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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16140028

Catabolic centricity is more scientific than God
>Prove us wrong

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🧵 Is this how you learn math?

Anonymous No. 16139926

>Basic Set Theory and Algebra: Hints on Representation, Topology, Geometry, Analysis

Seems to cover a lot

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Anonymous No. 16139899

>1000 pages long, bloated
>text text text text, no math or science
>"history" sections to bloat it even further
>structured terribly
>quirky joke every third sentence
>(sometimes) emojis, memes, cartoons, "funny" images as figures
>garbage exercises (e.g. copy-pasted exercises like in Stewart)
>lacks many important theorems
>theorems the author is too lazy to prove are turned into "exercises"
>shit formatting

and once you're done, you've basically learned nothing. Now compare that with soviet/russian authors like Landau/Lifshitz, Shilov, Fichtenholz, Arnold, Zorich, Gorodentsev, Piskunov, etc. All of their books are extremely concise, waste no space, make sure to include EVERYTHING, have hard as fuck but pedagogically valuable exercises, and you will be a fucking god in whatever field you choose after going through one of these books carefully.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139841

What are your thoughts on pareidolia?
Seems like a convenient catch-all for inconvenient discoveries.

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🧵 Math conferences

Anonymous No. 16139835

Have you been doing your networking? Share stories of your expenses-covered travels.

I have made it with a woman, sort of, again. Last night, I treated myself to full nude VIP. Cover was $35, and dances were $30 each. A bespectacled Latina named Jessica approached me and led me by the hand to the VIP area upstairs.

Afterwards, back at the motel, I told a guy at the desk, "Hey, uh, cousin. I was wrong about this town. That was awesome." With a big stupid grin, I showed him the VIP wristband and the defense lawyer contact wristband.

In the morning, I attended the last of the geometry talks and asked some of its most competent questions. I joked with several of the younger men mathematicians I had become familiar with: You may have noticed that I am bundled tightly in my Weizmann Institute jacket with the collar sealed around my neck, when yesterday I was complaining about being hot. When we are in less polite company, ask me why that is.

In the less formal company outside, I explained: It's because my shirt smells as if - as if, mind you - I visited one of those gentlemen's clubs. This is not as wholesome a town as the one where I attended the representation theory conference last weekend, and I would never do that in the latter, though you shouldn't take that to imply something. I'm also heating the volatile compounds so that I can release them in the car and savor them on the drive home.

I forgot to mention to them that I could have bought the perfume for myself at a Victoria's Secret. In fact, I think it actually is from there, a perfume with a pear fragrance I remember from years ago.

We of the conference said our goodbyes. As I pulled the car out of the campus roundabout, I noticed a residue on the front of my shorts that I'm fairly certain did not come from me. When I get home, I shall thoroughly sun dry it to purify the rear of any traces of stuff from other dudes without washing Jessica's souvenir from the front, and I shall not wear them anymore.

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🧵 Any physics fans here?

Anonymous No. 16139821

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Jumaro No. 16139809

You thing that it's posible a time machine with a cosmic strings

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139771

Background: Symptoms of primary HIV infection, including fever, rash, and headache, are nonspecific and are often described as flu-like. COVID-19 vaccination side effects, such as fever, which occur in up to 10% of people following COVID-19 vaccination, can make the diagnosis of acute HIV infection even more challenging.

Case presentation: A 26-year-old man presented with fever and headache following COVID-19 vaccination. The symptoms were initially thought to be vaccine side effects. A diagnostic workup was conducted due to persisting fever and headache > 72 h following vaccination, and he was diagnosed with Fiebig stage II acute HIV infection, 3 weeks after having unprotected anal intercourse with another man.

Conclusion: Thorough anamnesis is key to estimating the individual risk of primary HIV infection, in patients presenting with flu-like symptoms. Early diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy is associated with better prognosis and limits transmission of the disease.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139576

Tell me like I'm a small retarded child... why is space- time dead?

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🧵 Planet 9 close to being found

Anonymous No. 16139554

>Last September, astronomers in Japan detected a series of objects in the Kuiper Belt – described by the BBC as a "doughnut shaped region of icy bodies" beyond the orbit of Neptune – that had unusually warped orbits around the Sun. Researchers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, speculated that only a massive planet's gravitational pull could explain these "orbital anomalies", said Live Science.

>Then in February, scientists narrowed down the "likely hiding" place of the "elusive" planet after they "whittled away" 78% of the "hypothetical world's suspected orbital pathway", said Philip Plait in Scientific American.

