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🗑️ 🧵 In this moment, I am euphoric.

Anonymous No. 16191285

Just to be clear, I'm not a professional "quote maker". I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence." - Aalewis


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Anonymous No. 16191272

>The bigger the bitches titties, the faster your bank account drains.

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🧵 End goal of scientific progress

Anonymous No. 16191243

What do you think the ultimate end goal of scientific and technological progress will be, /sci/? I think that it will be figuring out how to construct hedonium, an arrangement of matter that maximizes the conscious experience of pleasure per unit of mass, and then having self-replicating Von Neumann probes convert as much of the universe into hedonium as possible.

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Anonymous No. 16191230

Why are humans the only animals that have a need for religion?

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Anonymous No. 16191186

Why do people say mass and energy are equivalent because of Einsteins equation
>yea bro they’re the same man look after i add a bunch of these units on one side of the equation they’re equivalent
And why wouldnt KE = mv2 not imply this aswell?

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Anonymous No. 16191154

>turns basic math into modern tribal warfare

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191126

>we exist

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🧵 counting crows

Anonymous No. 16191112

crows have started to count, they distinguish numbers in between 1 to 8 (coincidentally the number of their toes is 8)

theyignore number 0

they dont only count on their minds but inform other crows vocally "one, two three.."

A team of scientists has shown that crows can 'count' out loud -- producing a specific and deliberate number of caws in response to visual and auditory cues. While other animals such as honeybees have shown an ability to understand numbers, this specific manifestation of numeric literacy has not yet been observed in any other non-human species other than the bee.

Until now.

"Producing a specific number of vocalizations with purpose requires a sophisticated combination of numerical abilities and vocal control," writes the team of researchers led by neuroscientist Diana Liao of the University of Tubingen in Germany. "We show that crows can flexibly produce variable numbers of vocalizations in response to arbitrary cues associated with numerical values."

>The ability to count aloud is distinct from understanding numbers.

It requires not only that understanding, but purposeful vocal control with the aim of communication. Humans are known to use speech to count numbers and communicate quantities, an ability taught young.

"Our results demonstrate that crows can flexibly and deliberately produce an instructed number of vocalizations by using the 'approximate number system', a non-symbolic number estimation system shared by humans and animals," the researchers write in their paper.

"This competency in crows also mirrors toddlers' enumeration skills before they learn to understand cardinal number words and may therefore constitute an evolutionary precursor of true counting where numbers are part of a combinatorial symbol system."

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🧵 is invertebrates one big family

Anonymous No. 16191054

which can mix?
but vertebrates are the only group of animals that are different from invertebrates and therefore cannot mix with invertebrates?

here's what's probably going on:

-primitive worms release free sperm and eggs to sea water
-primitive crustaceans release free sperm and eggs to seawater

at one point during the course of 300 million years, crustacean sperm enters worm egg or vice verse and it actually was capable of combining into new life form, millions are born initially due to the amount of eggs and sperm, if had been a single individual, creation of whole race of beings wouldnt happen

the result?
-centipedes are born, which soon move to live on land, since they have never been found in oceans but there is definite proof they have existed on land for hundreds of millions of years

is there even remotely any proof?
well the genes of ragworm, which is probably 500 million year old primitive sea worm that still continues to live, has genes that resemble bot land centipedes, land earthworms, and various ocean worms and also a bit of a lobster

>with vertebrates such things werent possible, vertebrate eggs are very careful on what sperm they let in

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🧵 Is Sexology a valid field of study?

Anonymous No. 16191033

>Ida Rundberg is a well known sexologist and behavioral scientist from the far, cold north - Sweden - which stands in contrast to her warm, bubbly personality. She is currently undertaking her Master's degree in sexology at the university in Malmö, in the south of Sweden and has been active as a coach for more than a decade. She has always relied on her intuition, empathy and love of the unknown in her work and she has helped thousands of people to transform their lives - both in big ways and in the small, every day events that takes place.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Nokrab No. 16190929

Praise Jesus

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Nokrab No. 16190909

Can we take magic seriously? Can there be a scientific magic? It is a word, why can't it be interpreted seriously? In my opinion no concept is without a serious interpretation.

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Anonymous No. 16190896

Why are they so bad at science? Why are they not producing any high-impact results, and instead publish in some obscure national and predatory-tier journals?

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Anonymous No. 16190844

What kind of process decides which consciousness will be put at which body? Should not this kind of process consume energy? From a side perspective you can say that it just appears in the brain at certain amount of brain activity. But why my consciousness appeared in this body and not in another?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190842

Scientifically speaking, how do I cure a 20+ years long depression?

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Anonymous No. 16190838

How does global warming disproportionately affect homosexuals and why is that bad?

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Anonymous No. 16190814

>CO2 is bad because it makes plants grow better and that leads to more wildfires
Why is science so incredibly stupid these days?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190809

Is there any expert climatologist here?
What would happen if the Earth suddenly became like pic related?
Please describe how climate and vegietation change in the various places

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🧵 Robotics

Anonymous No. 16190806

Robotics has not seen much progress. Why?

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🗑️ 🧵 internet in heaven

Anonymous No. 16190805

how likely do you think it is that there would be internet in heaven? i don't think hell would have internet but would heaven? would it have it's own internet or would you be able to access earth's internet while you're up there? are there latency problems?

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Anonymous No. 16190782


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190777

My friend has set me a challenge to solve a triple integral.
The last time I did maths was high school and I don't remember shit from calculus.
What do I read to learn this?

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🧵 is there a gold atom in every rock?

Anonymous No. 16190772

If you pick up a random 1-2 pound rock from the ground, what's the %-chance it contains at least 1 gold-atom?

Would you be lying if you gave away a random rock to someone and said it contains gold (clarifying you mean at least one "unit" of gold)?

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Anonymous No. 16190735

What experiments have you conducted that lead you to the conclusion that the earth is round?