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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907586

How hard would it be to model brutalist architecture as a newbie?



🧡 editing

Anonymous No. 907525

I'm well versed in sony vegas, know very little in after effects and havent used premiere in ages

how did he do that 'edited by' in the very start of the video?
motion tracking is easy i get that, glow effect aswell, but how does he change the whole atmosphere of the court? thats not color effect, something way more advanced, can someone redirect me to a tutorial or articulate how that was done?



🧡 Where do I even sell my game assets?

Anonymous No. 907496

Pic related isn't mine. But I'm in a really long queue on the Unity and Unreal store. What are some other places I can make a quick buck selling assets? How do you guys make money off this?



πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Please Help OSX compile work.

Anonymous No. 907492

Please Read Image

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🧡 How to optimally merge multiple meshes into one?

Anonymous No. 907491

I've been trying to figure this out on and off for months now so hopefully I'm not a complete retard asking a question with an obvious answer since google has been mostly useless so far; I'm trying to figure out how to convert multiple meshes into one in blender, so there's nothing clipping through or inside anything else. Pic related is not actually what I'm working on but I'm gonna use it as an example since it decently illustrates the same problems I have to solve; right now this is 12 cylinders (8 barrels plus 4 'rings') and I need it to just be one mesh, instead of 12 that clip through each other a bunch. My rough knowledge of this and other digital software would lead me to believe you would solve this problem in one of two ways, but I can't manage to figure out how to do either.

1) You would run a process to add a line to each face at each place of intersection on each cylinder, then delete the newly-separated inside parts, then merge all the cylinder meshes and merge the vertices by distance, to end up with one single mesh. I would just do this without making this post, except I have no idea what that first process is called or if it even exists.

2) I can kind of only describe this in photoshop terms, which is a bad start, but essentially you'd select the inverse (everywhere but the space occupied by this) and then invert that selection, so what you'd end up with is just the exterior surface of your collection of objects, which you could then fill and have one mesh. This is probably just not how blender works, though, based on what I've been able to find so far.

The closest thing I could find at all was a Boolean modifier, but as far as I can tell that only puts 'cuts' into one mesh at a time and wants them to all be closed shapes, which does absolutely nothing for me because I have roughly several hundred separate meshes I need to make into one mesh and pretty much none of them are manifold.



πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 It's called /3/ because you're 3 on this board

Anonymous No. 907457

fug, biz is slow, but this...



🧡 gpu, worst time to take one?

Anonymous No. 907427

Ok, gpus prices chilled, but they are at the same levels as before the pump now.
I don't trust used gpus since they probably were over-used in a mining rig.
40xx series will be launched in a few months.
What do?



🧡 Need to figure out a program pipeline to learn and use

Anonymous No. 907414

I know a bit of C4D and a bit of Blender, and some After Effects.

I haven't touch either of them in years, so I'm starting fresh here. I want to get the easiest/best software sollution going for making 3D VFX / Animation / Particles / Mograph.

I thought of pirating C4D again but available X Particles is for R14 online still, and I hear how the render is SLOW and the program is outdated and clunky now.
And Blender now has "geometry nodes" which can basically do what C4D Mograph does, and it has a particle engine by the creators of x-particles.

So I'm thinking of diving into Blender as my main general purpose software.
then adding these on to learn to supplement it:

Blender (Modeling)
Substance Painter (texturing)
Zbrush (sculping)

How is the UV unwrapping in blender? Does it suck? Should I tr RIZOMUV or Unwrap3d instead?
Unwrap3d / RizomUV (UV Unwrapping)
I don't see any alternatives to animation so I guess I'll go
Blender (Animation)
Blender (Motion Graphics)
Blender (Particles VFX)

I also need to decide on a software to put everything together in. I'm not sure I want to use blender's Evee or Cycles for this, so I was thinking either
NUKE / After Effects (to composite everything together and color correct, add addition fx)
UE5 (For putting together all the 3D Stuff, and additional Particle FX, and their amazing realtime render engine)

I'd of added Houdini for FX but fuck too complicated

What do you guys think? I need a pipeline to learn here
Zbrush / Blender / Substance / Unwrap3D / UE5 / NUKE / AE
seems like a good amount to learn, anything unncessary here or better out there?

I wouldn't consider Maya as it seems too convoluted to learn. 3DS MAX seems cool but autodesk will probably trash it like they did softimage XSI soon also the available pirateable plugins are outdated and again blender cycles is a lot faster to preview things.

What do you guys use?



🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907412

Lets wax nostalgic about the good old 3d Delight days from 9-10 years ago. Everything you needed in a render, it had, except for a node editor. I had to do a lot of programming in the text editor to produce these images, but they still hold up.




🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907409

>tfw with the absence of Duckfag the balance beetween order and chaos has been broken
>tfw Cris has gained control over the equlibrium and we can't do anything against it



πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907381

I hate all of you. I want to kill every single person on this board.

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scrapped princess....png

🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907357

I now have defined my unique 3D pixel art gamedev style chuds.


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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907354

Is it better to sculpt figurines in pose or tpose first?



πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 3DCrush

Anonymous No. 907319

I’m a 2D (digital and oil) hobby artist and want to branch to 3D. 3DCrush seems cool, anyone have any experience with it? It’s not mentioned in the sticky.

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🧡 Do you remember, /3/?

Anonymous No. 907294



🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907264

What's the key to achieving pre-rendered visuals in the style of say pic related in modern 3D packages like Blender? Outside of reducing resolution, is there anything I could be doing to get close?



🧡 Can /3/ make this with 28136 tris?

Anonymous No. 907260



πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907245

What's up guys I'm looking for a team of people who are willing to learn how to program.

I made a video showing you guys how to and what we're going to be doing.

Join us on and join the telegram if your interested

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907221

If I'm looking to make stylized models that look similar to pic related around the 10-20k poly range, would it be better for me to learn to sculpt in ZBrush or poly-model them in Blender?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907203

Then how were the Greeks able to do this?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907188

Can eye tracking be incorporated into sculpting/modeling?


blender man.jpg

🧡 Blender violating their own design goals for Cycles???

Anonymous No. 907178

The official Blender wiki:
>"We do not intend to make a physically correct render engine per se, but we do think that a physically based shading system is much easier to use. With a flexible node system and shading language support, various production tricks are also possible. Not all rendering algorithms must be physically correct, but we prefer to avoid approximations where we can."

>shadow caustics is an approximation of caustics, which can already be done in blender with filter glossy and clamping disabled
>the original principled bsdf better fits the design goals than principled v2, as the latter is based on being more physically correct with less options for physically incorrect artistic choices
>everything else that was replaced in the name of realism over artistic control
Cycles was intended to an artist-friendly PBR renderer, as the goals imply. With that being said, there have been wishes made by the Blender community to make Cycles more accurate. Why do they want a physically correct Cycles instead of using renderers meant for realism, like Octane and LuxCore?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907151

How can I make talking heads like in Fallout? Should I just model shoulders and head? Pic unrelated



🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907106

official 3DCG vp9 thread 6 letter captcha edition