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🗑️ 🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 940614

/wip/ - Works in Progress - Pixel edition
Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: javascript:quote('932540');

List of free resources:

/3/ Discord for those interested:

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940603

Has anyone else tried using the blender grease pencil to try to replicate hard-pixel pencil tool aesthetics in 3D? I've been fucking around with it but it seems like square peg in a round hole type problems keep propping up.
gifrel is what i have managed to make work

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940576

recommend me a 3d modeling program (free (as in foot-fungus freedom)) that isnt too terrible for CAD work, doesnt require years to learn, and runs with opengl 2.1
i need to 3d print more swastikas.
oh yeah and it should run on a 15+ year old potato computer without too much lag, thank you i vill not buy ze modern backdoored hardware.

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🧵 What's good about 3d Modeling ?

Anonymous No. 940543

I've been struggling with a simple assignment using blender for an elective class for almost 2 weeks and I can't seem to care about it or bring myself to learn how to use the tools efficiently, i've let myself do things inefficient and stumble over every small hurdle (e.g. cycles render makes everything black, not starting from a cube for everything, just quitting when it crashes and like 3 mins of progress is lost).

What's a single redeemable thing about 3D modelling or even 3D production in general?? What excites you about this field???
pic unrelated

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🧵 3D point cloud animation

Anonymous No. 940532

I have a 3D point cloud for each point in time of a simulation of a tidal disruption event, in which a black hole shreds up a star. I'm a beginner in Blender and have never really done animations before. How difficult would it be to create a pretty animation of this event like in this video? And how would I go about doing it?

I see that blender has point cloud support but all the tutorials that I found are about 3D scans and scene reconstructions.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Topology General - /tg/ No. 940470

Hi /3/, would you consider this decent topology for a 3d prop? And if not, how can I fix it? I am trying to model a soap holder in my shower for practice, wanted to get your thoughts on how this is turning out. I am a beginner so I'm just trying to practice good fundamentals, please give your best advice thanks.

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🧵 help me

Anonymous No. 940454

how can I fix this face???? I'm trying to make a semi-realistic sculpt of Chuck from the comic series Weapon Brown but it keeps looking nothing like the character. Any tips or feedback to make this look more like the character I'm going for? I'm new to realistic organic sculpting.

I don't know anything about anatomy btw ive just been dicking around until it starts to look sort of okay

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940445

Give me one good reason why I shouldnt return to boomer3d

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

NakedSnail !Z2z9bhNfrk No. 940431

Can you post this to reddit's SLC subreddit this week? I keep getting banned from there and I dont know how to get upvotes. My messege is heavily aimed toward the kinds of white people you find on that particular subreddit.



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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940398

which one bros

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OH MY GOD -- CUUU....webm

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940390

This goes here, right?

(This is early and the mesh generation is fucked up please don't kill me)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940343

what are /3/ thoughts on the kiriko cinematic

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940315

how can I make a model and 3d print it so it fits? I made an airsoft mag (non functional) but the first print didnt fit bcs it was too large, so I tweaked my design and printed it again. now it is too small and falls out on its own. every attempt takes a few hours so I'm fucking mad at that retarded technology and at myself bcs I can't apprehend it

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🗑️ 🧵 Very impressive for 20 year old tech

Anonymous No. 940242

I'm talking about her individually animated ass cheeks. Most games even today treats the ass as one solid lump. And this was done 20 years ago using manual animation. Admit it's impressive.

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🧵 Got one of my first 3D jobs, how much should I charge?

Anonymous No. 940182

I'm converting a 2D logo for a hair product into a 3D logo, animating it so that the guy strokes his hair twice and so that the logo spins, and making nice lighting/etc. How much should I charge for something like that?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940179

Unironically, can you render this on AMD?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940139

Will AI make modeling/rendering jobs obsolete?

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🧵 simple 3d modeling program

Anonymous No. 940113

Blender is way too complex for me. Does /3/ know of any simpler programs?

I've been using an android app called prisma 3d up to this point. Its almost exactly what I need and I'd stick to using it if it wasn't practically incapable of texturing.

I've also worked with milkshape 3d and its ui is comprehensible. So anything similar to that which has tutorials available online would also work.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940090

ayo you telling me these sculpt nibbas just end up tracing fat quads over their fancy clay-brained "mesh"? lmao

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🧵 Dreamwork's Moonray is now Open Source

Anonymous No. 940084

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🧵 these models look like shit

Anonymous No. 940026

Anyone else think this game has really mediocre looking assets?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940003

why is it so hated

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 939971

There's this competition going on for beginner artists only and it has completely blackpilled me. Over time, I've learned modeling, UV unwrapping, texturing and rendering and I have completed workflows before. But my work just... sucks. Which would be understandable, except I've been using Maya for probably over 2 years now.

It's not like I don't want to do 3D or my heart's not in it, I do actually really enjoy it and I want to get good at it. But then I stop and look at my work and it looks frankly embarrassing for someone of my age and length of education/experience to have made and no matter how many tutorials I watch and models I try to make, I'm not improving. I'm not exactly staying in my comfort zone either, I try different features on Maya and learn more about what it's capable of (I've definitely learned by now if Maya seems "inconvenient" then there's probably a feature that does exactly what I'm looking for somewhere) and when I restart a model I fucked, I try doing it a different way, but I literally can't do it. I can have a front and side reference for a character and be unable to model it properly. Just... unable. I couldn't tell you why.

People younger than me and with half or less the experience are producing work that looks like the professional industry stuff on Artstation. I've been reading up and apparently the average person masters Maya by 4 months of use. I mean christ. Am I just sub-zero IQ? I don't want to give up, but is it possible to just be born incapable of learning something? This is the only place I know that'll tell me the unfiltered truth.

Pic unrelated

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🧵 Meme avatars for Vrchat

Anonymous No. 939935

I need some ideas on fucked up avatars I can create that will make people seethe, also feel free to share your creations