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🧵 Anyone here who is healthy and young suffered from long covid?

Anonymous No. 16155207

I never heard a of a young and healthy person suffering from long covid or any long lasting damage from the virus irl. I heard stories of people getting injured and one even dying from the vaccine in real life but they were also around 40 and above. I checked the news and the kids who are getting long covid are most likely vax maxxed by their parents

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155172

>$6.1 billion for art students
>$0 for science students
how does /sci/ react to this?

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🧵 University Physics vs The Feynman Lectures

Anonymous No. 16155162

Which one is the best textbook to learn physics from as a beginner?

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🧵 Anyone able to leak some final testpapers from austria(*asking nicely*)

just austria No. 16155160

we have german-finals tomorrow and i'm despirate :/ we have one test for the whole countrie so leaks would be for society ;)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155142

Where he fuck is my jetpack, science faggots?

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🧵 New Calculus

Anonymous No. 16155139

I recently got this guy who says that he invented a new rigorous formulation of calculus in my recommendation.
He says that the limit should not be in the definition of a derivative and that mainstream academia is being ignorant
His posts are occasionally extremely funny
But do his ideas have any merit?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155123

Do you see red? Explain this.

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🧵 Sleep Walking Medications

Anonymous No. 16155106

Which hypnotic medications causes sleep walking? I've had an anon on /fit/ tell me that all of them do. Ambien will definitely make you sleep walk (and do batshit insane shit while doing so), and lunesta will also make you sleep walk. A lot of unrelated sleep medications will also apparently make you sleep walk, like belsomra; although I find this highly unlikely. GHB is known for literally knocking people out. People will literally pass out in the middle of standing and just fucking drop if they take enough of it. There's a reason why it's such a popular date rape drug. I find it unlikely that this hypnotic would cause anyone to sleep walk. It essentially turns you into a stone at a high enough dose (3.5 ml or higher).

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🧵 Going from a photon flux to a photon flux after a slit (partial photon flux)

Anonymous No. 16155097

Thanks to the help of an anon (who referred me to the Jackson textbook) and others a few weeks ago, I have managed to express the flux of a bending magnet like so:

[math]\frac{d_N}{\frac{d\omega}{\omega}} = \frac{I}{\hbar \omega_c^2} \omega \frac{9\sqrt{3}}{8 \pi} \int_{\frac{\omega}{\omega_c}}^{\infty} K_\frac{5}{3}(x)dx[\math]

this is expressed in the units of [math]photons/second/0.1\%bw[\math]

With a little python script, I can graph this as a function of the energy. To verify that the equation and code is correct I compare it with spectra (synchrotron sources software).
I end up with the same flux they do. All is good. I have normalised the fluxes.

See pic related.

When I select with Spectra the option partial flux which gives the user the option of adding a slit of a certain size at a certain distance from the source, I end up with a different flux (called partial photon flux).

First, I do not understand this.
I have both the angular divergence and the size of my beam at point 0(horizontal and vertical).
[math]beamsizeatD = 2*D*\tan \frac{\sigma'}{2}[\math] where D is the distance to the source and [math]\sigma'[\math] is the angular divergence (horizontal or vertical), I see that the beam should be smaller than the slit, therefore the slit shouldn't have an impact yet it does.

And even when I take into account the size of the beam [math]\sigma[\math] at point 0:
[math]\sigma + 2*D*\tan \frac{\sigma'}{2}[\math]
it's still smaller than the slit.


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16155052

Co-inherited RCCX mutations from neanderthals gives autism, schizophrenia(?), gender-fluidness, etc.

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🧵 life after death

Anonymous No. 16155047

this is what they have figured out so far about human brains after time of death

Theta waves almost stop after death, gamma waves increase.

Thetas are 3.3 Hz and Gammas are 44 Hz.
Gamma waves are thought of being utilized for consciousness. Thats peculiar if a dead brain is having a consciousness.

Altough doctors cant say for certain Gamma waves are linked to consciousness, thats the best guess according to all the data so far.

Four patients brain waves were measured immediately after they had died for the purposes of figuring out what happens next. Their brains were in good shape right from the start but their hearts gave up. It wouldnt make sense to measure brain dead person who has a good heart, only the opposite.

