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🧵 Fields medal prize

Anonymous No. 16193517

Would bumping up the prize money improve the quality of mathematics? This is chump change, you cannot even buy a car with this. Imagine being one of the world's smartest people, and you're tossed this insulting tip for your contributions. Might as well be a doordasher at that point.

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🧵 /mnt/ - General

Anonymous No. 16193487

Where the fuck is my assembler edition? Part 3
Molecular nanotechnology general, use this place to take about bootstrapping nanotechnology, theoretical nanotechnology, and any other ideas.

And keep your discussion confined to developing molecular nanotechnology, DO NOT discuss what your granddaddy's favorite MOF is or "nano" materials.

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🗑️ 🧵 Psychopathic Geniuses

Anonymous No. 16193455

We are Psychopathic Geniuses.

Only 1/31,560 people have a 160+ IQ, and only 1% of the population has psychopathy. Assuming probabilistic independence, about 1/3,156,000 of the population satisfy both criteria, meaning there are only around 2,535 of us in the world. Are you one of us?

Every human interaction induces a game. The player who wants to win the most sets the rules. Affective empathy and other forms of neuroticism set the bar for your capacity to take action. This bar is concerningly low for most people, bordering on the self-sacrificial if not outright masochistic. In effect, when faced with a purely rational opponent, such a person can never win. No intelligence makes one impotent; no lack of affective empathy and other irrational biases makes one incapable of competing at the extremes. In this sense, psychopathic geniuses are the ideal people, a superior people.

We labor to create an engaging environment for such extraordinarily esoteric individuals—a place free from the impotence of the ordinary, a place free from the irrationality of neurotypicals. We may look friendly on the surface, but make no mistake—there are no lengths we won't go to if you piss us off.


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16193451

can anyone explain to someone with highschool level math what a hermitian operator is and how it relates to quantum physics. im taking a history of QM course and i have no idea what's going on.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16193393

Are there any countries where experimental gene therapy is easily accessible?

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🧵 I think I can't double major

Anonymous No. 16193381

I see everywhere people double majoring like it's walk in the park. How the fuck they do it? Look at this shit. I took 88 credits in two years and still behind for both biochemistry and computer science and turns out I needed to take probability and statistics class, which I missed in my first year and my retarded advisor didn't notice despite discussing my schedule with him every semester. I will need to take at least four classes this summer to catch up with my majors. Otherwise, I'm in deep trouble next year because of prerequisites and I'm burnt out to ashes already. Not even mad for getting C in us government, I barely showed up to classes anyway. My gpa in the gutter beyond repair. Fucking hell, this doesn't feel doable. I'm on the verge of quitting everything.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16193261

Does Perelman’s proof of the Poincaré conjecture imply that the universe is the surface of a 3 sphere?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16193245

What math topics should I study if I want to pursue AI/ML with a deeper understanding instead of just using what other's have created without knowing the math behind it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16193219

How do we improve equity in math education?

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🧵 Sudoku Indexing

Anonymous No. 16193213


Each solved Sudoku has certain repeatable properties. Either there are 2-box reoccurrences of the same numbers per row or column with a recurring 3-number leftover or a 000 row or column of 3x3 permutations.

These will always occur for all solved Sudoku grid. You can use the trios of leftover unpaired numbers as an indexing code.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16193200

You can count infinity but you can’t count to infinity…

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🧵 Cancer and Sugar

Anonymous No. 16193185

>The research, performed at the National University of Singapore, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, and led by professor Ashok Venkitaraman and Dr. Li Ren Kong, found a chemical released when the body breaks down sugar also suppresses a gene expression that prevents the formation of tumors...

>...It was previously believed that cancer-preventing genes must be permanently deactivated before malignant tumors can form. However, this recent discovery suggests that a chemical, methylglyoxal (MGO), released whenever the body breaks down glucose, can temporarily switch off cancer-protecting mechanisms.

>Dr. Kong, first author of the study, told The Epoch Times in an email, “It has been shown that diabetic and obese individuals have a higher risk of cancer, posing as a significant societal risk. Yet, the exact cause remains debatable.” He continues, “Our study now unearthed a clue which may explain the connection between cancer risk and diet, as well as common diseases like diabetes, which arise from poor diets.”

>Dr. Kong continues, “We found that an endogenously synthesized metabolite can cause faults in our DNA that are early warning signs of cancer development, by inhibiting a cancer-preventing gene (known as the BRCA2).”

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16193171

What is the scientific explanation for Near Death Experiences?

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Anonymous No. 16193165

Why do they pay mathematicians 300k starting to predict stonks if it's totally random and nobody ever has actually made money from stonks except from historical retvrn?
I mean algorithmic trading is a meme
crypto is a meme
stocks are memes
Casinos are literally rigged so that you always lose, they're literally designed that way otherwise they would never be profitable and they literally kick you out if you're a winner.

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🧵 Took 2 Sputnik V "vaccines" (viral vector) 3 years ago, will I be fine? Can a doctor confirm?

Anonymous No. 16193130

I was a retarded 19 year old at the time and I did not fully realise how evil the governments really are globally. I was hesitent at first but urged by my mother. I had no side effects ever since but Covid was such a fucking nothingburger that now I doubt it ever fucking existed. I literally injected myslef with a gene therapy-like drug over fucking nothing, NOTHING! I immediately regreted it couple months after my second shot after new data started to surface. If I was 2 or 3 years older at the time I would have never taken the shot under no circumstance. On the other hand /pol/ believes in any article that supports their narritive even if it has no credibility and backed up by nothing , even if it is not written by an actual doctor. Even covid grandpa, aka John Campbell isn't a doctor, just a nurse. I just want to finally stop worrying about it after 3 years and move on with my life. I know that there are no refunds and all but now I am convinced covid never existed. Fuck this gay ass society. Will I be ok or will I randomly ACK one day?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16193101

How do you cope knowing that you are a retard and will never become a world renowned scientist or engineer?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon, King of Sci/Put your name as Knight of Barkon to worship No. 16193066

Gravity and heat make form.

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🧵 Why can't comsci students into math

Anonymous No. 16193048

This kills the webshit
>While none of the proofs in this book are difficult, a certain degree of mathematical maturity is expected from the reader.

b-but I can install Linux... I-I-I'm a hacker! I once let Gentoo compile for 18 hours!!!!!

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🧵 Esoteric Bullshit General

Anonymous No. 16193015

ITT: post of the most esoteric occult shit from your field of interest.
I'm talking about the kind of shit that will get you banned on /x/ for being too schizo, the kind of shit that will make normies institutionalize you, but is actually serious and valid within your field.
I'll start: imaginary numbers

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🧵 Testosterone

Anonymous No. 16192991

Testosterone makes males say truthful things and makes males behave consistent with their beliefs.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16192984

Where are all the Aliens !?

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🧵 How much can we actually see outside of our solar system?

Anonymous No. 16192960

We can't actually see other planets, the only information we have is incredibly vague and mostly speculatory. What do we actually know?

If aliens were fighting a massive intergalactic war right now, would we even be able to tell?

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🧵 Study maps human uptake of microplastics across 109 countries

Anonymous No. 16192948

What could be the reason for this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon, King of Sci/Put your name as Knight of Barkon to worship No. 16192945

A room is opposite to the walls of the building.