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🧵 Do you really want to say

Anonymous No. 16199708

that hubble tension is a result of a Nobel winning hoax from the 90s and no single basedencist noticed there's a problem with the data for nearly 30 years?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199599

If "dwarf planets" are not considered planets, why they have the word planet in its name?
Why not give it a unique name, like it's done with asteroids, comets, meteors, meteorites, etc.?

Also, the word is just a social construct, correct? There's nothing physical to ALL dwarf planets that completely differentiate them to ALL planets.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199575

do you look like a scientist?

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🧵 destroys AI

Anonymous No. 16199497

no hard feelings kids

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199496

"Two new studies suggest that our ancestors' transition to farming from hunting and gathering caused humans' skeletons to become much weaker"

hunter-gatherers underwent enormous environmental pressure at all times to evolve traits like bone strength, immune system traits, aspects of cognitive ability, resistance to elements.

is it possible that modern medicine and industrial civilization are just permitting the survival of weaker humans who are passing on genes that would have died out living in the wilderness.

for example europeans evolved traits like pale skin and the ability to consume milk in ancient times but in modern civilization there's less environmental pressure to evolve.

does this mean humans 10,000 years into the future will be weaker and more sickly compared to us?

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🧵 Infinity = -1/12 proof

Anonymous No. 16199484

Imagine that you have an infinite pile of apples. So the number of apples is infinity. Now you divide all the apples into baskets so that you put one apple into one basket, two apples in a second basket, three apples in a third basket and so on. Now you have divided the apples into 1+2+3+4+5+... apples. But supposedly 1+2+3+4+5+... is equal to -1/12. This proves that infinity = -1/12.

By making the assumption that 1+2+3+4+5+... is equal to -1/12 like some people claim, what is wrong with this proof that infinity is equal to -1/12?

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🧵 benefits of having a low iq

Anonymous No. 16199435

>Not being incessantly aware of the complexities and underpinnings of every situation might lead to a more contented existence, untouched by the anxieties of over-analysis. In the tapestry of human relationships, those with a lower IQ often SHINE IN THEIR GENUINE AUTHENTICITY

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199428

Bill Carlson is the smartest man alive.

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🧵 Black Holes might be a crust of matter around a sphere of dark energy

Anonymous No. 16199347
>But in contrast to black holes, gravastars are not expected to have any singularities and are thought to be thin spheres of matter whose stability is maintained by the dark energy contained within them.
What do you think, /sci/? Are singularities an outdated notion?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199329

go ahead, try to debunk it

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199309

There is genuine scientific debate and questioning, and then there is just mindless antagonism and money grubbing. We should ban threads related to Phillip Mason aka Thunderf00t.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199297

>be me
>engineering student in Sweden
>have hard time understanding lecturers in linear algebra
>exhausted and hopeless about attending lectures, worrying that I might drop out
>come across MATH 2940 - Linear Algebra for Engineers Spring 2009 by Cornell
University on interweb
>watch first few videos
>realize im not stupid and can actually understand
>ffw 3 weeks
>my classmates who kept attending local uni lectures couldn't keep up any longer because they just couldn't fckn understand the lecturer
>all these lecturers are germanics from Europe (either Dutch, German, Swedish, Norwegian or some shit like that)

Seriously why do euro-germanics have to complicate everything so much? One of the lecturers at my local uni spent 25 fucking minutes try explain how linear transformations work, meanwhile I found some long forgotten American professor online narrating in a 360p video explaining the same shit and even working out some sophisticated examples in less than 10 minutes, and I understood everything. I've had the great privilege of doing a lab in electromagnetics course assisted and supervised by a Slavic professor, who did really well in breaking down and explaining us replicating theory in our lab session. Only seen American TAs online but my experience with Germanic professors and lecturers has been shit in uni.

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🧵 thoughts on biology?

Anonymous No. 16199292

I'm going to study biology next year

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199290

With all the talk of ASI and the singularity.
What so you think of the idea that people like Albert Einestein and Kurt Godel may already be super intellects?

