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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 16:03:27 UTC No. 16579468
A significant number of astronauts spending extended time aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have reported changes to their vision, raising concerns for future deep-space missions. Reports indicate that 70 percent of astronauts who have spent between six to twelve months in microgravity have experienced noticeable shifts in eyesight. Symptoms linked to spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) include swelling of the optic nerve, flattening at the back of the eye, and vision impairment. The phenomenon is attributed to fluid redistribution in microgravity, which increases pressure on ocular structures. While many astronauts recover upon returning to Earth, the long-term impact remains uncertain, making it a critical issue for extended missions beyond low Earth orbit.
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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 15:38:49 UTC No. 16579461
Sperm can reach the egg in as little as a few minutes (about 30 minutes to a few hours after ejaculation).
However, actual fertilization usually happens within 12 to 24 hours after ovulation, if an egg is present in the fallopian tube.
Sperm can survive inside the female reproductive tract for up to 5 days, waiting for an egg to be released.
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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 14:43:50 UTC No. 16579432
My dad's hairline has receded and the hair at the area has thinned but he has an otherwise full head of hair with an intact crown, it is impossible to notice when he combs his fringe down and his dad (my paternal grandfather) had a bald spot on the back of his head before he died
Is it possible my dad just has age related hair loss and not male pattern baldness? His two brothers have no hair loss from what I can tell
🧵 2 ways to get FREE electricity (that you can build yourself)
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 13:28:35 UTC No. 16579395
Let me show you not one but TWO ways you can get free electricity. I'm not selling you anything, by the way, you should be able to build either of these by yourself with stuff you buy from your local hardware store.
First one is just a simple way to apply inertia-based optimizations to a generator so when you connect it to an electric motor, the generator will produce more electricity than what is necessary to keep the motor going, a.k.a. free electricity.
The second uses gravity and fluid dynamics to create a perpetual motion machine that can be connected to a generator for free electricity.
If you're good with mechanics/electronics, you should be able to build either of them for less than $100 and get as much electricity as you'll ever need in your whole house for free.
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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 12:32:12 UTC No. 16579371
This is true Science.
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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 12:25:37 UTC No. 16579366
>we need perturbarion theory for everything in cutting edge physics
will there be a day when we solve qft/string theory/general relativity in an exact way?
🧵 Common misconceptions? Don't wanna anger the anons, are these actual ones?
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 10:54:01 UTC No. 16579309
I could easily, easily put my foot deep into my month here. So I'm doing some thinkin to see if I can remember the better, if perhaps right tho, wrong things......
Can other anons add to these? Is there a general for the lovers of the akshaully to have ready when sparring online?
> Theory means a full body of science work that fully explains something and/or has loadsa evidence chock full behind >it. So should be string hypothesis etc
Theory just means explanation in broad sense. Theories can be obsolete, not even be in this world, and even just mean a Lagrangian to put in the action. It's not cut and dry among the working eggheads. Is this a mid wit one?
This I think came from the creationist- evolution silliness. The God botherers were like "Evolution - It's jus a theory innit".
And instead of explaining to these churchmen why modern synthesis/evolution/whatever is a good theory, the I fucking Love Science Crowd decided to uplift the word "theory" to up on high so that it can't be sniped at and is off limits. "Gravity and falling down is a theory u silly theist". It was the evolution "outreachers" who dropped the ball here imo 2bh
>GPS nav needs Gen Relativity to work or it will be like 11 miles out.
Nah, as one's phone, car etc doesn't have an atomic clock and it doesn't need to keep time with the satellites. The satellites just need to be in sync with each other.
If it was this close, the fact the earth is not a sphere, has valleys, mountains etc,would mean these aspects would screw the measurement up too. Multiplying by constant is not enough to precisely correct for these microsecond coordinate differences. Luckily they don't need to. There's some further detail, but basically I think that's the gist. Correct me if wrong obv.
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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 07:53:33 UTC No. 16579254
I got a paper accepted in a major journal that is basically just stitched-together text from OpenAI 's Deep Research with some tweaks. Is it really this easy to be a scientist now?
🧵 Somewhat recent developments in Kerr/RN black hole space times
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 07:52:19 UTC No. 16579252
I'm tryna get a gist on what the current state of affairs on that kerr black hole according to the boffins' top blackboard scribblings.
So we have the normal schwarzschild spacetime. Here it's just a space like singularity ahead of the event horizon and apparent horizon. Just before hitting this curvature singularity (or reaching it in time) one entire 180 degree horizon is pitch dark and bisected by severely lensesd starlight. Fine then.
There was a ring singularity, inner horizon in the kerr metric. But it was known not to be stable outside the event horizon. Same with charged BH and such horizon.
Here's a good vid of the maximally extended space time, but again, not stable:
In the 1960s Penrose suggested an issue, in 90s confirmed of "mass inflation" that will result in a mix master BKL space like singularity (doing away with ring singularity) and fuck up the inside. Even one popcorn can strike another popcorn at Lorentz factors of > 10^35. More than big bang energies.
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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 07:17:20 UTC No. 16579235
>the overwhelmingly vast majority of our energy generation capabilities essentially boil down to a mechanism that has been around in one form or another since 300 BC
we're cooked
🧵 Male orgasm research
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 05:13:49 UTC No. 16579186
Hello, we are collecting data to determine the main factors for male cum distance, and cum speed.
This is mainly to determine what the longest distance male ejaculation is possible, however, it can serve other purposes outside of this.
The data is being collected just for research and will not be shared. If you choose to participate please answer honestly.
🧵 Physics/engineer bros GTFIH: What is needed to build a radio?
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 04:32:59 UTC No. 16579174
Ignoring all the math, what are the subjects required to understand radio transmission and how to build a radio? I think it would be an amazing project/hobby while learning a great deal physics. Math bases are covered, looking for physics/engineering resources.
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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 04:05:35 UTC No. 16579163
>download deepseek
>ask if it it understands Poincare conjecture
>rants for 3 minutes
Holy crap this is a goldmine
🗑️ 🧵 Targeted Individuals general RIP RD
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 03:44:00 UTC No. 16579150
Whats some evidence I could use to convince my wife the targeted individuals program is real through 14 eyes and beyond and not a mass cult of delusional schizophrenics?
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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 03:36:48 UTC No. 16579145
Whats some evidence I could to convince my wife the targeted individuals program is real through 14 eyes and beyond and not a mass cult of delusional schizophrenics?
🗑️ 🧵 This board is pointless.
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 02:12:14 UTC No. 16579093
Biology, math, medicine, physics, there's nothing you can ask here that chatgpt or deepseek can't answer.
🧵 /med/
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 01:07:44 UTC No. 16579041
Made up ailments edition
Last one >>16558986
🧵 is it true that 99.9% of the stars in our night sky
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 00:36:30 UTC No. 16579024
that we see with naked eye are in our own galaxy? If true, why is this never taught in our normie science classes?
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Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 00:18:38 UTC No. 16579015
Are we going to need nanobots in order to cure aging?
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Anonymous at Fri, 7 Feb 2025 23:20:09 UTC No. 16578978
>its just natural selection chud
>males arent needed after mating and having a bunch of males hanging around doing nothing uses up resources that the offspring need
>Females can always reproduce again and only a very small number of males are needed to fertilise a large number of females
>Evolution selects that which works and dosent care about your feelings
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Anonymous at Fri, 7 Feb 2025 22:04:21 UTC No. 16578851
completely mindbroken by TDS now. every video is angry cat lady rants now. many such cases, very sad
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Anonymous at Fri, 7 Feb 2025 22:01:25 UTC No. 16578847
why is /sci/ the lowest iq board on this website?