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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16171202

>if you have one girlfriend your probability of getting sex from her on any given try is 20%... so if you have more, it goes 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%.. and if you have six, it's 120% which is a completely different thing altogether

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🧵 Finally got my first job, /sci/

Anonymous No. 16171115

>tldr; was a depressed NEET and did bad at high school because I truanted and hated it
>got textbook recommendation from /sci/ to sort my shit out
>passed entrance exams in my country (germoney) to get into uni
>used /sci/ often for help
>graduated with bachelors in engineering
>got a good job
Feels good man.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16171103

Have we discovered any material in space that isn't found on Earth?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16171093

This will be Mars in your lifetime.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16171092

how come everyone didn't disappear in cloud of blue steam in 1989?

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🧵 Could Pseudo-3D rendering work

Anonymous No. 16171056

Just a stoner thought I have had for a while. Would it be possible to create a photorealistic” 3D” animated film without actually rendering. All footage of things, live action, or 3D, is displayed digitally as being composed of pixels, which are squares of a single color. If you knew where to put each pixel, hypothetically you could and also made sure they properly conveyed depth you could create a photorealistic 3D image without having to render anything in 3D software. Further more you could stitch together a series of these flat 3D images and make the next frames if you kept track of where pixels would go (an informational map of the parts of an image if it was brought into 3 dimensions, perhaps generated by AI) when they disappear and know which ones should appear when another part of an object is shown, allowing an animation to be created. This is similar to how the original Doom game was rendered, a strip of 2D images that displayed a part of the strip when a coordinate on the level was put in through movement. While generating these images would be hard, it would allow entire films “live action” films to be made with nothing being filmed.

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🧵 Is understanding the geometric distribution too hard for you anon?

Anonymous No. 16171035

Andrew TrannyMan is an associate professor (aka tenured) in Neuroscience at Stanford and he couldn't wrap his head around it.
Why do "The Science" full of low IQ retards like this?
Do we need an IQ tests or some other kind of standardized assessment so we don't have morons masquerading as intellectuals running the scientism church?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16171011

How would have things changed for humanity if Mars and Venus were as habitable as Earth?

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🧵 Favorite fobia?

Anonymous No. 16170987

> Aibohphobia - fear of palindromes

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170954

So 7 Dyson objects out of a survey of 5,000,000 objects have been found, suggesting a weak version of the rare Earth hypothesis and dumb luck, is our Fermi paradox solution.

Thus, we are likely to have an encounter with a more advanced civilization, before the end of our civilization.

Let's hope they're friendly historians, willing to bottle us up.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170952

Name a greater filter.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170883

Is NASA retarded or some shit?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170872

I'm looking for methods of finding peaks and valleys in a histogram. The simplest way is to check if a bin is higher or lower than its n adjacent bins. I'm wondering if there are any other methods, and if there are any books on this. Thanks for the help!

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🧵 Wegovy/Ozempic talk

Anonymous No. 16170856

Just wondering if it is "unhealthy"?
Is it really just miracle drug?
Ss the yoyo effect guaranteed after you stop taking it?
Do you think there are side effects which might surprise us?
Should fatties actually use it to lose weight faster? (because well being fat is unhealthy so maybe that's a good fast escape route).
Will it have an meaningful impact on society?

I am not even fat or considering to take it but I just find it interesting /sci topic.

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🧵 PLease Help me!

Anonymous No. 16170822

\I am trying to find the exact date of 'old beltane' for the month of may 2024. it is when the earth is exactly between the equinox and solstice but i don't know how to calculate that. i tried using software but it is really confusing. can some math wiz just figure this out for me? im a girl if that matters. ill send you some panty pics or something if you help me lol and no that isnt me in the image but i am pretty cute

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170798

Rare events do not become commonplace just because you can predict it accurately.

If every day is doomsday may be you are not a prophet.

If your macroeconomics guru keeps predicting recession every day, and it rarely happens, perhaps you should find a new guru.

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🧵 Ingredient Cost Control Equation

Anonymous No. 16170738

Not a math student so I need advice, What are some mathematical equations or concepts I can learn about to make the addition of non essential ingredients optimal in such a way I get the most bang for my buck in the making of a beverage?

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🧵 Need Clarification About Vaccine Immune Exhaustion For Sci-Fi Book

Anonymous No. 16170736

I tried posting this question on reddit, but the filter INSTANTLY took it down. So I'll try here.

I am writing a science fiction book, and I need medical professionals to tell me if my understanding is correct.

It's set in the far future where humans have spread throughout the galaxy, and no longer inhabit Earth. There is a scene where they discuss how the main character, who comes from the present day Earth, probably has a more adaptive (not resilient, but adaptive) immune system than people in the future due to excessive reliance on vaccination in the future. Because each world has new pathogens which have evolved along entirely different paths, Humanity has adopted an overreliance on vaccines due to the adoption of mass interstellar travel. Whereas now, we might take a handful of vaccines during our lifetimes. In the future, they might take hundreds, possibly thousands. This has caused a widespread pseudo-immune exhaustion amongst humans, and a degradation of immunological memory. While the vaccines protect them from specific diseases, they have become somewhat more susceptible to pathogens prone to mutation, such as common illnesses and infections.

While this is not a focal point of the story, I did do legitimate research for this. But the research papers were so dry I'm not 100% that my understanding is accurate. I just want to know if this hypothetical scenario is plausible, or if I'm talking out of my ass.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170689

Why is intelligence an evolutionary disadvantage in the Homo sapiens species?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170643

What if there is only one atom at the center of the universe and all other atoms are just reflections of this single atom?

This is too advanced to this board and even to modern science. But know you know.

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🧵 Is this thing legit or not?

Anonymous No. 16170637

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170526

How much of so-called mental illness is made up?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170427

is /sci/ not worried about the northern lights being visible much further south than usual? this shouldn't be happening

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16170323

>Science is well-adopted
I’m confused