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🗑️ 🧵 why do people troon out?

Anonymous No. 16490525

scientifically speaking

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🧵 The Biology of Twins

Anonymous No. 16490511

First of all, I asks in a good faith and just want to discuss some question which arise during my readings for some other work.

According to some sources, Africa is the continent with the highest number of twin births, while Asia has far fewer twins[1] [2] [5].
The common explaination for this is that the age when women give their first birth is much higher in Asian than Africa [3]. Which makes a lot of sense today [4] but has the implication that, even back in the 1980s, Asian women should be older when they became mothers.

In this lense, my question is, how make it any sense that the number of twins rises worldwide according to some news? [6]

Is there any clear explaination, given this fact?

I'm also interested in the mechanism of dizygotic twins in the first place. How does it happend that younger mothers birth more twins than older ones?

[1] Countries With Most Twins Identified by Charles Q. Choi (2011)
[2] Twin Peaks: more twinning in humans than ever before by Moden et al.
[3] Maternal Age and Parity as Predictors of Human Twinning by Bønnelykke.
[6] "Twin Peaks: more twinning in humans than ever before"

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16490452

Is it possible our universe is broken? It seems life is destined to fail. This ought not be the normal case

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🧵 What of the schema of reality confuses you or causes you to create the dichotomy?

I will torture you, gracefully, until your final bleating moments lamb No. 16490389


nothing will ever justify your suffering...

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🧵 My left side is weak

Anonymous No. 16490381

I have a bit of speech problems where the left side of my lips don't move well as like the right ones. Also my left shoulders stay down and stiff in comparision to my right side. What is this disease called? Its not paralysis as I can move my face and arms but its not normal

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16490363

Is this technology better for human eyes than regular screens?

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🗑️ 🧵 Human female clones with male genitalia

Anonymous No. 16490361

AI chat said that it is technically possible to create human female clones with male genitalia by genetically modifying their DNA. This means they will be real women with penises.

If it's physically possible, men willing to have sex with them would be considered gay or straight?

Will this kind of clones become popular because exotic, or will they still be considered freaks like ladyboys?

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🧵 Einstain is bullshit

Anonymous No. 16490354

Relativity is a absurd lie based on religious dogma of science (everything must be relative no objective speed REEE).

Einstainism has no basis in anything other then the cult of personality of Einstein.

If we did have the motivation and money we could use nuclear powered space ships to get close to 10% of light speed and make real measurements. Only these discoveries would be trivial and uninteresting to everyone.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16490344

Why are physicists so arrogant

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16490327

why is string theory so equation heavy, why does it need so much math to describe it's principles, and why do people it consider it more legitimate than say a crackpots collection variational calculus

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16490225

>"I don't have a good intuition for determinants, therefore they are wrong and stupid."
Wtf was his problem?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16490152

Wasn't global warming supposed to wipe out the polar bears?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16490092

Dr. Dave Weldon, Trump's newly appointed head of the CDC, speaking on CBS about the proof that vaccines the cause of autism.

Why has the scientific community been so resistant to this idea for so long when the evidence was all there and so clear?
Why have they tried to deny the truth for years and years?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489980

Assume you have a 3D space filled with a mass infinitely extending in all directions.
Now assume that this mass has a spherical cavity of diameter D.
What would the gravitational acceleration G be if D was the same as earth's (12700 km).
Conversely what would D have to be for G to be 9.81 m/s^2?
Which equation would describe G in this case? Considering that G(Height = D/2) = 0?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489962

thoughts on Dementia? Do you have any fears of forgetting who you are and who your friends are? Any anxiety when it comes to the advancing decay of your brain and how it may impact your life? Share all your opinions, thoughts and or comments about Alzheimer's or Dementia here

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16489819

>The 'Great Elon Musk'
- edition

previous >>16487736

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489799

Intelligence is simply the ability to learn. If you learn something, then that means you comprehend and understand it. Many with lower IQs can learn subjects, it just takes then longer to learn it. Here's an analogy:

High IQ = Ferrari on a road with no roadblocks
Average IQ = Normie car on a road with no roadblocks
Learning disability (ADHD, dyscalculia, etc.) = Ferrari or normie car with several roadblocks ahead that you have to drive around
Intellectual disability = Car won't even start

Conclusion? Stop obsessing about IQ, this ends the confusion and debate.

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🧵 portable power station that can run an 1500v radiator

Anonymous No. 16489798

for 8+ hours? Chatgpt says you'd need something with 12000 or higher (doesn't exist). When will tech be able to create small portable power stations that are in this 12000 range?

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🧵 Why does OCD often develope later in life unlike autism or ADHD?

Anonymous No. 16489763

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489592

this is what happens when you substitute a false premise like 'peer review' for the scientific method

reality is not a democracy, you don't get to vote to determine the truth the way the sheltered, entitled pseudoscientists of academia claim they can

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489529

do you look like a scientist?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489523

How to cure schizophrenia?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489511

Genetics and moelcular biology have such exciting potential but the research is so boring. Just look at the top scientists worldwide. They are all studying like bacterial growth emchanisms, or radiation effects on cancer cells. Will AI improve this?

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🧵 Is there a risk of my body being damaged or becoming fat again?

Anonymous No. 16489502

Back in March I started eating less food and tracking my calories because I wanted to lose weight and because I heard calorie restriction slows aging. I have completely removed soft drinks from my diet and haven't drank a soft drink since March and I've only eaten domino's pizza six or seven times since March. Today I ending up binging and ate two chocolate chip cookies (90 calories each), a kit kat bar (104 calories) a larger kit kat bar (209 calories) and an oat flapjack with chocolate chips in it (92 calories). Could consuming all of this sugar fuck up my body? I'm not going to eat anymore.