🧵 Einstein Carter relativity
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 12:12:39 UTC No. 16583554
Doesn't this theory get rid of singularities? Why do we even need a quantum theory of gravity? Just add torsion to general relativity and everything works right?
Why is nobody shilling for this theory and instead going for the quantum gravity rabbit hole? There isn't a single experiment showing that gravity is quantum
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black holes are explained in a braindead manner at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 12:04:34 UTC No. 16583549
are there any other explanations by people for "black hole" than hurr it sucks in even light itself it's gravity is so large that nothing can escape hurr event horizon pulls structure of all matter into small pieces hurr
What about what the matter turns into. Or what goes "into" the hole? It must be particles. Particles only have mass at rest, no? And photons for example are never at rest and their lifetime is "infinite". Except that, blackholes mass => gravitational pull must be made from particles, so they must be at rest. And the only way they are at rest is if time there doesn't pass. Time holes. Blackholes are the "ends of time". I'm thinking particles "crytallize" into one mass at rest which experiences no time and is therefor basically the end in all senses of the word without reaching for outside of the universe stuff.
i got this thought when i saw the einstein intertia thing and thought that if the space station is falling in a straight line (from its point of reference) then the planets are "falling" around celestial bodies and so on. but also the other way. electrons are falling around the nucleus of the atom.
if you throw something into a hole the thing only experiences the force of it's fall once it reaches the bottom of the hole.
i've never heard of these takes and source is literally me last night. why have i never heard anything else except the common explanations about black holes and spacetime?
🧵 why everything resembles crabs
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 11:49:02 UTC No. 16583542
majority of animal life must resemble crabs on the ocean because it is the ultimate form of ocean life
on land, crabs suddenly arent the best option
this is why most arthropods evolve into crabs on an ocean
there is a whole lot of arthropods from entirely different branches of anthropoda who became crabs, they arent related to each other
🧵 Hidden Particle Accelerator Facility
SGO at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 11:20:49 UTC No. 16583536
Years ago I had been told about a particle accelerator that was out in the middle of nowhere, either in the USA or somewhere else, and it was a government ran program that started around the early 2000s. The project is likely where billions or trillions of missing tax dollars went. This program however has no connection to the superconducting super collider project, and was created in secrecy. The accelerator is specifically said to be a synchrotron, and runs on its own reactors for power. The synchrotron is said to be under a mountain, likely in Alaska, or Nevada. Why would they build an accelerator in secret, and what particles are they trying to create? How could a synchrotron be used for anything military related when realistically it can’t mass produce anti-matter or be used as a reactor? Do you believe that what I am saying could be true? Also keep a look out for a post I will make regarding strange black tar.
🗑️ 🧵 "New Calculus"
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 11:14:20 UTC No. 16583533
check this guy out, I love crazy math contrarians explaining their theories.
🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 11:00:06 UTC No. 16583527
I'd like to preface this post by apologising in advanced for asking a question that has probably been asked a thousand times already, but I don't know where else to ask. I don't use r*ddit, or d*scord, and none of my friends are into mathematics.
My situation:
Intermediate Algebra (Blitzer) - done all odds, and all end of chapter tests
College Algebra (Blitzer) - done all odds, and all end of chapter tests
Precalculus (Blitzer) - done all odds for trig only
Book of Proof (Hammack) - 1/3rd through, doing all odds
How to prove it (Hammack) - 1/5th through, doing all questions (found solutions manual online)
My goal:
Precalculus (done) -> Proofs (work in progress) & Calc (I am here!) -> Analysis -> Linear Algebra -> Abstract Algebra -> Number Theory
I need a calculus book that fits these criteria:
- Good for self-teaching, so must have many examples, questions, and answers to at least all the odds, or a solutions manual.
- Some rigour, but not too much as I'm not fully confident with proofs. I do have a little bit of experience with proof by induction.
- No physics, no engineering. I don't care about applied mathematics.
Thank you.
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Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 09:21:34 UTC No. 16583488
What are /sci/'s thoughts on what is life? By Schrödinger?
I think i already asked in the past but I forgot
🧵 Documentaries thread
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 09:04:25 UTC No. 16583472
Drop those good documentaries about nature, science or math. I need some on prokaryotes/bacteria. Cherubs of the mist is a sublime documentary on red pandas, enjoying to watch while sipping on tea and eating a meal.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 08:53:46 UTC No. 16583469
>Asteroid 2024 YR4, which could hit the Earth in 2032, is being tracked by astronomers.
>The celestial body, with an estimated diameter of between 40 and 90 meters, has a 2% chance of colliding with our planet. That's enough of a chance to study it closely and consider strategies.
How could /sci/ save the world?
🧵 Physcel filter
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 07:55:46 UTC No. 16583448
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Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 07:41:18 UTC No. 16583445
What causes rape fantasies in men?
Last thread was deleted for no reason, probably because the janitors gf has rape fantasies with another man.
🧵 Gravitational Prism
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 06:22:10 UTC No. 16583418
Does gravity bend photons of different energies differently? Most sources suggest that the curvature of a massless particle's path is independent of its energy. However, I came across an answer on Physics stackexchange that mentions a non zero scattering angle when considering the gravitational field of the photon itself.
🗑️ 🧵 Gravitational Prism
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 06:15:14 UTC No. 16583412
Does gravity bend photons of different energies differently? Most sources suggest that the curvature of a massless particle's path is independent of its energy. However, I came across an answer on Physics stackexchange that mentions a non zero scattering angle when considering the gravitational field of the photon itself.
