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🧵 Design the perfect BJJ school

Anonymous No. 220494

We all have so many valid complaints about how BJJ is run. List how you would design your BJJ academy, addressing the each problem you have created a solution for. I'll start with my ideas:

24 hour access to blue belts and up.

Separated area for advanced members to train during fundamental class times so the entire place is not off limits. Can also be used by members who prefer to stretch or run their own warmups so they don't feel pressured to do difficult warmups when injured, old, etc.

Zero class time used for discussing IBJJF rules and point systems. Offer a dedicated seminar class outside of regular class hours for this if you even want to focus on competition.

Be proactive in making sure members are appropriately matched for drills. A 200lb 40 year old man and a 115lb 20 year old girl who have never met are not appropriate. Not due to sex or age, but body type, and everyone deserves a productive class where they have an appropriate body to work with.

No stripe White belts are not allowed to interrupt to ask questions. But Blue belts are tasked with helping them and addressing them during drills. Can ask individually after class. This sucks up so much time and annoys seasoned members who just want to drill the move.

Adhere strictly to the old school system of promotion roughly based on years in and objective progress unless someone is a phenom for which early promotions can be justified by competition results. If a student is especially anxious and capable perhaps go to a few regional open mats with them and see how they fare against higher belts. Never promote based on being the big fish in a small pond.

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🧵 /pbg/ - Paintball General

Anonymous No. 220387

I've Been Playing For 25 Years But I Stopped Enjoying It 15 Years Ago Edition.

Old thread: >>142716

We're coming back any day now, boys.

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🧵 What is the boxing equivalent of a BJJ blue belt?

Anonymous No. 220196

In BJJ, the blue belt signifies the ability to defeat a larger, stronger opponent that is untrained (or should do, as defined by Helio Gracie.)

A boxers garb has no signals to represent ones proficiency. So what would an amateur boxer have to look like, perform, and demonstrate his proficiency in order for a coach (or an experienced boxer) to think that person could defeat a larger, stronger but untrained opponent?

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🧵 Double end bags

Anonymous No. 220127

Why didn't you fuckers tell me this $30 double end bag has literally no weight to it and it's like striking a fucking balloon and is worthless?
I could have spent $30 extra to buy a $60 double end bag and actually have a real work out equipment.
Goddamn it.

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🧵 /esg/ eternal skateboard general

Anonymous No. 220110

Fandangle edition

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 220100

Does bjj teach you anything useful?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 219949

>this whole board

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 219908

What's the best belt/ranking system out there?

I know some people think belts are useless but they have their pros from a business/teaching perspective for the feedback and the extra money lol Regardless, I am curious, of all I've seen BJJ's seems to be the one that makes the most sense

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🗑️ 🧵 3 SD mogger in the house

raphael No. 219665

im trying to get into lifting this is my current FFMI cuh im a mogger 90th percentile im a true aryan right? please give me validaiton

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🧵 extensive cardio shit as a warmup

Anonymous No. 219650

I have been doing MMA for 15 years, have fought 11 times as an amateur bum and I know how important cardio really is. However, am I wrong when I say that "warmups" before every class are bullshit and a sign of a McDojo, if they are basically a cardio workout on their own AND they consist purely of movements unrelated to the sport?

In my eyes, coaches do this shit if they are either too lazy to structure the class and think about the content, or they are doing some boxercise faggotry for fat soccer moms.
Imagine this: You are a normie slob, no experience, and you have to do 30 minutes of excessive cardio shit that is unrelated to combat sports, like jumping jacks and running in circles. Afterwards, you are too exhausted to focus 100% on the actual combat sport drills, for which you had joined the gym.

Warmups should just be enough that you can perform training safely. Mobilisation, few plyometrics, and then practice the moves from the previous lesson again. That's it.

I would either put the cardio trash at the end of the class, or do it as separate lessons during which you can focus 100% on cardio and nothing else.

