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🧵 /space/ general

Anonymous No. 16062583

How do we get around the politically taboo subject of stopping niggers and muslims from leaving earth and shitting up our utopian extra-planetary colonies?
It's not like we can just openly say "no niggers and sandniggers allowed in space, space is a nigger free zone, requires an IQ above chimp levels"

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🧵 IQ tests are meaningless

Anonymous No. 16062567

Everyone is either smart or retarded at something, IQ tests are just pattern recognition and comparing your scores from everyone else based on a specific set of questions. I could be a genius in mathematics but absolutely retarded in history or the other away around. If you get a high score on an IQ test you get an ego boost vur if you get a shit score then you just end up self-limiting yourself.

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🧵 Would it be possible to organically grow meat from soil?

Anonymous No. 16062522

basically modified DNA strand of beans or even something completely from scratch that can grow and be farmed from soil using little to no modern technology. unlike lab-grown meat that requires factories and extra needless energy to grow. something that can be ethically handy in case of civilizational collapse.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062447

look alive janny

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🧵 Absolutely based

Anonymous No. 16062426

Name a more based algorithm than the Fourier transform

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062425

I understood black basedence man was stoopid n shiet when he said calculus was hard

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062394

Can't we just go back to a time when bald white men produced high quality science instead of needing to submit to p values and scientific soiycensus ?

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🧵 Qualia is Real; Souls are Real

Anonymous No. 16062387

I now understand why people have always made the claim "if you're the smartest man in the room, you're in the wrong room." It's frustrating being the singular person within a 300 foot radius with a functioning brain and mind capable of experiences (qualia). When you try to explain basic high school level concepts such as what pH actually is and the maths behind it, you get nothing more than a blank stare most of the time. Some of the more combative dipshits will argue and make up something on the spot despite not actually knowing anything. All they can think is "pH is a number this probe gives you" and nothing more.

I think I know what's going on here. We're infested with NPC personoids who are incapable of thoughts and experiences (qualia). These "people" are actually less than human. If you ask an NPC about the mind, he will certainly assert his idea that the brain IS the mind and that mind and brain are synonymous physical aspects of identity. Unfortunately for him, the mind is what gives us free will and our identities as Human Beings.

They will very commonly ask you to prove your claim that you "could've done otherwise;" unfortunately, free will only gives me forward linear control in the universe and I cannot alter the past. They will ask you to prove that you have thoughts and experiences while being unable to comprehend the fact that these things are all self-evident to the Human Being. The Mind is as fundamental as being itself is. Next time an NPC asks you to prove that you have experiences, ask him to prove that he exists at all.

NPCs -- because they are less than human and certainly unable to have experiences (without a mind, this is impossible) -- cannot feel pain or any sort of negative emotion whatsoever. In fact, they can feel nothing at all. We should therefore treat them as such. If they wish to pollute our lives with their soulless, deterministic automata rhetoric then we will treat them as such.

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🗑️ 🧵 How to make a homemade explosive?

Anonymous No. 16062378

Hi /sci/, /pol/ here! We are trying to murder sheriff clitwood with a homemade explosive dropped on his head by a drone. Do any of you know the way to make a homemade explosive? Please post if you do.

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🗑️ 🧵 New veritasium

Anonymous No. 16062343

/ourguy/ Derek drops a new banger about Mersenne primes

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062322

Post an interesting (to you) math theorem or fact, at any level of obscurity. I'll post a relatively mainstream one
>the continuum hypothesis is independent of ZFC axioms

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🗑️ 🧵 and how do they know this?

Anonymous No. 16062316

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062217

Where are all the Aliens !?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062215

which tunnel is more structurally safe and will last longer, easier to make etc.

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Anonymous No. 16062197

how do i figure out all the math i need to know to study for the ASVAB

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062195

What is time?

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🧵 Math's incompleteness

Anonymous No. 16062189

So we know that math is
1. Inconsistent
2. Incomplete
3. Indecidable
Based on the brilliant works of Turing and Godel.
However, is it possible to create different formal systems based on different axioms to circumvent some of the holes our current mathematical system has? These different formal systems also fulfill the same 3 constraints, but perhaps they have different holes in them in certain places and can be used to prove problems in other places our current system can't?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062183

How do I put a <halt></halt> in the sexual subroutine in my life so I can be more focused on math & science?

I don't want to end the program, I just want control over it.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062175

Why do suicide pods need to exist? Can't you just attach a gas mask to some nitrogen (the exact method the pod would use) and save a lot of time, money, hassle, and resources?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062149

Randomness in quantum mechanics is not the same as free will, is it?

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Anonymous No. 16062125


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062123

>Did you know that [LARGE NUMBER FACTOID]????????????
>Woah!!!!!!!!! Science is fucken' lit!!!!!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062113

Why don't we just make it a standard thing that everyone gets all their teeth replaced with dental implants as soon as they're an adult? Imagine how much money you would save over your life if you never had to brush your teeth or go to the dentist again. Your teeth are all going to rot away anyway over your life so why not just preemptively get rid of them?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062100

is this good for the environment?