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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369943

Quantum computing, AI, and genetic engineering will solve everything. We are entering the Age of Intelligence

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369886

will taking testosterone do anything if I already have high testosterone?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369846

Is innovation actually slowing down, or is it just becoming more privatised and secretive?

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🗑️ 🧵 Why Mandelbrot set works as a proof of god existence?

Anonymous No. 16369760

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369619

The more I study ancient shit, the more I realize we're fucking stupid if we think the greeks weren't doing some crazy shit using geometry and math.

Niggas were basically doing scientific research that we didn't replicate until this century.

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16369583

Siphon Station Edition

Previous - >>16367100

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🧵 architecture exercise cut 3d letters

Anonymous No. 16369444

posting in /sci/ cause though architecture is not classically stem, i hope there might be some here, since its geometry.

I used to draw 3d letters with a t-ruler and a simple ruler, afterwards draw random lines through them and start dissecting them so that i can see the insides of the 3d letters where i draw the lines.

i forgot how i did that. can someone please point me to the right exercise from architecture? i wanna do it again.

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🗑️ 🧵 New aether theory

Anonymous No. 16369441

Alright I may have misled you aether anons. This aether idea using the "sine-Gordon equation" isn't exactly new per se, but I still think its worth sharing:

Last time I saw this guy, he was discussing how Dialect was "wrong" about relativity, and how his aether theory wasn't correct. But it appears he has turned around and is now discussing aether theory using an equation called the "sine-Gordon equation". According to him, the sine-Gordon equation not only predicts special relativity's results, but also far flung things like quantum chromodynamics. The future is looking bright for aether theory.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369428

Scientifically speaking, why does kissing during sexual intercourse feel so much better than kissing alone? Kissing doesn't get a girl pregnant, what's the evolutionary reason for this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369412

Computer scientist here. It is really inconvenient to us that you guys cannot just pick a programming language to use. The only language that you mathematicians seem to be able to agree to use is Matlab and TI basic. We don't care which one you choose just please choose a language

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🧵 Untitled Thread

raphael No. 16369402

i took an iq test at a psychologist she didnt even know what the fuck the g factor was

how is this possible? she got a phd from a tier 3 school

shes white and old

is this fraud?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369350

What causes outbreeding depression? Does it happen in humans too?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369285

is it possible to make hiv airborne?

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🧵 Time travel

Anonymous No. 16369281

>Send quantum particle back in time in a way that can be measured
>Establish a code in advance based on the measurements, locations, or frequencies of quantum particles sent into the past
>Hook this code up to a computer to automatically be read and produce electrical signals in real time as a result of it
>Learn to do this billions of times per second
>You can now communicate with the past
>Depending on the speed of this data transfer process you can have entire video conversations even with the past
>The reason we haven't met any time travelers is because we've never learned how to observe the right quantum particles being sent to us from the future

Is sending a single quantum particle to the past the single most important scientific question there is?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369225

This is not a ratio and if you treat it as such you are a brainlet.

This is an operator ("d/dx") acting on a function (y)

("dy") is not a distance because it is not a number, you can not calculate an "infinitesimal" and if you think of it as "rise over run" you are a stupid brainlet, it is an infinitessimal lipschitz constant

I shouldnt have to tell you this, but you are a monkey.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369213

South asia will apparently have the lowest fertility rate in the world by 2100. India is projected to have a TFR of 1.04, which will be among the lowest in the world. After 2050, india's population will start to decline. Interesting

What was india's secret to solve overpopulation?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369133

do you look like a scientist?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369104

what does it mean that the intervals of a pythagorean scale are irrational numbers?

why the musical intervals are irrational?

why aren't they simply rational numbers?


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369102

why do high iq women seem to like me so much?

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🧵 Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Anonymous No. 16369098

I’ve been extremely fatigued for about 3 weeks, often napping on average 3 hours a day. It’s very difficult to focus and this has effectively put a halt on my own Bible study.
I got a blood test and it turns out I have a vitamin B12 deficiency despite eating meat 4 times a week so there must be something depleting my levels.
Can anyone relate and how did you fix it if you did?

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🧵 Methane Pyrolysis

Anonymous No. 16369081

The pyrolysis of methane into hydrogen and solid carbon requires 37.5 kJ per mole of hydrogen produced. That's cheaper than electrolysis of water at 237 kJ and even steam-methane reforming, at 41.4 kJ per mole. A mole of hydrogen can produce 237 kJ of energy when burned, so if you made hydrogen from natural gas, then burned the hydrogen for power, you could power the process of converting the natural gas to hydrogen using that power and have 199.5 kJ of energy to spare. Now, you could generate more energy by just burning the natural gas, but with this method, there are no co2 emissions. Why aren't we doing this? Fossil fuel companies would support it because it would allow them to keep drilling, piping and selling natural gas indefinitely no matter what climate regulations and restrictions are placed on it by the government and enviromental groups would approve because it would be free from carbon emissions. What's the downside?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16369053

Will we see aging cured in our lifetime? How would we stop and/or reverse it?

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🗑️ 🧵 Looksmaxxing "therapies"

Anonymous No. 16369047

/sci/, what are some of the best (i.e. good balance of safety, efficacy, and cost) looksmaxxing "therapies" or cosmetics or whatever.

As in not really expensive shit with a bunch of side effects like surgery and botox. Adapalene, glycolic acid, and intense pulsed light units all seem to qualify; they do a good job of smoothing out skin without costing a shit ton or paralyzing your muscles or anything. What else?

>inb4 biotin

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16368998

Scientifically speaking, why is life so shitty for everyone?
Why doesn’t the universe exist as a place where fewer than 99% of people and animals are getting fucked over?
Is this a universal constant? Wtf?