Is there any material that if cost was no object, could be a forever crucible?

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🧵 11 difficult visual induction puzzles

John Puzzle No. 16590387

Since some people did not receive well the existence of verbal items without multiple answer choices, I've decided to make a shortened version of the original compilation I posted.

Here you go
, 11 spatial puzzles for you to entertain yourself with. They are hard, they require quite a bit of time invested. Don't trash on them just because you can't do them. It's not an iq test, your girlfriend won't leave you because you couldn't do it nor will you lose your job. Life will go on as usual.
The items have been carefully curated (not just by me) and just because you forgot to take your antipsychotics it doesn't mean you have a valid alternative logic. From what I've seen people will confidently post the most arbitrary of solutions and rarely point any major design flaw.
Also, for all the paranoid schizophrenics, this isn't some sinister data collection by the government. Or maybe it is, so fk off.

Now, to the rest of you who are looking to give these puzzles a fair shot. I hope you enjoy them.

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situational aware....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16590359

Good morning.

Today's date is Feb. 18th, 2025. The current time is 11:23 AM, EST. Right now, several hundred people in San Francisco and Beijing are racing to build the most consequential technology ever invented. Whoever gets to it first will have the power to shape humanity's future for better or for worse over the next centuries. Our governments and the public remain dangerously ignorant of both the technology and its implications. First to AGI controls the world.

Assuming the current rate of progress holds, we will reach AGI before the decade is out.

This is where you are.

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🧵 Astronomy Questions

Anonymous No. 16590207

Figured I'd ask here since most of the board consists of /stem/ majors. I'm doing the brainstorming for a fictional universe that is meant to be hard sci-fi in most respects. The setting is meant to be a galaxy resembling the Sombrero galaxy, and some things stumped me.

>1 universe age
Does it matter for galaxy formation how old the universe is past a certain #? Since this is a fictional universe, and the question of where this galaxy is relative to others will not be answered anytime soon, it shouldn't matter if the universe is 5bln years old or 10.
>galaxy star composition
This depends on the last question a bit. I want this fictional galaxy to be rife with younger stars that host life, but some stars also only come into being after long periods of time. Does the universe/galaxy need to be older/younger to ensure desirable stars are commonplace?
>galaxy size
I'm not worried about a large or small galaxy, since FTL is a needed trope to ensure the plot doesn't stagnate the moment people try and leave a star system. The issue big is a galaxy in width typically? Assuming light-years are used, not sure what the numbers end up being. I'm also not sure on the total number of stars in this galaxy, and if that also depends on galaxy age.

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🧵 consciousness

Anonymous No. 16590173

why do popsci faggots act like consciousness is such a big mystery?
its just chemicals in our brain. if we could account for all factors, we could 100% predict someones behaviour
consciousness is just our observation. it isnt a mystery at all

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🗑️ 🧵 Cobenfy

Anonymous No. 16590170

How long until this shitty drug wears off? It kills my energy and motivation, google search and ai doesnt give me results