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🧵 Drunken bar fight using kungfu

Anonymous No. 219420

Is this legit or just another bullshido scam?

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🧵 Combat sport

Anonymous No. 219383

So i’m 19 and can’t stand my family and I feel i’m not respected at all. I am constantly mocked and treated like a child. What I would like to do is starting fighting back physically. I want to train like a combat sport but I’m not sure which. Any advice

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 219056

I train boxing 6 days a week and 2 an a half hours each day minimum, is it enough for competing amateur?

When i rest on sunday, i feel like i could do much more but with the gym closed i don't have the same will to do exercise.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 218982

In a hand-to-knife fight, is it better to close distance or keep away? If you're in a room with a guy wielding a butcher's knife who was wanting to kill you, would you be better of trying to keep yourself away and kick them or throw far away punches while they slash and thrust at you? Or, get closer to them to control them in a grapple?

I would say the latter, I believe if you give a person with a knife room to move it around you give them a lot of power versus if you stop them from using any of their kinetic power to thrust or slash at you. Granted, you'd still get poked and cut but it's better than having them hit you full-force.

This is all conjecture of course, but what do you think?

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🧵 ARG-ing as extreme sport?

Anonymous No. 218966

(note to mods: so activities here are illegal but Im asking whether this exists, not incentivizing it)
Is there any groups that do ARG as a sport\hobby? Probably they keep it secret but, it seems there's an overlap between chaos Magick in urban centres, underground music (punk, black metal, some obscure electronic genres), militant far-left groups...So far ,by my poor research I know of trends such as:
>extreme graffiti, including dangerous urban exploring, and urban (Clandestine) rappelling
>that sport where you use roller blades in your 4 limbs and slide trough-down speeding cars
>train-hopping (not trainspotting), pioneered in Germany by "youth gangs"
>"expose risk challenges" Bringing a banned item into a place and photographing yourself holding it. Like that nerd with the LSD tablet in Mecca. Maybe Mein Kampf inside a synagogue, a portrait of Bomber Harris inside a Berlin pub, whatever
>crowd surfing, last-hour taking trains or subways, sewer line exploration or abandoned train carriage\ factory squatting ,and camping, etc
does this exist? or am I too meth-headed?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 218923

Can you break your hand if you hit here?

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🧵 Snowboard General

Anonymous No. 218920

Does /xs/ prefer step or strap on bindings? Do step ons work in deep powder?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 218908

Just ate rotten eggs. Time to see how long i survive.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 218740

ITT: we make our own martial art, Attacko, the most effective martial art originating on the /xs/board. Add one thing our more to our great martial art.
>It has to include a gi to emulate jackets

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 218686

>how it feels to run from ski patrol when you're four beers in and they caught you on a closed trail (it's a pow day)

Rebel ski thread

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🧵 Snowboard Lessons

Anonymous No. 218655

Im an AASI Certified Snowboard Coach. Ive taught thousands of people at various ski and snowboard schools in resorts around the country.

Ill teach you how to ride for
>cost of a lift ticket + $50 an Hour
>cost of a lift ticket + $40 an Hour for groups of 2 or more.
>cost of a lift ticket + $50 an Hour + Gas for any skit resort outside of the state of Utah.

Willing to travel to neighboring states. (Wyoming, Colorado)

The trannies at Vail Resorts charge $1,700 for a single private lesson and who sign their emails specifying their pronouns.

Reply to this with your contact info, you will not be disappointed.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 218594

I wanna do no gi martial art but I'm ashamed of what other people will think of my self harm scars on my arms so what would be the right move here?

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🧵 What to do about CTE

Anonymous No. 218338

I want to get into some martial real bad, with boxing my main pick but I'm so afraid of CTE. I program for a living and can't afford to lose IQ points to doing a sport. How do you anons deal with this???

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 218256

Isn't it weird that when you get a high dan, you're too old to beat a young man with a colorful belt?