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🗑️ 🧵 Piracy/Private Tracker General

Anonymous No. 917091

Post your requests for models/tutorials/software and hope than an Anon will help you out.

Before asking, check these sites:
> - software
> - courses (without project files)

Either pass a test on IRC (dunno if they still offer it) or visit a tracker marketplace of your choice and buy an invite for 15$.


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 917086

Anyone else have more fun using Blender than any other 3D program? Why is that?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 917025


Intel graphics driver for Blender 3.3

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🗑️ 🧵 Ligit 100% It's over for /3/ Stable Diffusion Plug-in for Blender

Anonymous No. 916999

Someone made a blender plug-in that take's outputs from the AI Stable diffusion and pumps them out into usable meshes for blender.
I really hope you all didn't plan on having an extended career in 3d graphics.

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🧵 It's over for chuds here

Anonymous No. 916896

I've reached the final META of indie game development.

We did it chuds.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916889

Why does painting the texture gives me this artifact?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916847

How do you make tile textures on Unity? All my textures look stretched and fucking suck

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🗑️ 🧵 I hate you niggers.

Anonymous No. 916842

>mfw I discover there's a full 3D editor like blender for just koikatsu
All my life has been a lie and I've been living in misery for not particular reason.

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🧵 voxel heat difussion

Anonymous No. 916826

how good is that according to the elite pros of industry standart tools?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916801

What do you think of my snowmen?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916794

What's it like creating games for VR, /3/? No headset here, but headset curious.

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🧵 Do you have microguides like this?

Anonymous No. 916791

All of the sticky threads are about 20 years old.

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🧵 Procedural Generation

Anonymous No. 916762

I remember a few years back I saw someone post a thread of how he created procedurally generated genitals in blender. I had screenshotted it to use as a reference in the future, but now that I need it I can't find it anymore. Does anyone have any tips of how should I even approach this?

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🧵 Cartoon eyes

Anonymous No. 916741

How is this done (in Blender if poss)? I like the way Sony Pictures does it. I can hardly find any tutorials on eyes in general. They usually have a separate sphere mesh. But not only does that method seem wasteful since you won't see faces behind the eye-socket, but the cartoony shapes are too oblong.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916732

How do I get this good as a complete blender beginner?

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🧵 Silent Hill (1999) 3DCG

Anonymous No. 916731

What do you think about the intro video to the original Silent Hill? How does it fare against other animation of the era, and how does it hold up today? It was a fairly small production, and all the pre-rendered scenes were created by just one man in two and a half years, starting in 1996. The shot of Lisa (the nurse) at 0:59 is my favorite.

There's also a "blooper" movie that plays after the game:

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916612

ZBrush: 360$ per year
Maya Indie: 350$ per year
Marvelous Designer: 280$ per year
Substance Painter: 240$ per year
Marmoset Toolbag: 192$ per year
Rizom UV: 180$ per year
TOTAL COST: 1.602$ per year.

Yeah, I really wonder why so many newbies use Blender.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916577

How do I salvage it? It's not smooth enough to look like an android/robot

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916550

90% of links in sticky dont work.

Post tutorials, resources, videos, texture packs, etc.

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🧵 time is a fuck

Anonymous No. 916542

What should I study to age a characters face up or down?
Not as drastic as young -> elderly, but say subtracting 10 years from a face that looks about 30, or going from post-pubescent teenager to 30's.

The changes seem to be pretty subtle, but noticeable. I just don't know what to focus on, so if there any resources for this I'd love to hear about them.

I'm guessing babyfat is a factor, maybe skin too?

t. anon who's faces always look a little too old, or a little too young

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Anonymous No. 916511

Started modelling a few months ago, tried a bunch of programs and all of them give me a headache with how pointlessly cumbersome the UI is.

(Keyshot + MAYA was okay for a bit, but exporting from MAYA was hell, obj disappeared ; not that it even worked properly to begin with, then fbx disappeared ; not that MS3D viewer could even use it to begin with. Starting up the program takes MUCH longer than other modellers like Lightwave, and sculptors like 3D coat, plus the shortcuts make little to no sense and the interface randomly changes/changed to disable to toolbar so I have to use space button instead. Also can't control the number of samples like in Keyshot to reduce render time, arnold also looks awful and getting it to render animations is complicated. And let's not even get into lightwave, it's like it was designed by a madman).

Android apps are more intuitive but they're not built for mouse x keyboard.
Is there anything on PC that isn't downright annoying for 3D?

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🧵 Look at my addon.

Anonymous No. 916510

Look what I bought.
I bought a spritesheet addon for blender at 1 usd.


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🧵 blender questions and fun posting thread

Anonymous No. 916494

I consider it a shame that Shaundi from Saints Row 2 doesn't have more 3D artwork. I've been drawing for over 5 years, I know about composition, lighting etc so I feel like I could do a good job adding that which the world lacks.

But I can't find any SR2 Shaundi models online. I've searched a ton. I've searched for blender, Daz, SFM. I know they're out there because there's some art made with them but I don't know where they got them. Where did they get them?

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🧵 Gotta buy blenderaddons.

Anonymous No. 916484

I'm just gonna start buying blender addons.

fuck you.

>but pirate
the addon is not on private nor public trackers, already checked 10 minutes ago.

>but pirate loser paypig
how am I gonna pirate something that is not on trackers, you fucking piece of shit.
pic related.

>but you don't need addons
And my fucking time is worth more than the fucking hours of BS of setting up each time a similar system for free, nigger piece of underage noob.

>but share the addon
No, get a job and pay for the nigger addons, eat shit.
Or waste your time, because a neet time is worhtless.
Pic related.