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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966456

Which kind anon will be sharing MinusT's Blender course with us?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966413

You guys really need to upgrade your sticky, at least 50% of the links are fucking dead

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🧵 Some ideas why 3D models cant never look like 2D anime.

Anonymous No. 966400

I'm starting to think 8-12 FPS with no interpolation, keyframing every frame and then simply using grease pencil to 2D animate some stuff like hands, face, hair, skirt.

To be a much superior method to animate HD anime girls, over doing it completelly with 3D techniques like Arcsys.

Anime girl faces are just too vital and crucial to get the 2D perfectly done.
That is just a waste of time to attempt to make a convoluted facial rig, over a 2D grease pencil face.

Same for their haircut.
Hands are also another key component to sell the illustion of 2D.

Skirts, simply because of their nature, require deformations that are unnatural to do with 3D techniques.

The rest of the anime girl body, such as her limbs, and shirt and shoes, are usually things that are of lower priority, and can easily be made as 3D toon shading smoth meshes.

But the previously mentioned areas, are usually stuff that the brain very easily picks as clue is a 3D model.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966391

How often do you review your old work? You keep all your dailies, right?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966351

Stock Autodesk products are literal malware. No reason to pay for them, ever.

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🗑️ 🧵 You have no art fundamentals

Anonymous No. 966342

All that fancy shit you have, all the tools you have.

And yet, you are still stuck on the I'm learning to make a character model stage of 3D art.


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966325

>public benchmarks don't even exist for the type of shit you're doing

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966311

How do I create this in 3D?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966268

How did they do this? Are these even haircards?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966252


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966226

You Just Lost your Job, Downloaded Blender,Cinema4D,& After Effect Spent a Month Learning

What would be the first thing you do to make money/build an audience/get clients?

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🧵 "You NEED to draw with graphite & paper to become a good CG artist"

Anonymous No. 966219

This is obviously a retarded statement, but if so many professional artists repeat it everywhere, there must be *something* they're getting from traditional media.
What do you think that is?

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AndyX07FUMO No. 966177

Here is a model I did for a homework

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🧵 Microsoft Rocketbox

Anonymous No. 966174

Microsoft Rocketbox is now available with MIT license! The library of 115 rigged avatars offers flexibility, enabling the easy use of animations

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🗑️ 🧵 Started 3D modelling in sept

Anonymous No. 966138

Whats holding you back /3/?

Follow for more here:

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966131

Can Blender do this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966119

Do you see a (far or not so) future in which autodesk will start shitting themselves and make Maya free for non-commercial use?

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🗑️ 🧵 online 3d art gallery

Anonymous No. 966096

preview of
features include:
>image posting
>3d model posting
>location area domain names (with URLs for sharing)
>live chat
>embedding of external web pages in objects
>hyperlink elements to different locations
>global postings directory
>interactive editing of placed objects (move, rotate, scale)
>post numbers so you can get dubs
>free to use

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🧵 Shrinkwrap preserve volume

Anonymous No. 966092

I've stumbled upon an interesting mechanic involving the Shrikwrap modifier. Maybe it's obvious to some but I've never seen it mentioned before, so I'll show you the thing first and I'll attempt to explain what's going on later.

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🧵 Cloth Sim vs Sculpting Folds Manually

Anonymous No. 966068

I'm in the process of learning Marvelous but one thing I'm worried about is using it as a crutch to make up for the fact that I'm shit at sculpting folds manually (pic related). Is this irrational? Should I git gud at sculpting folds and clothing manually or can I get away with cloth sim with touch ups in sculpt?

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🧵 Thoughts on my sculpt?

Anonymous No. 966052

Been working on this sculpt for a couple of days. I'd appreciate some feedback. For reference: this is Sybil, the goat-bunny-cat lady from Pseudoregalia.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966046

is there a way to rig and skin a character in such a way where the hip and legs are detached so that their volumes aren't influenced by posing? basically i want to pose the legs but not deform the hips excessively, i just want to hide the seams intersecting them.

the reason i wanna try this out is because i hate how volume is lost when you pose legs around the hips, and blendshapes don't seem to work that well unless you make them for every possible angle. is there a metaball approach that can be taken here? or just any way to preserve volume around the hips as much as possible.

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2d to 3d comparison.jpg

🧵 Passing off 3D as 2D

Anonymous No. 966020

I've had this question for a while now, how can 3D emulate a 2D look?
as far as i can tell it boils down to a few things
3D animation feels like it lacks the same kind of coloring as 2D animation and of course that's to be expected but in order to emulate 2D animation i think it would require a different color scheme than what most 3D models have though i can't say exactly WHAT the color scheme should be but my gut instinct tells me it should be different somehow
this is a big one, shadows on 3D models are essentially rendered on their own and often come out very precise, detailed, and rounded
regular 2D animation in general has more basic shading and this is due to constraints in how work intensive it is to produce more accurate shadows within frames
light is essentially the same thing, high automatic detail that would normally not be there because of the extra labor it would take to create it
i think to some extent, a reduction in lighting and letting colors play out on their own would give it a MUCH flatter look especially when you realize that the light will really define edges and geometry
>excessive detail
this is seen most prominently in backgrounds of 3D animation where as 2D animation will sometimes have flatter backgrounds with little details that exist more so for you to interperet rather than so well defined that it is easily evident, the image of Pan is a good example of this with the less detailed background in 2D looking more like a painting that really gives more attention to the foreground and doesn't pop right out like highly detailed backgrounds would
I really believe big companies have gone bland with their 3D models and let the simplicity of everything being done for them take over their little money grabbing minds and letting it ruin the potential for more distinct and recognizable looks
I feel this one can be easily solved though I'm sure to some extent there's things that 2D can do that 3D cannot

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🧵 Looking for someone to make a render for me

Anonymous No. 965945

I need this composition rendered on black background in hi-res.
Free xenomorph 3d models are available on the net, you would just have to place it in this position and render it for me.
Please state your price and a way to reach you.
I need it ASAP, thank you!