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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16192034

Will ai save humanity or destroy humanity?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16192022

How did environmentalism get hijacked by energy tycoons so all everyone ever talks about is CO2 emissions and climate change, but everybody conveniently forgot about deforestation, ocean pollution and light pollution?

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🧵 tinnitus

Anonymous No. 16191971

i don't know where to post this. i was busy talking shit about headphones and then things got too real with anons describing their experience with tinnitus. i never took it seriously and i think i made fun of someone asking me if it was necessary for my laptop fan to be that loud because it was exacerbating his tinnitus
so without going too ot in that thread i learned that tinnitus is similar to a loud brain thought but it's persistent and won't go away. it sounds real even if it isn't. it can be agitated by sounds that are mostly normal. it wasn't clear if anything other than 'focusing' could calm it.
so my questions are these especially if you have tinnitus. do you think there's any relation between it and an intrusive thought? if you follow the normal recommendation for those you get out of your mind and into your body. have you tried brain improving supps like lions mane? have you tried brain killing supps like alcohol to maybe kill the annoying part of your brain? does anything work?
to save you the effort hd560s and a decent dac like a g3 are probably the lowest cost premium experience and anything more is jerking off or niche preference.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191961

Are there any good collections of exercises for Euclid's Elements of Geometry?

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🧵 The Science of Suicide

Anonymous No. 16191940

Evolutionary speaking It's tough for someone to kill himself because of our survival instinct, What's the mentality that someone should have to commit suicide easily? and what are some good ways to leave without pain?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191936

What will the average IQ be in 2124 if it was measured using the 2024 scale?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191880

Does brain size matter?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191854

Whats the deal on the new cardiovascular kidney metabolic syndrome?

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🧵 Baby wake up new feminist metoo pseudophysicist video just dropped.

Anonymous No. 16191796

But she's right about dark matter you know.

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🧵 The Universe was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.

Anonymous No. 16191786

Nothing will be left

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191771

is it true that engineers, physicists, and mathematicians all have quirks and are a bit weird? have you met people like this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon, King of Sci/Put your name as Knight of Barkon to worship No. 16191658

Can we change the future indirectly by focusing on the future and our position, and acting out of order, thus changing the events that come after? Or is it determined prior? If so, how? If no good answer, it's stalemate. Kys fags.

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🧵 Interpretation Probability Density Unbound States

Anonymous No. 16191634

What can I use the probability density of an unbound state for or how can I interpret it?
(Pic related: Plane wave hitting the potential step)

For bound states, I can integrate the probability density over a certain interval (when in 1d) and it yields the probability of measuring a particle there. This makes sense to me. Is there something similar for the unbound state?

Also, since I think this is related, why do bound states have to be normalised and unbound states not? It is often used to get rid of exponential terms in the ansatz, since they would blow up in infinity. This hower is only applied for areas, where energy is smaller than the maximum of the potential.

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🧵 End of White race

Anonymous No. 16191587

Since the Industrial Revolution, average IQ of whites have been declining rapidly due to the low birth rate of intelligent upper-class and middle-class and high fertility of the lower class. Before the Industrial Revolution, the childhood mortality was 50% but nowadays, childhood mortality is below 1%. In America, intelligence and fertility are correlated at -0.006 among men and -0.196 among women. This decline in intelligence due to differing fertility among classes is called ‘the Woodley Effect’, named after a Scottish baron named Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie. According to Roger Pearson, an English scientist, the average IQ of Asians surpassed that of Whites around year 1900, the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century.

In the 1700s, the English were the race that is 2nd most intelligent, next only to Jews. However, according to Bruce Charlton, English average IQ declined by 30 pts since the Georgian period. According to Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie, English IQ declined by 13.35 points between 1889 and 2004. ( Woodley also claims that England is the nation in Europe with the most rapid IQ decline with loss of 1.26 pts IQ per decade. According to Richard Lynn, a Scot from Edinburgh, the average English IQ will hit 87 by the end of this century. However, Edward Dutton disagrees and claims that English average IQ will hit 85 by the end of the century.

Germany was a latecomer to Industrial Revolution. Because Germans were less affected by Industrial Revolution, their intelligence eventually surpassed that of the French and English. It is estimated that Germans had average IQ of 120-115 in 1870s, the golden age of Prussia. Germans remained as the 2nd most intelligent race after Jews till mid 1900s. Since the mid 1900s, it was the Koreans who became the 2nd most intelligent race after Jews. In 1960, the average German IQ was 105, but it was 102 in 1990, and 99 in 2020.

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🧵 Explosion at the McGregor Test Stand

Anonymous No. 16191586

>reliability issues with the raptor engine has been solv-

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🧵 Beam.

Anonymous No. 16191572

How do I measure the beam for the shower curtain.

Im not an entomologist but I think it's 2πr/4? Is that correct?

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🧵 A Difficult Math Problem

Mathanon No. 16191535

Hello anons of /sci/, there is this math question that I've been trying to answer for the longest time and I wanted to see if any of you were smart enough to solve it.

The problem in question is the following: "Are there infinite positive integers that are not the solution to 'abs(6ab)+a+b' being a and b two integers different from 0?"

For example, 13 is abs(6*2*-1)+2-1 but 7 cannot be obtained from that formula. To solve this problem, you have to either prove that there are infinite numbers like 7 or that there aren't.

I have been trying to solve this problem on and off for a few years, and I want to see if there's someone here capable of doing it. If you give me a proof, you will have my deepest gratitude.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191483

>Only Nobel prize winners tested had 120s IQs
>Only US presidents tested (Bush and JFK) had ~119 IQs
Why do incels circlejerk IQ so much? How many historical figures had tested above 130?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191436

Does it bother you that we will never escape this planet?

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🧵 Where do i go from here?

Anonymous No. 16191405

Anons i need help, i've switched majors recently, from math to physics. I'm looking for subjects to study on my own. I've alredy done ALL calculus classes (1, 2, 3 and 4), differential equations, linear algebra and i'm studying python on my own, i'm beggining physics now (basic stuff at least for now, it's like i'm starting college again). Where do i go next? Pic is of some books from my collection.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191385

An m-zombie (mathematical zombie) is someone who thinks the axioms of ZFC are true but interprets them as being about a countable model of ZFC. A mathematical zombie will defend the theorem that "the real numbers are uncountable," but what he envisions in his mind when he says "real numbers" is a countable set. How many m-zombies are posting on /sci/ right now?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191357

What is the optimal equation for academic instutitions to produce safe and competent medical practitioners?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191312

Why can't some problems be solved analytically? What makes certain problems difficult or impossible to solve beyond numeric approximation?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191290

Let's finish this once and for all. How the fuck does revealing one door alter the probability of winning?