>If things go at this rate, it might take about a decade [to find].
Quote from 4.5 years ago

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1l-Image-Vyvanse ....jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139551

Will Vyvanse still work if the powder is left out in the open air for a long period of time?

If one were to open a capsule of Vyvanse, pour the powder out, and let it rest on a plate in their room, would the Vyvanse become partially inactive? Would someone still be able to feel the effects if they consumed the powder, say, the next day? I have an exam tomorrow, I had split a pill the other day, and was planning to take the other half today. Took it, haven't felt anything. Need help pls.

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🗑️ 🧵 Do genetically engineered supersoldiers exist? Are they used for beating Putin's army in Ukraine?

Anonymous No. 16139530

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139522

What's this cum shit in my nettles in piss water?
I already changed its water once but it came back

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🧵 Math book recommendation request

Anonymous No. 16139498

Easy to grasp algebraic topology book, that goes upto Seifert Van Kampen and many solved examples of calculating fundamental groups, and also, providing geometric intuition

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139479

how will we terraform mars when we cant even live in antartica? I think all this space exploration nonsense is atheist copium and we will never reach the stars

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🧵 Any reason to start using nicotine?

Anonymous No. 16139448

> Tobacco smoke contains carcinogens
> Vape vapor could contain harmful chemicals
> What about nicotine itself, in a form like gum or patches?
> (I do not have ulcerative colitis or any specific diseases that nicotine is used to treat.)
Are there any actual benefits that justify taking nicotine?

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🧵 What if the universe isn't expanding

Anonymous No. 16139425

but we are shrinking??

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139341

You ever think about how crazy science is? Like, how do scientist do the things that they do?

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🧵 Facts don’t care about your feelings

Anonymous No. 16139333

The existence of transgenderism as an incurable medical condition which can best be treated through transition has been extensively scientifically proven. Brain structure and whatnot. It’s no more “up for debate” than climate change is.

Whether trannies are weird, gross, degenerates is however debatable. Whether it is better to treat them with hormones or to euthanise them still hasn’t been determined.

An important distinction. Facts don’t care about your feelings. The fact that transgenderism is real is objective true, and is not changed by anyone’s feelings that trannies are freaks. However, this fact does not mean one cannot have different ideas on what should be done about trannies.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139293

Medical science isnt real. Its demons all the way down. Yk mental illnesses connect you to other realms:

Autism: spams you with information from all realms. Sometimes makes brain better at handling information.

OCD: serves your brain things that could have happened (related dimension). The brain wrongfully thinks this will happen if you dont do something.

Shizophrenia: positive: false truths recieved from different dimensions negative: energy sucked into those dimensions

Bipolar: alternation between recieving energy from place 7 and getting it taken away from place 4. more on places on /x/ soon.

So anyway there are 2 types of "medication":

T1: every demon gets in and starves after a certain amount of time

T2: the first demon you eat while not having that demon-species in you gets in, the others get tpd back. The demon eats the now empty "meds" (T2s contain food for the journey) if youre still trying to eat "meds" and if you stop he starves.

There are multiple demon types (that each have many species!) that belong in the "meds" catagory:

Anti psychotics: (T2)
The demon tries to block the connection using magic which has many side effects

Ssris: (T1)
The demons take the hit of the connection directly. Their very resistant but will eventually succumb to their wounds, leaving a numbing corpse. If you stop taking it theirs not enough to block the thing so they get thrown around causing a electro shock sensation.

Anti depressants: (t1)
Anti deprassants try to get some from place 7, but it usually corrupts along the way.

You may wonder why nsar tablets are so big
Well thats because theyre so powerful. Mg is acctually a hoax just size matters.

Nsar: (t2)
This one is very powerful as he records ur state in being, then tries to filter out the pain and then he plays it. Since hes a demon he isnt to careful on the filter part. He needs very much food.

Pic rel author acctually took inspiration from irl.

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🧵 How did archaic people eat without teeth?

Anonymous No. 16139264

It's been a while since I had my teeth removed or anything like that, but Isn't eating without teeth super fucking painful when you have to press the food into the soft mush where your teeth used to be?

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🧵 Is Bleach poisonous or just corrosive?

Anonymous No. 16139259

Is bleach poisonous or just corrosive? If I clean a cooking implement with bleach then wash it off is it safe to use?

Pic unrelated.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139255

The black hole is the anus.
The white hole is the mouth.
The universe is the body.

You cannot prove me wrong.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139237

how exactly does serotonin work? why do some ssri like setraline (zoloft) or prozac help with anxiety/panic disorder but some others (citalopram) only help with depression?
google is not helping me find an answer and don't all ssris work by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain? why do some do things that others don't? why do some work for some people but not others?