🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 02:41:38 UTC No. 216683
There was a two hour queue to climb past the bottleneck at K2 .
What's the fuckin point of climbing mountains, even supposedly the most hardest one if there's gonna be lines full of tourists like a Disneyland ride?
🧵 /MTB/ Mountain Biking General
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 02:23:40 UTC No. 216525
Night ride edition
>FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike
> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?
XC bikes are for going up fast, go down not as fast. Trail bikes are for going up and down. Enduro bikes are for going down fast, and slower up. Downhill bikes are for going down really fast, needs a ski lift, truck, or the rider pushing it to go up.
link to previous thread >>208371
🧵 Most boring extremely sport?
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 13:01:00 UTC No. 216476
I don't know how people even find 45 consecutive days to waste, let alone actually decide to do it
🧵 Kitesurf General
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 17:49:52 UTC No. 216300
In this thread, we discuss all things kitesurf related (windsurfers, kite wingers, foilers, and others are also welcome). Spots, gear, tricks, stories, questions, anything.
> Why kitesurfing is xs?
- Outdoors in natural beauty
- Available to all ages, fitness levels, men and women.
- Feels amazing flying through the air with power of the wind
- Introvert sport. Bros help you launch/land, but you're mostly on your own.
- Always new tricks to try and ways to improve.
- High "action to waiting" ratio. Sessions can last hours with no breaks.
- Undisputed coolest people on the beach (sorry surfers, but it's true). Everyone wants to be friends with the kiters.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 19:20:36 UTC No. 216253
Does punching power increase forever the longer you train? Or is there a limit?
🧵 Big Wax
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 13:17:34 UTC No. 216122
What, you actually wax your shit, idiot?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 03:25:15 UTC No. 216101
What the name of this sport?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Mon, 18 Nov 2024 17:05:22 UTC No. 216070
Doing only no gi once a week
Worth it or no?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Nov 2024 04:38:56 UTC No. 216011
where tf do i go to watch the ufc fight i don't wanna pay for that shit
🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Nov 2024 06:26:24 UTC No. 215905
trve strvggles edition
Old Thread: >>203495
Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.
If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.
>Newbie pastebin
>Recently updated /asg/ retailer guide
>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side
🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 19:00:39 UTC No. 215870
If i had(for legal reason i dont) mind manipulation powers, would it be bad to use to make any woman i find interest into have to deal with me?
🧵 /judo/ Judo General
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 17:44:41 UTC No. 215864
Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)
Most Mentally Sound Judoka Edition
>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024
>Video Resources
>Discussion starter
Are you excited for the return of (single) leg grabs?
Previous thread: >>207251
🧵 /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding General
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 02:54:06 UTC No. 215829
Basic brand info for beginners >https://pastebin.com/CxdBGA6W
Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:
Last Thread:
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Nov 2024 23:01:48 UTC No. 215710
Do you guys know anything about WAKO K1/light contact tournament's?
I was talking to my muay thai coach about competing and he said that's one option but I'm probably good enough to just do some development day fights (muay thai rules but with all padding).
From what I can gather is "light" is meant to be hard enough to drop you if you get hit clean but not hard enough to prevent you from sparring the next day. It's kickboxing so no knees, elbows, clinch or catching kicks.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Nov 2024 17:27:01 UTC No. 215692
Your girlfriend thinks she can beat you in an mma fight. You wanna show her she's wrong but don't wanna hurt her. What do you do?
🧵 I don't get this "Jones dodging Ngannou" meme
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Nov 2024 17:01:37 UTC No. 215690
It's the other way around. Ngannou dodged Jones and now Jones dodges Aspinall cause he knows he's too old to fight him.
🧵 Just Started Skating
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Nov 2024 20:51:55 UTC No. 215564
I just started skating
is there any advice anyone can give me?
>inb4 practice makes perfect
🧵 Just Started Skating
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Nov 2024 05:50:46 UTC No. 215541
Got this Element skateboard as it’s the same one I use in the THPS Remake and immediately bailed out and fell backwards but I ain’t giving up
>Practice makes perfect
How do I get better at balancing and learning to fall backwards
I probably would have died or got heavily injured if I didn’t wear that helmet or ended up becoming a bigger tard than I already am
I was laughing my ass off when I fell though
What’s your advice on a beginner skater like me
🗑️ 🧵 Just Started Skating
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Nov 2024 13:08:20 UTC No. 215515
Got this Element skateboard as it’s the same one I use in the THPS Remake and immediately bailed out and fell backwards but I ain’t giving up
>Practice makes perfect
How do I get better at balancing and learning to fall backwards
I probably would have died or got heavily injured if I didn’t wear that helmet or ended up becoming a bigger tard than I already am
I was laughing my ass off when I fell though
What’s your advice on a beginner skater like me
🧵 /bullfighting/
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Nov 2024 22:43:26 UTC No. 215433
Why are the bulls so stupid?
Why do they always fall for the cape trick?
Don't they realize that the matador's legs will always be beneath his torso and that attacking the cape is a chump move?
Why are bulls so low IQ?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Nov 2024 16:51:20 UTC No. 215420
Whats the bestest fighter there ever was that Patrick bateman(did boxing, 80 kgs, 6ft tall) on magic drug that makes him able to learn to fight from old memories and gives perfect sexterity could beat?