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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16156264

As far as I'm aware all edible parts of a plant are considered vegetables, be they leaves, roots, tubers, or fruits. So why aren't nuts considered a vegetable? Where is the line drawn? Are there any botanists here who can explain? I've tried DuckDuckGoing it but apparently my searching ability is weak the results are ruined by people asking if avocados or capsicums are fruits.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16156204

Do famous people like Alien with the Mask even remember any science from their university degrees?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16156202

Do famous people like Elon with the Mask even remember and science from their university degrees?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16156142

Is there a scientific explanation for why these two trends were so tightly related before the early/mid 1970s and then because completely unlinked subsequently?

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🧵 Thanks, science

Anonymous No. 16156122

Real reality based system and beliefs you’ve got there

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16156021

What would happen if you cloned a man but you replaced his y chromosome with a second (identical to the one he has) x chromosome? How also would this imply any "natural" eggs (and potentially children) to be? I suppose perhaps a more roundabout question is what if a woman had 2 identical x Chromosomes

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155897

>1% chance of getting HIV

Yet 10-20% of gay men have it

Can someone tell me the math im missing

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155778

Alright what's lab grown meat actually made of?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155765

Is there any benefit to having an IQ over 130? My IQ is somewhere between 160-210 and my anxiety and emotional sensitivity is so extreme that I can't stick with anything.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155743

How do I get into quant/actuarial/financial mathematics and statistics.
I was in the math olympiads and ICPC so I have some idea what a proof is and I've done a few. I studied engineering sadly.
Help a nigga out, please.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155739



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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155689

If the multiverse existed and every variation of the universe existed then there would be a universe where the multiverse does not exist. Therefore a multiverse cannot exist. In a mere two sentences I have completely dismantled the very notion of a multiverse beyond any reasonable doubt. In light of this newfound progression in the field, the time is ripe to draw a line right here and now: we must scornfully shun these cultists and their dangerous woo. There is no multiverse!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155667

I hate physicists so goddamn much.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155641

Why is time travel seen deemed impossible?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155589

if the globe is actually really little then how come the other suns and earths are so tiny when you look at them with a microscope

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155583

Why is math so cray? You have numbers 1 to 9 but why isn't it going further with different symbols? Yet even despite of this everything works. Is it act of God?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155491

I just want to be alone with my books on a few acres in the woods

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🧵 So who was smarter

Anonymous No. 16155428

Rank them in terms of wits

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155414

John Stockton, a famous NBA player who was known for his durability, lack of injuries, and longevity in the league, attributes his health to the team chiropracter working his magic on him. He missed four games over 18 years.

>The Stockton paradox is his remarkable health while openly rejecting medical orthodoxy. Early in his career, it was less an outright repudiation and more a convenient dismissal — “He didn’t tape his ankles,” recalled Craig Buhler, one of the team chiropractors, with some amusement — but as his body began to show wear, he started searching for alternative methods to care for it.

>As a rookie, when Stockton’s more aged teammates lined up at Buhler’s makeshift office in the Salt Palace after practices and games, Stockton scoffed. Buhler worked under head trainer Don Sparks as an unpaid chiropractor. His skills were a thing of legend among Jazz players, but to newcomers like Stockton, it seemed unconventional.

>It wasn’t until his second season, after a cortisone shot wore off and some lingering lower back pain returned, that Sparks sent Stockton to see Buhler. Stockton describes the visit in miraculous tones. “Five minutes, and I didn’t have back pain anymore,” Stockton said.

>It was the genesis of a long friendship between the two men. Stockton would visit Buhler frequently, and Buhler would work his magic — or, as Buhler styles it, his “advanced muscle integration technique,” a form of chiropractic care that he claims promotes the body’s ability to heal itself. “Nature isn’t stupid,” Buhler would say. During the hours of treatment, the two men would talk about their families, their values and their politics.

Are chiropracters quacks practicing alternative medicine or is there actual evidence-based science to their claims? Stockton is also antivaxx so he's obviously a pretty level-headed who does his own research.

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🧵 Lost space website I remember

Anonymous No. 16155401

so since i was younger i loved anything space related, and on the old family computer i used to visit all kinds of different websites...although there was one site that i LOVED that i can not remember the name of at all, i dont remember the exact year it was but i believe it was 2013 to 2015?
basically the home page was narrow and had badly drawn rockets and plenets on each side, the site was yellow and black, the logo was red and had an astronaut on it
the website also had 2 or maybe 3 games i remember

game 1. it was a type of 2d solar smash game where you could drag around planets and spawn in more and collide the planets and spawn in meteorites and comets, it was in the webpage of the website and required no download

game 2. it was a game where you could zoom in or out, zooming all the way in would lead you to a women laying on the grass and you could zoom into her hand and see blood cells, skin cells, veins, ect, zooming out would bring you to the ort cloud system and other things

game 3?. i think there was a game where you went onto the moon and built a lunar base but i dont exactly remember
also, the website had different planets you could click on and learn about, i remember seeing pluto on that site but it was gray and blurred out

this is my first post so i apologize if theres any errors

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155341

Is this true?

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🧵 Ethyl Mercaptan/ Ethanethiol

skunk No. 16155320

Just wondering if anyone knows how to synthesize or procure a small amount of ethyl mercaptan, thank!

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Anonymous No. 16155310


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🧵 Repeated withdrawal

Anonymous No. 16155263

Okay, say you become physically dependent on caffeine, then you stop drinking for long enough for withdrawals to kick in, then you drink it again, is it possible to get used to this and is there any benefits to it?
You hear about "detox" and all of that other stuff where people stop doing things for a few days / weeks to "detox" themselves, but what does the actual science say on giving yourself a break from this and then using it again after a couple days? It's strange this isn't talked about more, is there some kind of neurological benefit or demerit to repeatedly going through physical dependence?