I mean to just be a bag meat sitting on a floating rock and go “Of course, I figured it out! matter is beneing space-time and that’s what we perceive as gravity”.

Of course Einestein was standing on the shoulder’s of giants but the point is the smartest humans are the greatest intellects possible in the universe and the knowledge they’ve deduced and accumulated is the limit of knowledge possible in the universe

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199274

Sup nerds. This board is kinda dry, so for some spice, what kind of /sci/ence would we need to make Baki bullshit real, more specifically Pickle's feats? I've grown disillusioned with modernity and would like to swap IQ for brute muscle power by Pickle-maxxing in real life. For the uninitiated, Baki revolves around superhuman feats of martial arts and strength, and in Pickle's case, he's a revived caveman who could murder a T-Rex by punching it to death.

I did some preliminary research and it seems to pull that off, the human body would need to muster up 1 million+ N of force as well as being able to handle the exertion. Though I think that number might mean the small surface area of the fist would become a stabbing weapon on its target rather than blunt damage, I still think it's worth a shot.

I humbly ask you guys, which specific fields would I need to learn and advance in order to fulfill my dream? What path must I follow? Math then engineering then biomechanics? How do I approach this problem of modern humans being too weak?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199235

Are there any arguments that debate the validity of the big bang?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199204

Name a more overrated scientist. I'll wait.

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🗑️ 🧵 "What Da Vinci tried to do at 80 I did at 6 years old

Anonymous No. 16199203

because I had been working on it from a past life."

When will the world finally recognize his unparalleled genius?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199185

>Battery storage capacity doubled in 2023, and it's on pace to double again in 2024.
So this is pretty neat, I haven't kept up to date with this particular field but I feel like I've been told a lot that battery technology has plateaued, is that not true or is this just using current tech differently?

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🧵 Binary Visualizations

Ren !jNeMenEGrU No. 16199123

Hi Sci

I am playing with the idea of binary numbers having "inverted" values, based on if it's a 1 or a 0 and how that changes as bits increase. So ..

1 bit
0 & 1

2 bit
00 & 11 (0 & 3)
01 & 10 (1 & 2)

3 bit
000 & 111 (0 & 7)
001 & 110 (1 & 6)
010 & 101 (2 & 5)
011 & 100 (3 & 4)

4 bits

0000 & 1111 (0 & 15)
0001 & 1110 (1 & 14)
0010 & 1101 (2 & 13)
0011 & 1100 (3 & 12)
0100 & 1011 (4 & 11)
0101 & 1010 (5 & 10)
0110 & 1001 (6 & 9)
0111 & 1000 (7 & 8)

Let me know if I missed anything in my diagrams. Thought you guys would be the most honest if something is off

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🧵 Eric Weinstein

Anonymous No. 16199105

What's the /sci/ verdict?

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🧵 /scg/ - STEM career general

Anonymous No. 16199099

"Hustle & Grind" edition

Last thread: >>16177031

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
> (US)
> (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

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Anonymous No. 16199097

What are your thoughts on the semicolon?

I use it quite a bit in my writing, I love it. In a lot of cases it helps to divide sentences where using a comma would make the entire sentence too long, and you're not really making a list, summary or explanation. It works great to link two sentences together where you elaborate a bit more deeply on your first statement, but you want it to be close enough to emphasize some relationship or dynamic, not in a separate sentence.

My current thesis coordinator says I use it too much, while my bachelor's thesis coordinator noticed it but said he didn't mind. I've also had minor comments from other professors regarding this.

I get the feeling that the only reason it's frowned upon is because it's uncommonly used. It's not a functional issue, it seems to just be like a "scientific tradition" most scholars adhere to.

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🗑️ 🧵 Why do they keep lying?

Anonymous No. 16199090

>Collisions in the LHC generate temperatures more than 100 000 times hotter than the centre of the Sun.
Yeah bro, my particle collider totally doesn't get literally incinerated by temperatures thousands of times higher than nuclear reactors