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Anonymous No. 16624748

What does the science say about these?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624739

basic elements of the universe found in the universe!

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624721

this is REAL time travel to the future. holy shit. put me back in and rebirth me in 2100 please ^.^

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🧡 Fossils.

Anonymous No. 16624715

Are the dinosaur fossils in museums really just fake "replicas" and not real animal skeletons?

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🧡 Feasibility of Ocean Surface or Floor Human Settlement?

Anonymous No. 16624709

Oceanix Busan represents a groundbreaking approach to sustainable urban development in the face of rising sea levels and climate change. This innovative project, a collaboration between Oceanix, UN-Habitat, and the city of Busan, South Korea, aims to create the world's first prototype of a resilient and sustainable floating community.

The project was unveiled in April 2022 at the Second UN Roundtable on Sustainable Floating Cities. Designed to accommodate 12,000 residents initially, Oceanix Busan will consist of interconnected floating platforms covering 6.3 hectares (15.5 acres) off the coast of Busan. The design features three distinct neighborhoods for living, research, and lodging, with the potential to expand to house over 100,000 people in the future.

The potential for scaling this concept globally is significant. As coastal cities worldwide face increasing threats from rising sea levels, Oceanix Busan serves as a prototype for future floating city initiatives.

>floating platforms made of flexible concrete and 'biorock' tethered to the seafloor

Seems vulnerable to rapid changes in sea level but could withstand gradual change

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prime Number-eng.pdf

🧡 Untitled Thread

GilbertoCarcamo No. 16624653

Prime numbers distribution. This si the way

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624634

What make you love/like mathematics? what could you say to a person who wants to fall in love with maths?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624598

Hawkings said our time is actually running backwards and that the big bang is a black hole sucking in matter and energy. If this is the cause, could we escape this black hole and how would we adapt to the forward time in the prime universe? If we are "inverted" would the known laws be inverted for us too in the prime universe? Smoke goes back into what burns, stuff moves up than falling down, we get frozen instead of burning?

I am a dumbfuck so please be gentle

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624594

Can i really be /sci/ if I'm too autistic to even trust this?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624527

so many goddamn lies in what they teach us.

dark matter, oo, we made it up! yeah, no shit.

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🧡 why are there so many schizos in math movies?

Anonymous No. 16624518

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🧡 The Universe MUST BE like this

Anonymous No. 16624461

> Logic must be true
> Math is applied logic so given true axioms is must be true
> It makes no sense only for some mathematically possible things to exist
> Thus everything is either impossible or it exists
> There is an infinite amount of Universes (that may overlap in space-time) that don't interact with each other due to different laws/constants
> The foundation of Quantum Mechanical Multiverse is everything that's mathematically possible constantly existing and fluctuating according to the laws of whatever the fully correct version of QM is. Fluctuation of our Universe and similar ones including "Big Bang" and whatever else is gonna happen in the future (if nothing then QM-cally at some point the whole thing just fucks off into field energy)

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624435

Is meme magic a fundamental force?

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🧡 At least two must be true

Anonymous No. 16624418

1. Free will doesn't exist
2. Solipsism is true
3. The universe isn't locally real

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Sabine=chink shill

Anonymous No. 16624411

Bitch just exposed herself she's a chink shill.
Now all the misinformation shit she spreads makes sense.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624386

Favorite apotome?

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🧡 Can I like math if I hate calculations?

Anonymous No. 16624373

I think so many mathematical theories are beautiful and creative and genuinely artistic but I hate putting in the grunt work to compute things so I never get to grasp the fundamentals to truly understand the advanced concepts and build an intuition around them. Is my brain just too art pilled to enjoy math and its applications?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624360

STR adds 1 ATK
CON adds 3 HP and 1 DEF
Damage = 4*ATK - DEF

How many percent evasion does 1 point of DEX adds to offer the same survivabilty of 1 point CON?

1 point CON adds 4 EHP, player will have 4*CON+4 total EHP.
x% evasion adds 4*CON*x% EHP...

thus 1 point of DEX should add 1/CON percent evasion??

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624342

>gene therapy cost: $2 million
>cost to synthesise plasmids and inject them, $1500
why is gene therapy so goddamn expensive?
and what is stopping me from editing my own genetic code?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624231

Why are so many people against the food pyramid now? I keep seeing these type of videos over every platform. They also seem to hate seed oils and love saturated fat.

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🧡 The distribution of galaxy rotation in JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey

Anonymous No. 16624215

What does /sci/ think of this new fascinating paper that suggests our spinning universe spins more in one direction than another because it's hosted inside the event horizon of a black hole?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624203

what are modern day equivalent of oppenheimers apocalypse pandora box hysteria

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624144

Let’s settle this once and for all: was the moon landing faked?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16624132

How many more epicycles?