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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205716

>still no practical hoverboard
STEMites are miserable failures

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🧵 did I do this right?

Anonymous No. 16205711

hey, based & redpilled Kansan here. saw someone post a math book chart on /pol/ about a month ago and became intrigued. been teaching myself math from the beginning (not sure why ppl consider those Serge Lang books from the beginning but anyway). this Grade K book has no solutions, tho. please tell me whether I got the right answer.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205638

With the amount of damage done getting this stuff declassified is just about the only way to un fuck everything.

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🧵 Atomic orbitals

Anonymous No. 16205601

According to science, this is what atoms look like. We can't see these orbitals or observe them directly because they are technically "probability clouds" but they are predicted by quantum mechanics. This is science.

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🗑️ 🧵 Climategate - Hide The Decline, Trick

Anonymous No. 16205600

Now that all the sea ice has melted, what was climategate all about? Did they really falsify their data to support claims of global warming (before it was changed to climate change)? For those who never heard of it, climategate was the release of emails and data from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205557

>it's the super stressful "I'm missing/late for classes over and over" dream again, despite being a punctual student with near perfect attendance IRL
When does this bullshit end?

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🧵 Topology Books

Anonymous No. 16205543

This summer I am intent on studying Topology.
I have taken the introductory courses, and am planning on doing a Ph.D in the subject. What are the best books, authors, and problems to work on? What is the best website for definitions? I would like to eventually work on something applicable to physics: models of particles and such. I find Frederic Schuller's lectures on YouTube to be quite good. Let me know what I'm in for Topologists.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205466

Is calorie restriction really the holy grail of anti-aging? I thought it was sunscreen?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205455

>we don't know for sure if anything that's computable can be calculated by a computer because computability is not actually formerly defined outside Turing machines which were created to address this very problem
Mathematics is a joke.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205425

I want to fuck this based milf

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205276

Jesus Christ…

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16205241

Lets say I got an acrylic box i'd like to film, but it reflects and distorts in a bad way.
Are there any materials or material combos (box+filter/lens) that i could use to record stuff inside container without distortions or reflections?
im not planning to do continuous video,but a time lapse so all IR leds and gimmicks are possible.

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🧵 IQ Maxxing Discord Server

Anonymous No. 16205231

Most active discord server focused into cognitive abilities and boosting intelligence proven methods beside informative debates about various topics

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🧵 Philosophy

Littlehelp pls No. 16205163


I'm a philosphy student. Monday I'm having a hermeneutics exam. Can you guys help me?


No porn. No I do not want to kill myself.


No porn. I'm asexual so don't work on me hihi.


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204985

Soience doesn't have an answer for this one

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204968

Is this correct?

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🧵 I NEED to know this

Anonymous No. 16204937

if you were sitting on a planet in the middle of intergalactic space would it be really dark?
the furthest object we can see with the naked eye is Triangulum (the galaxy next to Andromeda) and it's barely a tiny faint smudge to our eyes
but I don't know if that is due to light pollution from our galaxy or the viewing distance would be the same in intergalactic space

if it is the same then intergalactic space would be incredibly dark to us no? almost pitch blackness with only a couple reference points in the form of galaxies nearest to you

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204928

How to start building inference model for sports predictions?What books did FiveThirtyEight scientists read to be able to build their prediction models?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204919

Does anyone else find the concept of scientific referencing a bit laughable?

Lets say you open up a random scientific article. The author says something and then puts a funny superscript or perhaps brackets, followed by a number, e.g. [3]. At the end of the paper there is a list of these funny numbers along with some relevant information like "authors", "publishing journal" and "title. This is supposed to build "science" even though your research itself already proves if your stuff works.

>reader of this article will absolutely not read the [3] but just move past this funny superscript. He wouldn't have access to [3] anyway, because it is paywalled, dates back to the 1920s, or the paper doesn't explicitly say in which part it says so
>author of the article himself probably only skimmed [3] and doesn't have any deeper understanding of it, and he probably only put [3] in there to build his own ego
>[3] probably only mentions something similar to what was referenced, but it is CERTAINLY not the entire topic of that paper, and most of the times not the original inventor of the statement
>even if [3] happens to mention that statement, [3] relies on 50-100 other references. Reader and author never read through these 50-100 other references
>supposedly everyone does their job and does some READING... but nobody will in the history of the universe try to replicate the results of any of these papers. Most of the results were made by one person in USA in 1974 or in some gigantic Institute of China
>it is never explicitly mentioned if [3] is the only and first paper that says this, or if others post different results
>the references like [3] are referenced over and over again, even though they probably already has been generalized or expanded by further research/literature
>it is very important who the author of the papers, and from which university/institute, and who is the publishing journal. but professors just throw their name on 80 papers a year

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204887

What did you study in college? Did it help you get a job?
I studied Mechanical Engineering. No job so far.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204686

>incapable of vocalizing
>Survived for 2 million years
Where did the myth that Humans are "social" animals come from?

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🧵 Medical discovery

Anonymous No. 16204525

How exactly do I go about reporting what could be a genuine medical breakthrough? I live in the UK, the thing I have discovered could be considered controversial, but it could help a lot of people. I have tried to find where I could report this to, but I just can't find anything. Does anyone have any idea what I need to do or who I need to talk to?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204411

Why are Americans defying science?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204370

Scientific communication and outreach to the public sucks currently. What would cure the problem?

Press release? Media distorts the study
Talks? Omit usually key details
Youtube? Watered down and hand-wavy

Nothing at all? Then public doesn't know at all how the taxpayer coin is spent