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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139204

Is there anything worse than being a mathematician?

>long hours, a lot of sacrifice to achieve a position on academia.
>Normies,NPCs, and Women don't care what you study and they all hate math and are proud of it.
>You make a breakthrough in personal research and can't even share your excitement with fellow mathematicians.
>If you do get into academia and get tenure still have to fight publishing papers, egos, low IQ college admin women, etc.
>If you do into industry HR Stacie's and Tyrone hiring manager don't know what math majors do and always pick data Science or CS over you even though you could easily mog most of these faggots.
>Pay is peanuts and have to move around to nowhere to obtain a position.
>You think you're respected but normies are only concerned about the next niggerball or alimony payment. You can't relate to these people at all.
>If normies think it's impressive what you do, they immediately get jealous because their egos can't handle being told they could barely pass Calc I.

I could go on. I mean, despite all this I still play the game like a fool only because I really can't see myself doing much else. Honestly though, why do we have to suffer so much?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139191

I have a scientific mystery for you. I was digging a hole in my garden to pass the time, and finding all the usual stuff like old bottles and broken pottery from the 18th century. And then right at the bottom, deeper than all the other stuff, was a blue plastic bag. Now unless this bag is over 100 years old which I doubt, then how the heck did it get deep underground and below the old bottles? My house was built in 1920

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🧵 interesting math puzzle from university quest

Anonymous No. 16139187

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139127

Why isn't the suicide rate much higher? I don't understand how people can't see that we are all parasites by design. I'm doing a good deed soon and performing extermination services on myself. I'm wasting time in my next life by spending time in this one. We're judgmental, greedy, live for ourselves, I think we're all pigs. We reason whatever suits our benefit, we only do things if we can gain from it, we lie to ourselves, we are never able to experience the experience of someone else yet we throw around terms like "lmao this person is mentally ill" "that's crazy" "what's wrong with you?". Fuck this shit, people innately are parasites. Attachments will fade, my parents just love me so they can love themselves.

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🗑️ 🧵 Prove You're Not Retarded

Anonymous No. 16139112

Reply with your answers below, if you think you're smarter than a fourth grader.

Correct answer is overwritten if reply has trips.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139076

What a fucking retard

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139030

High kike IQ at display here.

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🧵 explain epsilon-delta definition of a limit

Anonymous No. 16139011

i don't get it,explain it to me please
i'm a high school student btw

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🧵 Real number arithmetic

Anonymous No. 16139007

What's the purpose of taking the supremum of the infimum here in equation A1.5? This is apparently supposed to extend arithmetic to infinite decimals.

(D is the set of finite decimals)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138980

Sorry if this is not the right board, but it seems like the best board for this. So give me some of your best examples of fringe science. Doesn't matter the field, just as long as it's fringe and not accepted science.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138932

I can't believe this kind of horror movie level of gruesomeness and butchery is considered "practicing medicine" in the current year.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138886

The mechanism by which the vax causes cancer has now been discovered

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🧵 why cant science defeat solipsism?

Anonymous No. 16138788

why is solipsism logically undefeated and invincible?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138744

Why do they specifically need negro blood if all blood is the same providing its of the correct blood type?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138742

The biofactor measurement of 2 is equal to 3 so how does the aerodynamic within the centre of the scale change?
If the central base of the diameter is adjacent to the velocity than how does the movement become one? The radius must be paralell with the diameter

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🧵 Space and IQ

Anonymous No. 16138714

start off 6ft have x IQ
go to larger planet and be taller have y IQ
y>x probably anyway and so start off genius here you need to go to smaller planet to not go crazy
other issues like what about nanites or animal genetics idk if that was really relevant I think it would've happened already
also what is complicated is that social beings have ranges of various parameters and I really mean a ton of different parameters to consider
also pretty worried about biophages and people themselves invoking AI and animal dna from within labs gone awry or made by individuals so inclined such that inevitably the prehistoric strikes back regardless
it would be pretty difficult to stop a pattern of skim and brim as in the stone over and over
but I guess planet sizes matter much less in variance than star sizes just that perhaps weapons can be used to break up gas giants into smaller planets, but like...
I think something about the AI and animal dna would be relevant sooner who knows?
Also it's probably possible to make brains that literally just grow knowing things already

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🗑️ 🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16138664

Dragon edition

previous >>16136952

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🧵 Statistical Mechanics is the only field worth studying

Anonymous No. 16138620

Much like how quantum mechanics is fucking useless (if left pure it devolves into lengthy discussions about ergodicity) and stops being so after you're introduced to atomic physics, much, if not all of physics, greatly benefits from many body problems.
Statistical mechanics is like a well fed horse with a cocaine problem, it runs so fucking fast you'll never even want to go back to cars, it's quite literally the only useful thing physics has shit out since information theory and that was only collateral, to think you can use fucking ensamble theory to model how bird flocks move is the craziest shit you can dream of. (Cont.)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138587

Does a smaller δ imply a smaller ε in the ε-δ definition of a limit and vice versa? Is this true for continuous functions?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138523

Is it true that everyone alive is technically looking at trillions of planets and stars 24/7 unless they're asleep? Like, behind your monitor, or walls, or earth, your vision is filled with trillions of stars? Isn't that really cool?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138519

Is there a scientific explanation for why events like picrel have become so common over the past few years?
You can't find any similar events that ever happened before 2021, so why did they become so common lately?

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🧵 Einstein

Anonymous No. 16138515

Redpill me on Einstein and his theories. Was he a hack and a psyop or was he legit?

I have reason to believe he's a hack. His whole proof of relativity was gravitational lensing observation during an eclipse, which was measured here on earth, with a photographic plate. Mind you, it does not account for
a. Local temperature
b. Atmospheric diffraction
c. Thermal expansion of plate
d. Photo development technique
One may say NASA has done observations outside in space, but NASA is known to lie when they lied about the moon landings. Quantum theories also blow general relativity out of the water. So what is it /sci/?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138512

is it really possible to be high iq, scientifically literate, and christian (or at least theist)? If you consider yourself one, could you please describe your thought process?

Or for that matter, is it really possible to believe in any non-material ideals like love, honesty, loyalty, virtue, etc? I really dont see how, unless you have some specific "blindspots", or areas where you have chosen to not actually apply your iq and remain functionally retarded. basically any the only valid, non-delysional interal states should be crippling nihilism or physiological gratification

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138508

Hey nerds, tell me about how the stress of too much studying is affecting your mental health.