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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489492

I figured out what happens when you exceed the speed of light, and yes its possible. You end up in a world an order of magnitude larger specially. The matter in this magnitude contains an order of magnitude more than it would in our magnitude.

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🧵 Why did rocketry development take so long?

Anonymous No. 16489464

When I look at rocketry and space milestones, I don't think I understand why there are such large gaps between things that at least appear to be not that dissimilar.
Like the first space-going rocket got real high up in 1941, and then it wasn't until after WWII that we actually bothered collecting cool data from earth's upper atmosphere and near-earth space. At least in this case it was a massive war that kept scientific milestones in rocketry, in favor of putting big bomb on a rocket.
Then it wasn't until 1957, 10 years later, that we actually got a probe to orbit the Earth. Isn't it just a matter of making the rocket bigger to give it the delta-v to get into orbit? Were radios not advanced enough to beam controls from the ground up 700km? Was it just a matter of a lack of funding needed to finance a big rocket?
And it was years after 1957 that we sent a man into space. Wouldn't we have had reliable enough reentry procedures from previous tests? If it was a lack of funding, how soon could have we actually done these things if funding wasn't a bottleneck?

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🧵 The next ten billion years

Anonymous No. 16489441
Is this an accurate prediction? It's spooky bros.

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🧵 I genuinely believe that with enough time and effort anyone can produce useful research

Anonymous No. 16489423

Hard work and brain training can teach you how to problem solve and think in a way that’s conducive to research in a field of your choice. It’ll be hard as nails but you can do it! I believe in you!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489325

Why does the majority of society value things like pic rel over intellectualism or scientific advancement? I have never understood the appeal of things like sports or partying

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🧵 Untitled Thread

γρηγορεύω !!J89a5VVZH9B No. 16489209

Timely reminder.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489171

LMFAO "don't die" bro is literally dying and he can't even tell.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489168

According to pisa, academic performance among 15 years olds is falling dramatically among most countries in the world. Especially it's falling catastrophically among developed nations in western Europe and north America.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489120

Decimal time would be superior to the primitive 60 based time format in every single way.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489109

Why can't it be simple like before? We were taught that the four elements-- fire, water, earth and wind created all that we see. Then evil one worshippers that you see today calling names, truly insulting people for their imagination, came and ruined our peace of mind. Can we go back? Do we have to witness the suicide and murder of imagination because some rich and powerful people want to pleasure right under our noses? It wrong.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489084

>Most influential embodiment of Dunning-Kruger in modern history

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🧵 adison was a retard.

Anonymous No. 16489070

and elon musk is just like him
they market themselves as geniuses
change my mind

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489051

Explain how light work, is it a physical property? Why can some people have hallucinations of light even in pitch black rooms?

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🧵 Calculus sources

SinetaxError No. 16489043

Any good intro books/sources for calculus? that has a focus on doing exercises and has helpful notes/tips?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489031

If intelligence was genetic, there may be a baby who is more intelligent than our oldest and wisest. Obviously it's not genetic, and the information transfer and reception can be improved. Anyone with a healthy brain can become the most intelligent. Like me. I'm the most intelligent.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16488992

what would a real sheet of graphene look like?
not just microscopic patches of graphene on a plastic sheet-but a continuous roll of it.
what would it feel/move like? would it even be stable?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16488979

If the universe spawned without a cause, everything as is, isn't it fair to say that the earth did too, and it may have been around just 3000 years? Same logic.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16488953

String theory is dead. Angela confirms it. Sabine confirms it. . It's time to take Witten down from the sticky.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16488933

there are more theories
of aging than scientists to work on them

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16488928

Why tattoed people so dumb and uncreative?

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🧵 essential age of marriage

Anonymous No. 16488869

Honestly, does this mean that practically the human history of different cultures is wrong and feminist women are in some way correct? I mean, so would it be correct for men and women to get married at the same age to avoid problems with the unborn child? what do you think?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16488856

Is it okay to talk about racial theories on this board? I don't know where else to fit them, but will it just be
>posts theories involving race
>Oh you're le heckin hitler

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🧵 Woman digs up paper from 1996 that proves lactose intolerants can drink milk to cure themselves

Anonymous No. 16488761

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16488686

Why do I look so different then everybody? I find it peculiar and strange, I've tried posting my photo on different boards in threads where you guess a person's ethnicity and I barely get any replies, people avoid the topic with me. I get told different things. I've been told that I don't even look white. But the thing is nothing really fits.

I wonder, how often does uniqueness or rarity of features persist in a race? I don't have really angular features, my face isn't long or very big, like I'm not short but I'm not very big looking in general. I've been told I look indian and italian and I think I sort or have features and skin like he Indians, germanics, and even Japanese. My nose is not that big, it's not flat but it doesn't protrude for my face like it's covered by facial fat or something, a lot of people have protruding noses.

My theory is that my race all but almost went extinct and I am one of the last of my kind, but technically though I am northwestern European.