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🧡 What's the scientific explanation for this?

Anonymous No. 16162994

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🧡 It's baffling to me: How and why the hell do humans perceive time in one direction?

Anonymous No. 16162991

The brain is made of microscopic molecules. Those don't have a time arrow. Processes at those levels are easily reverseable and random. if conciousness is 100% constructed by the brain and is 100% material, why the hell would we perceive time at all? Literally where and how the fuck does time come from when all the underlying microscopic processes in our brain don't experience a fixed direction of time?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162983

Let's say you wanted to create a formula without using google, all by yourself that describes the grey area between those circles in terms of the three variables: the radii of the circles and distance between their centers. No googling allowed, just using pen and paper and calculator.

How hard would that be?

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🧡 meteorology on /sci/

Anonymous No. 16162952

Can someone explain why /pol/ has better meteorology threads than you fags? There is no reason for their to be severe weather discussion threads on the politics board. WEATHER IS SCIENCE. IT IS LITERALLY AN ACT OF THERMODYNAMICS, MOISTURE, AND OTHER PHYSICAL FORCES.

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🧡 Gather around my fellow neurodivergents

Anonymous No. 16162948

Have you heard about hyper body - hyper brain theory? Does it apply to you? If yes, what kind of autoimmune diseases do you have?

Please take this seriously, as your answers will be greatly helpful to me.

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🧡 Is the government killing women?

Anonymous No. 16162942

The World Health Oganisation's IARC classifies female contraceptives (steroids) as class 1 carcinogens. However, most US health sites downplay the associated risks and complications. Meanwhile, male steroids are heavily restricted in many countries despite being classified as only class 2a carcinogens. Male steroids are also highly effective (99%) as contraceptives. What are they concealing from us?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162925

The World Health Oganisation's IARC classifies female contraceptives (steroids) as class 1 carcinogens. However, most US health sites downplay the associated risks and complications. Meanwhile, male steroids are heavily restricted in many countries despite being classified as only class 2a carcinogens. Male steroids are also highly effective (99%) as contraceptives. What are they concealing from us?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162914

alright guys what are your favorite curves
rules: only 1 equation (or 2 if parametric)

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🧡 What is the best and cheapest way to get rid of parasites?

Anonymous No. 16162903

I have some fenbenzadole but it is pretty expensive.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

really stupid math question No. 16162883

Does β€œthe difference between X and Y” mean X-Y or Y-X?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 You were taught a lie by (((school)))

Anonymous No. 16162791

Negroids skipped an important step of human evolution that Eurasiatics didn't, one very important for intellect. While it is true that the Homo genus is African in origin, Homo Sapiens is Eurasiatic in origin, a most controversial finding. It wasn't Homo Sapiens that left Africa, it was Homo Erectus, which was more monkey than man. Now it's of debate whether Neanderthals and Denisovans were separate species or merely subject to subspecial cladistics, but there is evidence that neither of them could have non-deformed offspring with Homo Erectus. Whites genetically have much more in common with Neanderthals than with modern Negroids.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162785

Can the Covid vaccine be classified as a failure?

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🧡 pandoc advice

Anonymous No. 16162707

i'm using pandoc to convert the george floyd creepypasta docx files to pdfs. i got parts 1 and 2 done (part 1 is the OP image if you want to see how it turned out), but part 3 fails with the following error:

Error producing PDF.
! Package soul Error: Reconstruction failed.

See the soul package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.

l.2419 someone breathing on the back of my neck.}

any advice? i'd ask on /g/ but i figure that the average /sci/entist has mroe pandoc experience

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🧡 /pnrg/ - point nine repeating general

Anonymous No. 16162687

Discuss the properties of the mysterious number 0.999... and its elusive relationship with one. Not much is known about 0.999... and I hope to encourage civil discussion to push the limits of our collective knowledge on this topic.

>What's so interesting about 0.999...?
In recent decades, the study of 0.999... has led us to a number of discoveries and applications in unexpected places, such as differential geometry and combinatorial game theory. 0.999... remains an active research topic and a treasure trove of mathematical insight, but there is still so much we have to learn about 0.999....
Central to the study of the 0.999... is perhaps one of the most important unanswered questions of mathematics: the unity conjecture. The unity conjecture states that 0.999... = 1. As of now the unity conjecture remains to be proven or disproven in any definitive way.
>Isn't 0.999... already proven to be equal to 1?
There are many naive proofs circulating online that 0.999... = 1. But there is still a lot of debate on this topic, so the issue is not settled. Many of these naive proofs have been debunked.
>You can obviously tell 0.999... is less than 1, just by the way it's written.
Numbers are not necessarily as they seem. 1.0 is equal to 1, even though they are written differently. There are easy ways to show that 1.0 = 1, but the case of 0.999... is not so trivial.
>I have proven/disproven the unity conjecture!
Feel free to share your results here, and your peers will debate the validity of your argument.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162672

Do you think contradictions can be logical? what about Paraconsistent logic?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162670

What would be an efficient way of generating an autogram? An autogram is a sentence that enumerates itself self-referentially. Example:

This sentence contains three A's, one B, three C's, two D's, thirty-five E's, six F's, two G's, seven H's, eleven I's, one J, one K, two L's, one M, twenty-two N's, fifteen O's, one P, one Q, five R's, twenty-six S's, twenty-one T's, one U, seven V's, eight W's, three X's, five Y's, and one Z.

Currently the best and only method I know is first plugging in some ad hoc values, and then iteratively updating the values until the sentence is valid. If a loop is entered, the symmetry is broken by randomizing it slightly. However, this method is extremely slow, so I was wondering if there is an actually fast way of doing this.

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🧡 Math book recommendation request

Anonymous No. 16162636

Need a good differential equations book that approaches in terms of integral curves, diffeomorphism groups etc
Like Arnold's differential equations but written better

Any suggestions?

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🧡 mRNA revolution

Anonymous No. 16162616

Whatever happened to the mRNA revolution? After the Covid vax, people were promising mRNA cancer vaccines, HIV vaccines, and all sorts of other wonder drugs based on the platform. Where are they? Has a single mRNA drug other than the Covid vax been released?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162551

What are some of your biggest accomplishments and happiest moments in life?

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🧡 Space aircraft

Kerbal No. 16162515

Under what conditions will an aircraft with ADDITIONAL rocket engines be able to make REGULAR orbital flights?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162509

is she right?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162503

what do you think?

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🧡 ITT moments in /sci/ence & math you "got it"

Anonymous No. 16162465

>covariances are inner products
>therefore Gaussian spaces let you do probability in terms of linear algebra
>isometries let you preserve covariances, so you can construct "white noise" and get Brownian motion and a notion of integration
FINALLY stochastic calculus makes sense
Post moments you became enlightened about stuff

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162463

why do indians constantly brag about the difficulty of their meme exams?
what has iit and other meme universities in their shithole even invented?