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🗑️ 🧵 Large breasts genes

Anonymous No. 16578845

Where are the genes in these studies most common?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578811

>scientists find "trash" in the DNA sequence
>well this is completely expected by the evolutionist model, of course trash would accumulate it's not intelligent design
>scientists later find out that the "trash" is actually functional and essential
>well this is completely expected by the evolutionist model, of course through billions of years only that we would have selected only the essential parts
so no matter what result, evolution is correct, that doesn't seem scientific to me

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Anonymous No. 16578809

The depicted graph is made up of six vertices or points, which are connected by seven edges or lines.

The correct way to number the seven paths is:

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578803

When the science isn't good enough.

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🧵 ITT: Post useful unpublished research

Anonymous No. 16578788

I'll go first...
>chemically generated topically applied singlet oxygen grows a hell of a lot hair
>natural rubber-based duct tape has a massive amount of off-label dermatology uses beyond removing warts because it boosts skin autolysis
What else does /sci/ know that Google Scholar doesn't?

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🗑️ 🧵 Exploring implications of speculative scientists' relationships.

Anonymous No. 16578696

Hello /sci/

I posit that picrel is what it looks like when one specific great - albeit fictional - mind has anal sex with his wife.

Can you deduce who?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578693

Are you a math super nerd? Are you ready to become a Calculus alpha?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578649

Is there any science behind telepathy/telekinesis?

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Cirno Grade Cute ....jpg

🧵 Dementia and IQ

Anonymous No. 16578625

I noticed from a young age, from the time I was around 8 to 11, that a lot of old people are really dumb. They often make mistakes and can't understand basic shit. I didn't know that the reason for this is because a lot of old people have this thing called dementia, often alzheimers. I also learned that dementia can be sped up by things like diabetes. Diabetes will make you lose your limbs and a lot of other bodily tissues, so why not your brian cells? I swear, a lot of people even in just their 60s have the intelligence of that of an 8-year-old. You can't explain shit to them, and their behavior is often very nasty and childish. How much does your IQ drop from even moderate dementia?

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Anonymous No. 16578618

Every dentist I've been to says something different.

For example some of them tell me I have to get a cleaning every 6 months, others tell me my teeth look perfectly fine and I can wait at least another 6 months because I don't need a cleaning.

In addition one of them said based on my x-ray I have bone loss and periodontitis, another said I'm perfectly fine

Anyone know wtf is going on??? All of these dentists graduated from the same university

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Anonymous No. 16578552

hm, someone made a tool that matches structural homology with zero identity
>fucks up the current sequence printing industry with another smallpox meme virus
Does make functionally relevant dendrograms useful, for once.

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Anonymous No. 16578551

Why is hot weather more infuriating than cold weather?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578481

My dad's hairline has receded and thinned but he has an otherwise full head of hair with an intact crown, it is impossible to notice when he combs his fringe down and his dad (my paternal grandfather) had a bald spot on the back of his head before he died

Please tell me this is just age related hair loss and not male pattern baldness

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Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16578451

Could it be possible we don't know much about how to control our own minds, and there's more 'at home' things we need to learn. Such as, mind to mind information transfer and mind to mind communication. Perhaps we can perform mind to mind operations to cure mental illnesses, or perhaps create a meta verse using mind internet. In any case, I think we don't know enough but how to control our own minds and need to study this.

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quantum communica....jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578428

>be me
>14 years old
>come up with determinism by myself
>realize the universe could be predicted if we had all the data, paradoxes would collapse reality
>reinvent Laplace’s Demon without knowing it
>death anxiety and existential dread set in
>turn to absurdism to cope

>15 years old
>start thinking about quantum mechanics
>entanglement messes with determinism
>come up with ER = EPR theory on my own

>16 years old
>start thinking about how we could use entanglement for communication
>focus on when particles collapse instead of what they collapse into
>collapse a ton of entangled particles simultaneously, see if it’s statistically impossible by chance
>timing of collapse becomes the information, not the outcome

>someone argues:
"You can’t send info because you need classical communication to compare results, and you can't force a pattern without violating quantum mechanics."

>my counter-argument:

"You’re right about comparing data, but you don’t need to compare it if we detect mass simultaneous collapse. If one side collapses a ton of particles at once, it creates an impossible event. The receiver doesn’t need to compare—it’s detectable in real-time.

Think of it like a light switch—if 100 floodlights turn on at once, you don’t need to check; you instantly know something happened. Probability becomes the message. We can bypass light-speed limits if this works."

>tfw I might have just found a loophole in quantum mechanics
>tfw nobody will take it seriously because I don’t have a PhD
>tfw I have to wait until I’m older to prove I was right all along

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Anonymous No. 16578418

What is biological reason for this?

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🗑️ 🧵 How scientific is ChatGPT?

Anonymous No. 16578406

I asked: "how to drastically increase masculine dimorphism in an adult male?"

>Cold exposure: Take a 10-minute ice bath or shower below 5°C each morning. Follow with 30 rapid hyperventilation breaths and max-rep breath-hold push-ups (3 rounds). Expose your chest and testicles to UVB lamp for hormonal stimulation.

>Workout with brutal compound lifts: Overhead press (5x5), deadlifts (4x6), weighted chin-ups (4x8), and neck training (4x12). Focus on extreme skeletal stress to widen shoulders and thicken the neck. Train facial muscles by chewing mastic gum or raw roots for 45 minutes daily. Use a heavy jaw exerciser (3x20 reps). Vibrate your jaw and clavicles with a power tool or massager for 10 minutes to stimulate bone remodeling.

>Eat high-fat, high-protein meals. Prioritize animal fats, organ meats, and oysters. Avoid carbs entirely except for post-weekly refeed binges. Eliminate all estrogenic foods.

>Afternoon: Smash your jawline and cheekbones lightly but firmly for 10 minutes with a soft mallet or fist to induce microtrauma and stimulate bone growth. Engage in nasal-only breathing during activities to increase nitric oxide production and anabolic adaptation.

>Evening: Perform 45-second dumbbell holds with extremely heavy weights to force clavicle expansion. Use a neck harness with 15 lbs for five 30-second sets, pulling at different angles. Apply 1ml of minoxidil to your beard area and jawline twice daily. Maintain a "dominance posture" by standing with your chest open, shoulders back, and jaw lifted for 20 minutes.

>Before bed: Microneedle your face with a 1mm derma roller aggressively to stimulate androgen receptor density. Take glycine (3g), ashwagandha (600mg), zinc (50mg), and magnesium (300mg). Meditate in complete darkness for 30 minutes.

>Weekly: Dry fast for 36 hours. Monthly: Spend 48 hours in total sensory deprivation. Stick to this routine for 3-6 months for maximal skeletal, facial, and androgenic transformation.

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🗑️ 🧵 It’s science

Anonymous No. 16578390

And that, gentlexirs and genderqueers, is what science is. The scientific method was used in consultation with native ways of knowing to produce a Grand Science. And that’s science. You’re not an anti scienceist, are you?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578370

i'm trying to find a beaker i can buy online so i can conduct an experiment, however none of these beakers measure 333.3... ml, can someone help me out here?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578362

What do you think of the idea that particles are just made up of light?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578354

Why did you try these things in Academic classes?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578350

>How hard is quantum physics to learn actually
>Im a finance student
>Recently visiting my college library
>Seen a quantum physics book
>Looks great can't understand what is all about
>So how to know more about this quantum physics

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578343

Where you an Honors Student in High School?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578331

Is every form of entertainment turning into a slot machine essentially? Loot boxes in games, short form video, news apps (twitter), social media apps, dating apps, image boards.

And does science anticipate the impact this will have down the line?