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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204369

I'm worried I'll eventually give myself a heart condition or death sentence if I drink too much. Last night I went through a bottle of wine and 10 small beers (2.8%), gave myself tachycardia in the process all night long. This happens and I know this happens and it has been happening quite recently, on top of all that I've been told to quit by a cardiologist (even doe she told me I was healthy myself) but I don't know how to finally up and quit it. Suggestions, /med/?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Space+Flight General

Anonymous No. 16204362

pray they don't die edition

previous >>16201928

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204293

Why does it take so much damn money to do science? Like money doesn't just magically make materials appear we have everything we need on earth to go build colonies on mars or cure every disease or build advanced AI robots, but we can't just start doing those things because everybody needs "money". It's not like Money magically made a space shuttle appear, we had the tools to build space shuttles already on earth but nooo those nerds at NASA want 100 trillion dollars to

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204273

What's the deal with his obession with Edward Witten? Is he jealous, holding some kind of a grund? He acts like some kind of hurt lover whenever he mentions him. Maybe he has a secret crush on him?

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🧵 Mac gaming

Anonymous No. 16204204

Mac gaming

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🧵 Video Games

Anonymous No. 16204116

What are some games that make you think and provide a challenge instead of just being a mindless passtime.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204111

Scientifically speaking, what does dancing represent in terms of biological advantage that other things like sports don't? Why do people give it so much importance? Why is it attractive to be a good dancer?
And why do even the most slightly autistic people seem to never be able to grasp the concept of dancing?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204072

btw these large scary math symbols are just for-loops

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🧵 "I didn't have Aderal so I bought Cocaine".

Anonymous No. 16204054

That's how it starts pals. The "scientific" advice on "OCD" is bullshit; no hard drugs like literal amphetamines should be given to kids; just take their fucking instagram away.

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🧵 Wtf is his problem?

Anonymous No. 16204049

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204036

If you picked three random Americans and shot one, what is the likelyhood you shot any bad people?

Assume about half of Americans support torture/enhanced interrogation and/or pedophiles and war criminals

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16204013

Why are so many countries retarded when it comes to nuclear energy?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16203983

if neanderthals still existed would they still be called a different species and not a human race?

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🧵 What did Steven Pinker mean by this?

Anonymous No. 16203949

> There’s no law of complex systems that says that intelligent agents must turn into ruthless conquistadors. Indeed, we know of one highly advanced form of intelligence that evolved without this defect. They’re called women.

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tard jail.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16203916

im scared of math, like it gave me ptsd as a child, i was so stupid. I would cry when i had to do fractions. Now im going to self teach myself through using the internet, if this doesnt work ill quit math forever
Not knowing math has been holding me back in life.

end blog post

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16203894

MOND is finally dead. Even acclaimed mondcels made a paper about it.

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🗑️ 🧵 IQ Testing and Boosting Discord Server

Anonymous No. 16203872

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🧵 Laplace transform

Anonymous No. 16203852

What the actual FUCK is the purpose of this fucking SHIT?
Did mathematicians one day just stuck their thumb up their assholes and said "Hmmm *sucks dick-shaped pipe* elementary my dear Watson, let's make this as contrived as possible for no fucking reason whatsoever"?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16203849

>Biology = the study of living entities
>Geology = the study of natural earthen structure
>Ecology = the study of organisms and their environment
>Zoology = the study of animals

See a pattern here? It goes on like this until...

>Astrology = Batshit insane people who think that the position of the planet Jupiter is the reason why your favorite sports team lost.

When are scientists going to nut up and take back the word "astrology" and not cower behind "astronomy"?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16203804

When I talk for too long (for example in a 1-on-1 meeting that takes over 10 minutes of continuous back and forth talking), I occasionally get a very brief "spasm" (no idea how to call it) where I blurt out a "blargh" (similar to the sound you make when you vomit) out of nowhere in the middle of a sentence and during it I get like a millisecond of a partial blackout (narrowing of my vision) and my mouth opens wide for that "blargh". I started getting this over a decade ago back in college. I never did any drugs and had no events that could cause me brain damage. The "blargh" is not too noticeable most of the time because I learned how to smooth it out and make it seem like a stutter, but sometimes it is quite noticeable. This isn't related to stress or anxiety, it could happen while talking to my grandma over a cup of tea.
Googling or GPTing this issue leads to unrelated dysphonia shit so I am asking here, what the fuck is this? I am only 34 years old, and this started at like 24.

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🧵 DearMoon cancelled

Anonymous No. 16203803

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Hot Beautiful Mag....jpg

🧵 Women Are More Psychotic

Anonymous No. 16203712

When you are emotional, you are less rational. When you are less rational, you are more prone to being psychotic. Women are more emotional; therefore, they are more prone to being psychotic. No, I don't have any scientific studies on this, but it should at least be common sense that more emotional people are more psychotic.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16203701

Ya'll guys always think my ideas are stupid but whatever here goes another one.

Okay, so what this guy says is sound in concept. Obviously it's not going to be nutritionally complete for a human but the website even mentions you should only use it for 50% of diet and then supplement it to the specific dietary needs of the primate you're feeding. Obviously gorillas or even chimps aren't as carnivorous as humans, they could not survive the Inuit lifestyle any more than a humans can stomach any amount of browse more than a salad or the wood pulp they add to fast food smoothies. Different species, different needs, but can share the same formulated base, they just need tailoring.

So on paper, this is a really easy, really cheap way to be as healthy as the exotic animals that zoos have a vested interest in keeping healthy because they're expensive to replace and lucrative when virile.

Here's the thing, there's not exactly a Human-oriented "Daily Recommended Nutrition" label on a multi-species feed that's technically intended for non-human primates. So if I were to hypothetically Return to Monke and try this, how do I figure out what vitamins and macronutrients I need to be supplementing for the other 50% of my diet, and how much? We're different, but we're not that different, there should be an answer to this, assuming I can figure out a way to determine the nutritional contents of the biscuit chow and how much progress it makes towards filling a human's needs. The originator just said to throw some eggs and hotdogs at it, but that seems like a good way to end up low in like, iodine or something that nobody ever thinks about but fucks your shit when you're deficient.

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IQ Nerd No. 16203686

If ur interested in getting ur iq tested by actual certified examiners and boost ur cognitive abilities with the newst brain training methods join us in (active and friendly community)