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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591742

what a clean and beautiful equation! it could literally have been anything else but reality happens to follow this equation

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591730

Is it possible to perform brain surgery on yourself to make yourself constantly happy? (I dont care if it ends up killing you in the end)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591727

i thought quantum computing was a scam, is it real now? have they been able to factorize anything above 12 yet?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591700


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Anonymous No. 16591684

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591674

Are social studies literally just a meme? They just ask a bunch of people their opinion and then release it as a data. How do you prove that half of these "opinions" are not fake?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16591650

their jobs are saved edition

previous >>16587022

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darwin in hell.jpg

🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591645

The average estimate for the time since the last Chimpanzee-Human common ancestor is 9,000,000 years ago. There must needs have been 30,000,000 fixed mutations between the two species to account for the difference. The fastest rate of mutation ever observed in either species is approximately 8,000 generations per fixed mutation. Given an average generation of 20 years, that means that the average amount of time needed to account for the speciation under the theory of evolution by natural selection is equivalent to

[math](30000000*8000*20) = 4800000000[/math]

4.8 trillion years. Cool!

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🧵 Where is the real science?

Anonymous No. 16591641

Mechanistic materialism is a ghost of true science. Finding out how such and such particle behaves is redundant. I want to know the truths of reality and myself. Modern science is woefully shallow.

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🗑️ 🧵 The Truth: Ouroboros

47 No. 16591628

When we look out into space, we look back into time. The further out into space we look with a telescope (i.e. the further back into time we look with a telescope), the further apart celestial bodies are observed to be from one another, and the faster they are observed to spread from one another. Given a Big Bang scenario—that is, given a universe which is expanding, and which has only ever been expanding from an initial singularity—precisely the OPPOSITE should be the case. That is to say, given a Big Bang scenario, it should always only be the case that the further out into space we look with a telescope (i.e. the further back into time we look with a telescope), the CLOSER celestial bodies should be, and the FASTER they should converge upon eachother. Given that this is NOT what is observed—given that the OPPOSITE is observed from our relative position in the spacetime continuum—one MUST, therefore, conclude that space is, in fact, NOT expanding, but CONTRACTING... But not on the whole; for the universe, as a whole, must be of a constant size in order to meet the first law of thermodynamics.

Space expands and contracts at a LOCAL, not a GLOBAL, level... After the “Big Bang,” celestial bodies did, indeed, separate, but only to a certain degree, whereupon a certain "entropy maxima" was reached, and whereupon all celestial bodies (i.e. all matter/energy, etc.) began to CONVERGE BACK INTO eachother. With the use of radiometers, this maxima could be EMPIRICALLY VERIFIED—and an eternally recurrent universe (i.e. a self-contained, self-sufficient world, of which we are an inexorable piece and part) could be proven FOR ALL TIME.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591612

>casually solves the universe

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🧵 Fixed it for you.

Anonymous No. 16591524

It's turtles all the way down, lads. Enough with the dark energy cringe. My calcs check against JWST obs and fix the Hubble tension. Yw. :)

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The Metaphysicus.pdf

🧵 New Universe Theory

Anonymous No. 16591453

I've completed a new theory of the universe and submitted it to the Lancet and New Scientist, and all major news stations.

It attempts to bridge the gap between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and I believe it does this by correcting General Relativity.

While the logic is complete, it is midway through being transcribed into my poetic style, however it is all there for you to have good fun muddling through.

if you would like to get in conact, my ig is,
or twitter ReverseFeedback
or website, reversefeedback co uk

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🧵 How tf are sharks vertebrates if they don't have bones?

Anonymous No. 16591408

They're chordates at best.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591341

will we see LLMs starting proving theorems people failed to prove?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591329

Guys i need an advice. I am supposed to finish my bach. degree in physics next semester. the biggest problem now is my bachelor thesis, which for some reason needs to be very good.

what do you think is the easiest and least time consuming theme for it? i work 40h a week, have few more exams to do so very time limited.

is it possible to do an experiment with all needed things around it (preparing, detail analysis and so on) or is something theoretical easier?

chat gpt has no idea what i am saying so i need someone real to help me

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591284


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🧵 Puzzle 2. difficulty 2/7

John Puzzle No. 16591260

Continuing with the 2nd puzzle, this one slightly harder.

In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.

Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying.
previous post:

solved by finland anon

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591227

Why are people (see: Americans) so distrustful of science this past decade? Do they sincerely believe that scientific research is some 'globohomo' hoax all the time? You'll happily lap up horse deworming medicine and then spit on people for ingesting antibiotics.

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🧵 Complete the pattern

John Puzzle No. 16591194

I'm going to start a series of posts in which I show a pattern recognition puzzle starting from the easiest I have to the hardest. I plan on posting around 13 puzzles.

In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.

Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591188

don't step on the monads

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🧵 Microscopes

Anonymous No. 16591185

Was this worth 175$?

Fisher Scientific Model CK

10x eyepiece, 10/20/40/100x objectives, halogen bulb, adjustable iris/condensor, filter holder, metal construction

Just trying to have some fun with it

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591181

calculate the actual quantity of /v/ posts, considering that since February 16, 2012 it's been impossible to get repeating digits other than 00s.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16591180

Is always connected no matter where we are?