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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970812

Refik Anadol
Tonight, we performed at the opening ceremony of World Economic Forum with many wonderful artists! It was very special. We used visuals from our Large Nature Model experiments to bring attention to Nature. So much to share in the next days.

>>he sold his soul

art should be used for good not evil

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🧵 photogrammetry

Anonymous No. 970803

i'm trying to make myself a playable character in my game. you think posing for the cam could work for one of these photogrammetry software to do their work? or do you need like rotating cam and to stay still? kek

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🧵 Face topo feedback

Anonymous No. 970775

I would love some feedback on the edgeflow. Going for something really simple to rig later, no eyelids or nose, but should emote in expressive ways.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970747

how to avoid these gaps when downscaling a texture?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970718

Safe zbrush cracks without any malware?

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Anonymous No. 970687

APEX : Is Maya and blender obsolete now? Do we riggers actually want/need this level of control?

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🧵 progress #1

Anonymous No. 970667

been getting at the ol blendy. pretty proud of the model, it is still a work in progress but for now it will do. let me know what you think /3/

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🧵 NSFW Posting

Anonymous No. 970664

I am trying to get better at posing and all that, I was just wondering, what's the etiquette of using people's models to post to twitter on your own page? Should you ask all the time? What about making a patreon? Can I use them on there without seeking permission or does every artist who uses these models always ask permission?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970599

Can geometry nodes "replace" Houdini?

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🧵 Tankchuds BTFO

Anonymous No. 970594

been trying to do other stuff lately. rate my tank, chuds.

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🧵 help bros

Anonymous No. 970577

I was asked to model pic rel, and for some reason it has me stumped. I think part of the reason is the angle of the image which seems to make it a bit awkward. How would you go about modeling from a reference like that?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970574

How are these topology/texture demos called? Are they all procedural Houdini flex?

I love lookin' at these... I wish I still had a folder of them.

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Anonymous No. 970544

Since there is a fucking idiot lurking in this board commenting on every single post that it needs 'more workflow' I'm creating this thread just to point that out. If mods don't delete this thread, /3/ is damned. If they delete this thread but don't ban that fucking user /3/ is being modded by retards.

So yeah thread about workflow. How's your workflow anons? Does it need more fucking workflow?

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🗑️ 🧵 AI Video Detection Challenge

Anonymous No. 970529

One of Space X's videos are completely AI. Which one is it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970460

>weekly "ITS OVER" thread #42069666
lookdev/texture artist edition

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970435

how do you weight paint the pelvis so the result isn't absolute garbage when doing extreme leg poses? this shit is always awful the moment you pass the 90 degree mark. do i just have to use blend shapes?

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🧵 Making an animated music video in blender 2024

stann No. 970426

continuing from >>958990
As i said at the end in the previous thread last year, i had to go on a hiatus with this project to focus on a video game. That video-game, ironically has also been post-poned a bit, it was meant for Christmas but i realized i didn't have enough time to make it good in time, so i'm hoping i can finish it at the end of this year. But that's another story!

Anyway, recap, i am making an animated music video in blender feat. Hatsune Miku, for a song i created

I'll once again document some progress here for fun, bit by bit as i continue on it.

ask whatever whenever. I am staying on 3.6.5 to not mess up the stuff i've already made,
since the rigging plugin i've used doesn't work on the newest version, and it will be a bit before it's updated

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970405

Is there anything worse than running into a Stash node when you're trying to learn from side?

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🧵 Topo Help

Anonymous No. 970386

What good ways to generate topo models, I see all sorts of tutorials but it they seem to illustrate the same 3/4 methods. Blender, SketchUp, Some paid service, but is there some better way I don't know about that is eluding me. I just want to map a small site accurately because my OCD is kicking in.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970337

Hi, blender idiot here

I've been slowly making/editing an avatar for vrchat where I had to model legs for a body (the original had stupid furry dog legs) and ever since I've been having a lot of trouble with the weight painting on the knees. I've tried all sorts of stuff, messing around with pretty much everything and I'm clueless at this point. As you can see, the skin pinches outwards at the bone joint and even if I add/subtract weight from either bone, there will still be something like this. Aside from sculpting, how do I solve this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970317

Another blog post of a guy hoping to make it.
for reference i never complete any projects cause I'm lazy and I lack discipline, also because I have a day job.
Let's see if I can finish this time, goal is to finish a base mesh with game res and textures, as well as eyes and hair cards.
Also, please feel free to destroy me, I value your opinions.

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🧵 is zbrush good

Anonymous No. 970308

Zbrush feels really outdated now, but the other options (blender, 3dcoat) seem worse. Maybe its just because my ass is 2 years behind on zbrush updates (last pixologic) and its actually become good in that time period?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970241

What's the software used to create these videos?

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🧵 What's the easiest way to model organics (people, creatures, etc)

Anonymous No. 970218

Now to me, modeling hard surface stuff like picrel is at least marginally non-challenging. But when it comes to stuff like modeling humanoids, it's really difficult and can take literal hours upon hours. I'm positive that I'm not the first to encounter this issue. Are there any tricks/tips to speed up or ease the process? (I can't just use base models btw. With what I'm going for, bases will look too realistic and out of place)