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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165516

The US navy wont stop using microwave hearing effect on my skull. What is some practical science advice that I can use to help to defend against this?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165470

Are crackers healthy?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16165415

S26's Last Stand Edition

Previous - >>16163547

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165345

why is the older sibling sibling always smarter
studies say its cause the parents spent more time with them in their childhood but that feels like bs
whats the real reason?
Is it cause our first baby always has more braincells?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165331

What fungi is this? I've let it develop on the leaf
Starts as purple spots or holes on the leaf

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165326

If IQ is 50-80% genetic and IQ has no relationship with race, then why is there still such a huge gap in things like test scores? Is education racist?

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🧵 Why do so many physicists have massive heads?

Anonymous No. 16165323

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🧵 Pythagorean Theorem finally proven after centuries

Anonynous No. 16165249

As the school year ends, many students will be only too happy to see math classes in their rearview mirrors. It may seem to some of us non-mathematicians that geometry and trigonometry were created by the Greeks as a form of torture, so imagine our amazement when we heard two high school seniors had proved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years.

We met Calcea Johnson and Ne'Kiya Jackson at their all-girls Catholic high school in New Orleans. We expected to find two mathematical prodigies.

Instead, we found atSt. Mary's Academy, all students are told their possibilities are boundless.

Come Mardi Gras season, New Orleans is alive with colorful parades, replete with floats, and beads, and high school marching bands.

In a city where uniqueness is celebrated, St. Mary's stands out – with young African American women playing trombones and tubas, twirling batons and dancing - doing it all, which defines St. Mary's, students told us.

JuniorChristina Blaziosays the school instills in them they have the ability to accomplish anything.

Christina Blazio: That is kinda a standard here. So we aim very high - like, our aim is excellence for all students.

The private Catholic elementary and high school sits behind the Sisters of the Holy Family Convent in New Orleans East. The academy was started by an African American nun for young Black women just after the Civil War. The church still supports the school with the help of alumni.

In December 2022, seniors Ne'Kiya Jackson and Calcea Johnson were working on a school-wide math contest that came with a cash prize.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165218

What exactly is doing your job by being fortuitously anti-methodical?

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🧵 Hey, does anyone know if they ever froze any of Kanzi's sperm?

Anonymous No. 16165205

Because he's maybe one of the most remarkable great apes in history and we should probably be trying to make more. If you don't know, Kanzi is a now 40 year old male bonobo that has the most advanced human speech recognition ever recorded. As in we can talk to him. And not in a fake made up Koko the gorilla sense, like he genuinely has a vocabulary of around 3000 English words. He's currently 40 and that's the average life expectancy for a great ape like him living in captivity, so I'm curious if anybody knows if someone saved his sperm or his dna or something because time is kind of running out. Also when you google the phrase "kanzi bonobo sperm" it really doesn't come back with helpful results.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165168


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165151

what would it take for someone in the distant past to realize that the sahara desert isn't traversable on foot?

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🧵 Hahahahahahahahahhhahhahahahahahha

Anonymous No. 16165149

>Hey guyz remember when we said it was fully developed vaccine on par with anything that could produced over years of testing???
>About that...

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🧵 Lock In

Anonymous No. 16165147

I'm unsure where to post this IG here because it's psychology. But I am a 27 y/o m, have severe ADHD, no money, no insurance. I need to 'lock in' so I can get licenses/certification tests to have a better job for more money.
I don't have a job now
>no money.
Therefore, I can't see a psychiatrist for pills
>no insurance.
What do I do? How do I lock in? HOW DO I FOCUS?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165056

Uhhh.. /sci/.. what if God was an AI all along?

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🧵 Does eternal inflation disprove simulation theory?

Anonymous No. 16165034

Does eternal inflation disprove simulation theory? If the inflaton field just expands exponentially fast, wouldn't it very quickly just max out all the computational resources for the simulation?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16165026

Can /sci/ recommend good math apps?

Specifically looking for some where I can do simple practise questions with topics heavier than arithmetic.

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🧵 Erdos Number

Anonymous No. 16165001

I officially have an Erdos number of 2, anons!

Does anyone else have an Erdos nunber?

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🧵 Dynamical Systems Theory and Control Systems

Anonymous No. 16164976

I know we've had threads on dynamical systems and control systems/theory before in the past so let's have another one

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🧵 Concerned Homie Needs Scientific Help

Proud Man of Science & God No. 16164938

I need some help, /sci/entists. I have this friend who I’ve been hanging out with for the longest time. We go out to bars and clubs. We pick up on girls and we aren’t afraid of being called non-PC. We both embrace the realities of the world and the natural order of things. We acknowledge that women are inferior to men. They are weaker biologically and that is how God intended it to be. Women are supposed to be the nurturers and the child-bearers. Men are supposed to serve as their protectors. My friend and I both acknowledge this to be true.
The only problem is that my friend doesn’t completely acknowledge reality like I do for they are a transgender male-to-female person who self-identifies as a lesbian. I tried to convince him several times that this is either a phase or they may be going through some trauma. They were never really abused by their parents or siblings so I have no idea where this desire to be a woman comes from. I also tried to explain to him that regardless of how much hormones they consume they will always retain that biological advantage. That God-given strength that all men were given.

I’m a man of science and I refuse to accept falsehood. You are either both male or female. Males are defined with a penis and females are defined with a vagina. There are exceptions, but they are too few to really consider changing the status quo. My friend always danced around this subject and told me that there is scientific evidence that estrogen could decrease a person’s muscles rendering them weaker than they were before. He tried to show me all of this supposed “evidence” yet it all comes off as some bullshit that the big pharmaceutical companies would use to sterilize children.

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🧵 Amann & Escher

Anonymous No. 16164936

How long will German universities be able to get away with using this for first year students, as their country becomes increasingly "diverse" and dumbed down by design.
(Americans in comparison use elementary books like Stewart for 1-2 years)

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🧵 Is The Vaccine Safe For You?

Anonymous No. 16164836

Now that the dust has finally, truly, settled, are the COVID shots good for you? Do we really need a booster every 2 months? We're up to our 24th booster now.

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🧵 NAC Not Safe.

Anonymous No. 16164819

>Nac upregulates DNMT1

>Myocardial tissue-specific Dnmt1 knockout in rats protects against pathological injury.

That means NAC up-regulation of DNMT1 could adapt your heart in certain conditions or stressed conditions. Like if you took it everyday and got a bad adaptation.

Mixing antioxidants possibly leads to fibrosis and heart failure (DNMt3a overexpression), in the first paper. Specifically NAC, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and Alpha Lipoic Acid (AO MIX). The carnitine increased intracellular ROS.
NAC could help old mice or old people if they don’t have enough DNMT1 expression however.

To conclude: DNMT1 expression occurs during shear stress overload of blood vessels. NAC supplementation expresses DNMT1 higher than other antioxidants. Under normal conditions, I can’t think of a reason to take it (unless I had Covid, or a stomach disease).

If I was going to take one I’d do Alpha Lipoic Acid or MitoQ. CDX2 target might help regenerate. They have lower apoptosis. But still no reason to take them everyday yet.

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🧵 Please tell me the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe anon.

Anonymous No. 16164789

I know one case where whole family (parents + daughter) died taking Astrazeneca. that's why I opted for mRNA.
I even hedged my bet by splitting my shots between of Moderna and Pfizer so the possible (bad) effects average out.