🗑️ 🧵 Gravitational Prism
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 06:10:42 UTC No. 16583410
Does gravity bend photons of different energies differently? Most sources suggest that the curvature of a massless particle's path is independent of its energy. However, I came across an answer on Physics stackexchange that mentions a non zero scattering angle when considering the gravitational field's effect on photons.
🗑️ 🧵 Ends /sci/
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 04:05:53 UTC No. 16583361
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 02:09:47 UTC No. 16583303
Why did the machine learning / statistics fields settle on gradient descent (going downwards) rather than hill climbing (going upwards) when the hill climbing analogy for optimization is clearly the more beautiful one?
The idea that the human race conquered Everest, continued to climb ever higher by conquering the moon, then climbed the peaks of the mind is a far more impressive analogy in my opinion
🗑️ 🧵 What are the odds of me going bald?
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 00:23:49 UTC No. 16583240
I've done research into male pattern baldness and I read that it isn't caused by a single gene but multiple genes and that you can get male pattern baldness from both sides of the family and that both sides decide whether you go bald or not. Would it be possible to calculate whether I'm going to be bald or not?
Here is my family history:
>I'm 27 and I have a full head of hair
>my father is 50 and when he was 42 I noticed that his hairline had receded and the hair at the front thinned a bit, he is 50 now and it is still the same with no further loss and no hair loss elsewhere on his head. If he didn't slick back his hair you would not know he had hair loss.
>my paternal grandfather (my dad's dad) died in his 70s with a bald spot on the back of his head but he still had most of his hair
>my father's two brothers (my uncles) have full heads of hair
>my maternal grandfather is bald
>maternal uncle 1 is bald and had significant hair loss by my age
>maternal uncle 2 is 39 and is not bald (as far as I can tell)
>one of my maternal grandfather's brothers died in his 70s with a full head of hair
>my maternal grandfather's other brother is in his 70s and has a full head of hair but it has thinned a bit
>my maternal grandfather's father's hair is unknown as I never saw any photos of him as an old man
>my maternal grandmother's father (my maternal uncles' maternal grandfather) died in his 70s with a full head of hair
>my maternal grandmother's nephew is in his 40s and has a full head of hair
>I'm friends with my maternal grandmother's nephew on facebook and every man in his friend's list that has my maternal grandmother's surname has a full head of hair even the old men
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 00:22:09 UTC No. 16583239
>inner monologue niggas be like
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 00:14:50 UTC No. 16583235
Why are humans so stupid? Why did evolution determine that an IQ level of around 100 was sufficient and not push for higher intelligence? (And in fact, it is decreasing)
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Anonymous at Tue, 11 Feb 2025 23:44:32 UTC No. 16583202
What do you think the chance of non terrestrial life existing in our solar system is? Obviously single celled life is the most likely but what do you think the chances of finding multi cellular life it? What planet/moon do you think is the most likely to have life on it? What would this life be like?
🧵 Why is chemistry not as respected as other fields of science?
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Feb 2025 23:38:40 UTC No. 16583201
This is simply based off of my own experience, but I figured I would ask it anyways. When compared to other fields of science such as physics, biology and even psychology chemistry seemingly is often overlooked unless it is being applied to another field. Even in some cases where chemistry is actively being applied, it is often overlooked (chemical engineers being paid very little and having a very narrow job market). From what I have gathered, most people just dont respect chemists and think "oh, he has a chemistry degree, he's going to be a high-school science teacher".
Why is this? Or have I just been mislead? I have found that in order to actually "be good at chemistry" you have to go into a field that isnt chemistry.
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Anonymous at Tue, 11 Feb 2025 23:33:56 UTC No. 16583197
reminder that an alcoholic factory worker that's on probation and can't read contributed infinitely more to society than a brightest professor
🧵 How to get so good at something you can teach it?
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Feb 2025 23:08:22 UTC No. 16583158
I am a 3rd year pharmacy student who's passed his courses due to YouTube. There's always someone that explains whatever concept in 30 minutes. Granted, sometimes the explanations are oversimplified and the university course I am taking is much more detailed and has more nuanced information, but the simplified YouTube tutorial primes me to understand the more nuanced stuff.
My degree has three pathways: chemical pathway, pharmaceutics pathway, and biological-pharmacological pathway.
The chemical pathway includes gen chem, phys chem, organic chem, and analytical chem, and some other miscellaneous chemistry courses.
The pharmaceutics pathway includes... pharmaceutics courses
The biological-pharmacological pathway involves basic biology, physiology, pathophysiology, pathology, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, etc.
If we were to split my interest in these 3 pathways, I am 70% into biological-pharmacological pathway, about 29% into the chemical pathway, and only 1% into pharmaceutics (meh).
I want to get so good at chemistry and biological-pharmacological pathway that I can literally teach it.
What I plan to do:
>Print university handouts for each course I've completed from the archive.
>Get the reference textbooks that the handouts are written from + the best textbook on the topic as a supporting resource.
>Find the best YouTube videos that explain each discipline.
>Somehow, I don't know how, find past year questions
>Drill everything + use Anki and space out my studying over a long duration of time so I can absorb all the concepts
Is this enough? What else to do? I want to be an expert in what I want to master
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Anonymous at Tue, 11 Feb 2025 22:12:29 UTC No. 16583085
>No MRI scan can "see" autism.
>No blood test confirms it.
>No genetic marker definitively proves it.
Is this the biggest meme disease in science?