🧵 Ultimate Self-Defense Championship Season 2
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 12:55:41 UTC No. 210553
First episode is out.
>What is the Ultimate Self-Defense Championship?
A bit over a year ago, former Aikidoka YouTuber Rokas Leo set up a tournament with a self-defense "academy" to have himself and five other martial arts YouTubers compete to see who is best at self-defense. It was a hilarious shitshow that nearly crippled one of the contestants, Ramsey Dewey who would later get into an internet spat with the guy behind the academy (Jeff Phillips) and described the entire event as "piss poor" due to poor management, an incoherent and arbitrary scoring system, running on a very limited schedule, and timing events terribly (like having a zombie apocalypse-themed event that didn't influence score in the middle of the entire thing instead of at the end or something) and doing comically dangerous shit like making people fight on a narrow bridge a good 30ft above the ground.
Somehow, he kickstarted a second one, which features even less martial arts YouTubers.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Sep 2024 07:05:18 UTC No. 210450
Is LARP considered /xs/? Its got a much higher rate than HEMA.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 22:25:08 UTC No. 210426
No one here has the balls to challenge the floating skatepark.
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Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 07:11:06 UTC No. 210272
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Anonymous at Sat, 7 Sep 2024 14:10:55 UTC No. 210192
How would one go about making a martial art/training a bio engineered fighter that much different than a human?
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Anonymous at Fri, 6 Sep 2024 10:52:14 UTC No. 210046
Capoeira is very underrated and misunderstood, specially by its own practitioners.
>almost perfect use of momentum
>almost complete mitigation of the disadvantages of falls
>lots of unorthodox movements and weird striking angles
>lots of level changes, perfect for transition to grappling
Yet retards will tell you it's just a dance or that it doesn't work when it has historical proof it worked against even armed opponents.
From what I gathered, it seems Brazil doesn't want to export just the fighting side of Capoeira because that would be racist or something. Can any Brazilians shine the light on why this shit isn't being taught in every school like Judo and BJJ?
🧵 speedflying
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Sep 2024 21:03:21 UTC No. 209972
anyone here done this shit before? i first became aware of it back in 2015 and the idea of it made me want to shit my pants but ever since i see nothing but reels on instagram of people doing it and now i know that i must. theres not too much on the internet about this though aside from some training schools, youtube comments and videos that ive found. people saying,"dont do this if you plan to have kids" but then checking the accident/fatality rate of participants and its pretty low. what kind of gear do you guys get for this shit and is this the type of sport you can expect to die doing in reality or is that just for people who are shooting for a redbull helmet, not the casuals?
🧵 How come no one cares that Belal was obviously roided and the UFC is a clown show?
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Sep 2024 19:39:56 UTC No. 209963
And that Dana acts like he hates him to make it look less plausible that the UFC rigged it for him?
It makes no sense for Dana to behave this unprofessionally if it isn't for a reason, it makes no sense for Belal to look like this and run through Edwards like that, and it didn't make sense to have the fight at 5 A.M. either
Social media monkeys obviously act as predicted and sell this chicanery for Dana
>hahaha look how mad he is, he doesn't even want to give him the belt :)))
🧵 >muay thai
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Sep 2024 12:15:48 UTC No. 209920
Why are soys and women attracted to muay Thai
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 4 Sep 2024 19:04:13 UTC No. 209867
What techniques, moves, styles and other details about fighting would you want to see in an action film?
Like John Wick incorporating Judo and BJJ or Silat in The Raid
🗑️ 🧵 /cg/ - Climbing General
Anonymous at Tue, 3 Sep 2024 19:18:52 UTC No. 209791
~~Gri Gri vs ATC edition~~
>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.
>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.
>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).
Here are some useful resources for sizing:
Old thread:
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Fri, 30 Aug 2024 22:34:18 UTC No. 209466
Is Street Luge still a thing, or did it die out on December 31, 2009 when all the enthusiasts died of gravel rash?
🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General
Anonymous at Fri, 30 Aug 2024 12:46:55 UTC No. 209422
Basic brand info for beginners >https://pastebin.com/CxdBGA6W
Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:
Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.
Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.
Thread video:
Last Thread: >>207401
🧵 what slang word am I thinking about
Anonymous at Thu, 29 Aug 2024 04:43:07 UTC No. 209328
This might be dumb but so I was reading about slappies and people were talking shit of course, but someone referred to it as part of a set of tricks that had a name, this style has been getting more popular the last decade. Not newb tricks, or retard tricks, but it had a name. There's another move I've seen people doing apparently called a pelican, where you do a rock to fakie but intentionally step off the board with one foot. And that was also one of these retard tricks.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Aug 2024 11:31:55 UTC No. 209267
Does Dana Weiss pay reporters now?: >every question regarding Jon Jones now starts with: "Yes, we all know he is the absolute best and the GOAT, we all agree on that, but..."
🧵 Skate rant
Anonymous at Mon, 26 Aug 2024 17:22:13 UTC No. 209121
I have a love/hate relationship with skateboarding, more emphasis on the hate.
The highs are not really that high, but the lows go so far that I can't even see the bottom. A 20 min sesh can ruin my mood for the whole day, even leading into the next day, and the next. Yet no matter how much abuse I take I always find myself crawling back to the obsession.
Ive been skating for over 3 years, and don't get me wrong, I'm pretty okay, But not nearly as good as I want to be. I can literally count all my tricks on my fingers. Really fucking sad and annoying.
I've felt my progression recede, especially in the last year since summer of 2023. I used to fly down stairsets and gaps with steez. Then one day i spent like an hour straight trying to ollie a 6 stair that had a weird landing. Never stuck the landing; kept puting my foot out to catch myself. Ever since that night, i havent been able to do a stairset bigger than a 2. That was over a year ago. I can no longer progress it seems like. I've hurt myself so much doing such basic things that my body locks up and won't let me do anything I'm uncomfortable with. I get fucktards everyday telling me to "just commit bro" well it's not the fucking simple. Easy for them to say when they haven't multiple debilitating injuries.
For reference, I've injured myself to the point where it changed the course of my entire life (having to drop out of post secondary school).
I've thought about quitting so many times. But it's impossible to escape. All my friends/hobbies/fashion/ memorabilia is directly related to skateboarding. There's that thing people say, once a skater always a skater.
I hate skateboarding, but I'm addicted and I'll never quit.
🧵 /bowl/ Bowling General
Anonymous at Sun, 25 Aug 2024 01:19:46 UTC No. 208996
Where else would this go? Edition
🧵 /sumo/ Hawaii Sumotori
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Aug 2024 16:27:53 UTC No. 208824
>All the sumo links and how to watch live:
Previous thread: >>202772
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Anonymous at Fri, 23 Aug 2024 02:47:57 UTC No. 208767
Why isn't rabbit punching taught more for self defense?
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Anonymous at Thu, 22 Aug 2024 02:40:16 UTC No. 208669
How do i get superpowers?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Aug 2024 05:53:00 UTC No. 208450
Asked in the Muay Thai thread but posting again since I didn't realize how slow it was. Anyone know a thing or two about elbow strikes? How the fuck did this guy generate so much power in his strike? What would I have to do to replicate it?