Out of these four two had rapid increase of gamma waves some minutes after death.

The doctor wrote: "we cant say for sure what these people were experiencing because they arent here telling about it"

People who "almost died" have returned to tell how they floated above their bodies and watched it die but then they were pulled back at the last moment.

But we just dont know if people who really die, have this same out of body experience. They havent returned to tell about it.

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🧵 Reading criminology textbook and the experiments have multiple variables

Anonymous No. 16154946

How is "sociology" science if you have multiple variables per experiment? If you don't isolate one variable, what are you even testing? What is going on? Did I have a stroke?

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🧵 With the recent surge of anti-trans propaganda

Anonymous No. 16154939

Can you guys help us prove with science that sex is not biological but rather how you feel about it and you can change it anytime?

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🧵 Is it a rock or a brick?

Anonymous No. 16154891

Found it on a sand beach in eastern Europe. It's the size of a fist, quite heavy. It leaves marks of the same color. Is it a brick or a rock? If latter, what kind of?

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🧵 Kolmogorov probability concept

Anonymous No. 16154856

Is Kolmogorov's axiomatization of the concept of probability a physical theory?

What's a list of the physical theories?
1) General relativity spacetime with Newton laws and fields like the electromagnetic ones
2) Quantum field theory(s)
Then statistics applied to it (itself making use of Kolmogorov), which justifies but doesn't necessarily give all the models of
3) Thermodynamics
That all?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154762

>we still dont know why the space shuddle blew up
thats scary

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154733

Lab-grown meat is unironically gonna save the fucking world
>meat will become cheaper
>non-meat food will become cheaper (no feeding cattle anymore)
>10% of all carbon emissions, gone
>land cost will go down (less land will be used for cattle and cattle feed)
>no more hunting endangered species for their "exotic" meat
Holy fuck, I would invest all my money in lab meat if I wasn't a neet.

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🧵 can we heal the nature by fucking off for a while?

Anonymous No. 16154632

since time dilation is (probably) a thing, so if humanity discovers FTL travel and decides, as a collective, to take a trip in outer space and leave the trees and animals and flowers and shit the fuck alone, wouldn't nature get more me-time from its own time perspective in our absence?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154612

Why hasn't something like picrel been created yet?
I can't think of a reason why imitation food that offers less energy than it takes to be digested would be beyond our current technology.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154482

Alright this is kind of weird, but what would make non-local FTL impossible? If everybody lived really deep in a gravity well, then had explorers flying around at relativistic speeds to get time dilated and returning, from their perspective they could explore N light years away in way less than N "home years". I get that we don't live in an insanely time dilated situation like the time dilated bros, so you can say FTL like this is impossible for civilizations at "a normal amount of time dilation" - but then you kind of need to define what a "normal amount" which contradicts reference frames never being privileged

Am i just schizoing out?

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🧵 K2-18B

Anonymous No. 16154456

Life on space, or another pajeet quack?

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🧵 How true is this ?

Anonymous No. 16154439

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16154376

S30 LC Edition

Previous - >>16152393

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🧵 Proof the universe will end

Anonymous No. 16154363

because energy in a system is not constant

This is the real model of particle physics:
Three variables:
Behaviors of ()charge:
>it always tries to bind with X-amount of energy which a standard of the universe's creation
>on collision it cancels out with its opposite of the same magnitude
>adds to its own kind when unbound on collision
>when bound repels its own kind
Manifestations of energy:
>matter, energy taken form
>kinetic energy, how much a particle is disturbed
>heat, kinetic waste on collisions, it disturbs a particle via excitation on collision

The making of hadrons:
>()charge keeps encountering its kind unbound for a while and bloats up
>it finally encounters a particle bound to the opposite kind
>it eats up that ()charge and binds to the particle
>does this with other particles and they will share this blob of ()charge, alll touching it like blocks on the stakataka pokemon
Formation of an atomic nuclei:
when hadrons of opposite charges encounter they will bind together, because the charges cant touch each other they cant cancel out but still pull each other close

because the above composition will never be perfect it keeps looking for orbiters to get its charge to 0 or its mass to the perfect ratio
the orbiters are not strictly bound so atoms can exchange them.
atoms can also exchange hadrons, freeing ()charge seems quite hard.