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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16580054

its over edition

previous >>16576997

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16580045

is there shit that could probe the interior of a black hole, or does the geometry mean that you can't get anything back out?
like, i get that photons can't make it past the horizon, but would all phenomena that we know of not be able to escape? for example, neutrinos don't react much with matter, is there some sort of "thing" that would only be slightly affected by a black hole?

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the olmecs were a....gif

🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16580042

>absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!

how do we refute the redditor?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16580041

Can you predict how humans will behave just by studying the cosmos while not knowing anything about humans?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579990

Does science make life more fun?

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🧵 What's the argument against math's independent existence?

Anonymous No. 16579955

The response I've seen is that math is just a language invented by humans to describe patterns in nature. While that's true in notation and computation, I'm trying to see how these invented terms don't relate to something that exists non-physically - call it the set of behaviors and limitations that every object has, whether an interaction that triggers one of these defined behavior has happened or not.

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🧵 Won't someone think of the adm1nistrators?

Anonymous No. 16579898

Will slashing government funding for administrative overhead kill Science?

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🧵 WTF? how is this possible?

Anonymous No. 16579897

WTF? how is this possible?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579890

Is a PhD worth it? (Especially considering I might eventually get into politics and run for senator or something)

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579889

Estimate his theoretical penis size. Ill start 100 to 5000 inches depending on the weather and the migrational patterns of komodo dragons.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579884

What did you get?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579856

What esoteric and schizo tier science do you know of?

>A Nobel prize winning scientist who shared the 2008 prize for medicine for his role in establishing the link between HIV and AIDS has stirred up a good deal of both interest and skepticism with his latest experimental results, which more or less show that DNA can teleport itself to distant cells via electromagnetic signals. If his results prove correct, they would shake up the foundations upon which modern chemistry rests. But plenty of Montagnier’s peers are far from convinced.

>The full details of Montagnier’s experiments are not yet known, as his paper has not yet been accepted for publication. But he and his research partners have made a summary of his findings available. >Essentially, they took two test tubes – one containing a fragment of DNA about 100 bases long, another containing pure water – and isolated them in a chamber that muted the earth’s natural electromagnetic field to keep it from muddying the results. >The test tubes were housed within a copper coil emanating a weak electromagnetic field.

>Several hours later, the contents of both test tubes were put through polymerase chain reactions to identify any remnants of DNA – a process that subjected the contents to enzymes that would make copies of any DNA fragments they found. >According to Montagnier, the DNA was recovered from both tubes even though the second should have only contained water.

>Montagnier and his team say this suggests DNA emits its own electromagnetic signals that imprint the DNA’s structure on other molecules (like water). Ostensibly this means DNA can project itself from one cell to the next, where copies could be made – something like quantum teleportation of genetic material, a notion that is spooky on multiple levels.

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🧵 give me a mathematical definition of life

Anonymous No. 16579850

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🗑️ 🧵 I believe I figured out junk DNA

Anonymous No. 16579843

a bit sad I cant prove it

it concerns animals, not bacteria

"junk" is carried around in an event of natural catastrophe that changes the living conditions or in an event of a newly arrived predator that causes the same

"junk" protects from extinction level events

some groups of animals survived hundreds of millions of years...

this is what "junk" does:
>fish evolves into a frog
>frog evolves into a salamander
>salamander evolves into lizard
>lizard evolves to snake, a bird, a mammal
>snakes loses lot of junk DNA and is now what it is, unable to come back as a full lizard
>lizards that are still around today, lost their potential to become birds and mammals while their cousins didnt because they actually became birds and mammals
>birds are a bit of a dead end and cannot change into multiple forms we see in mammals
>mammals carry around biggest evolution potential, biggest amount of "junk"

of course I am only talking about deuterostomes here.. protostomes could be a completely different story, or not.
insects likely came from crabs and then became into incredibly amount of different forms we see today

while snails.. are still just snails, they have been like that for maybe 700 million years

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579837

>applied science

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579717

What is then optimal reproductive age for a human female?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579676

What is magnetic flux and why is it always conserved

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🧵 the quest for best voting system, mathematically.

Anonymous No. 16579588

i would really appreciate if you could work together
for a starter, or just for knowledge even if the topin is not interesting, you can watch this youtube video:

on a mission to the best mathematically possible voting method.
althought im not a big of a math guy, i will try to contribute with the solution.

i think the incredible commitement of the 4chan users will be so helpful, thats why i came here. thank you for your time.

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Anonymous No. 16579536

What are some less known practical things you do to increase brain sharpness?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579535

>anyway I decided I will just buy this 12k dollars equipment just to do this one random silly thing once and then never use the equipment again
how rich are chemists exactly?

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🧵 Inconsistencies in color theory

Anonymous No. 16579530

>People universally agree that the opposite of magenta is green
>People tend to disagree on whether the opposite of green is red or magenta
>People universally agree that the opposite of cyan is red
>People tend to disagree on whether the opposite of red is blue, cyan or green
>People tend to disagree on whether the opposite of blue is yellow, orange or red
>People still believe that white is the absence of any color
You can't tell me that something is not wrong with our current understanding of color theory, fix this shit.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579493

What does pyschology say about people who don't go out of their way to listen to music? I for example haven't went out of my way to listen to music in years. When I did it was distracting and could never focus on what I was doing and if I did listen to music only it would become annoying after 1 or 2 songs of a playlist I made. I have to pretend I like music whenever I talk to a coworker or someone I might meet. I see people who listen to music as very emotionally driven which is a weakness in my eyes. I think there are appropriate times to be emotional but often times its not the case and usually when I see someone as being emotional I see them as lacking in self-control and pathetic and embarrassing and try to forget I ever saw their emotional outburst. The problem that I encounter is trying to connect with women since they are highly emotional and choose their partner based off of emotional response rather than a logical response.

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🧵 Langlands Program

Anonymous No. 16579478

Every mathematician and mathematical physicist should be working on this, because it will open the floodgates to our understanding of everything described by mathematics, from number theory to physics. Hardly anyone is working on it because it's so interdisciplinary, and modern academics only want to stay in their little specialized lane. Langlands is how we become a type III civilization. It should be the singular focus of the entire human race, but instead we're focusing all our resources and talent on building retarded chatbots.

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Anonymous No. 16579471

What are the real odds of humanity unleashing a superintelligence AGI? Or is it all one big tech bro cope? I'm scared.