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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 145027


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 144950

Songs about extreme sports

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🧵 I need advice regarding martial arts

Anonymous No. 144886

I'm 20 years old, 173 cm (5′ 8), and weigh around 50 kg (110 pounds). As you can imagine I'm skinny and I have long limbs (pic related).
Long story short I wanna learn a martial art, BJJ is superior in my opinion but I'm thinking of kickboxing.
The issue is should I even sign up or should I try to gain weight and muscle first by going to the gym? Do I work on both simultaneously?
If I go to a kickboxing class will I get BTFO to a point where I have to train with people younger than me?
How do I know that a martial arts gym is good and not just out for my money without benefiting me?

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🧵 /cg/ Climbing General #12

Anonymous No. 144879

Jesse Grupper edition

>Should I start climbing?
Yes. Or no, if your primary care physician wouldn't clear you.

>How do I start toproping?
Read a book? Call your local climbing gym? Take a course with a local guide? There are a lot of ways to get started!

>How do I start bouldering outside?
See above.

Old thread: >>137578

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 144695

Which is your favorite mma promotion?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 144685

Why do weightclasses exist if you can just throw an overhand right?

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🧵 what fighters do you love that aren't the most skilled?

Anonymous No. 144591

for me its Seksan Or. Kwanmuang
his entire strategy is to spam attacks while walking forward, i love when his opponents get visibly frustrated with his aggression or if he gets rocked or downed, then sprints forward and does the sloppiest ass flying knees or wild hooks to get back in action.

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🧵 Imagine hide and go seek meets MMA.......

Anonymous No. 144571

You have a big area with lots of places to hide behind and obstacles and stuff and you have fighters hiding in different locations. The one goes around trying to find who is hiding and when they find them, they instantly start fighting until submission is achieved. Whoever wins is now "it" and it keeps going until there is only one left who wins.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 144562

what the FUCK was his problem?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 144535

>Why yes I am a black-belt in BJJ how could you te- *ACK!*

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 144532

Instead of seeing Ngannou in boxing, I'd like to see Fury in mma

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🧵 bull \camel\wild horse riding

Anonymous No. 144507

A thread for a REAL extreme sport. Bull riding (also Matador style sport), cale polo (Mongolia), wild horse taming as in gaucho sports, rodeos, arab style etc
Pitting yourself against Nature and Animal is the true extreme sports -more than fighting humans-
I'll dump some photos.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

MMA GURU No. 144488

thoughts in this guy? I think he's funny as fuck

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 144399

Why are arm techniques in taekwondo and karate so retarded?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 144221

Bob Burnquist needs a 95.5 here...

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🧵 Invent your own MMA promotion

Anonymous No. 144186

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Anonymous No. 144129

Are you going to watch?

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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 144121

I literally just bought my first AEG but got tired of digging through the catalog edition

Old Thread: >>137673

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Updated Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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🧵 FMA and HEMA

Anonymous No. 144049

Much has been written about the relationship of filipino arts with european arts, ranging from flip nationalists claiming the europeans copied everything from them to european nationalists claiming FMA are basically a time capsule containing renaissance southern european military fencing.

However, what about the unarmed arts? Is Dumog similar to Ringen? Does Dumog have concepts like strong/weak, attacks to vital points (Mordstoss) etc.?

Normally, one would search a connection between Jiu Jitsu and Ringen but since the euro influence on armed FMA is pretty much proven, why did nobody ever research the unarmed part?
Sadly, I don't know too much about FMA so I can't do it myself.

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🧵 Whitewater Rafting Advice?

Anonymous No. 143902

I'm learning to guide whitewater raft trips. Any tips? Things you wish someone had told you?

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🧵 /bcg/ - Buttcheek Clapping General

Anonymous No. 143849

Buttcheek Clapping General
Clapping Cheeks Edition

This is a general for the discussion and promotion of the EXTREME sport of ass clapping.
Contrary to popular belief, the result, mainly, of the discussion of clapping ANOTHER'S ass cheeks, the spot of buttcheek clapping refers specifically to the solo act of walking with one's ass clapping mightily in the wind.

Outlawed in 47 states.
Ass-clapping safe states:
>Texas butt-clapping free state.
>New York & California require loicenses (59 USD, 1 year permit, background check pending)

Am Canadian, fortunately legalized (previously banned) in Ontario, just finished clapping around the local trails here, preparing for the national championships - I don't think I'll make it obviously, but wanna fucking do my best, and do it for the fun.
Maybe even get a tattoo of the event -right asscheek covered fully, might do on left, or perhaps inner thigh.
Maybe near the taint.

What gear are you using this year, anons?
>tfw $1,500 loadout
How's it clapping, bros?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 143808

This guy is the biggest faggot punk ever.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 143798

Has anyone posted a video of a person who knows bjj getting jumped and fighting off multiple attackers? Seen plenty of boxers do that.

bjj seems like a gloried competition sport combat technically, no real life application unless your attackers agree to fight you one at a time like a bruce lee movie.

also the best way to deal with people who have a weapon, grappling a dude with a knife is a death sentence to the grappler. Knocking him out and taking the knife however, i've witnessed happen many times with my limited boxing background. This mma bjj stuff requires very specific conditions to be effective, mostly built for competition.

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🧵 /judo/ Judo General

Anonymous No. 143764

Thread for judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What rule changes would you like to see the IJF make after the upcoming Olympics, based on what you’ve seen this cycle so far?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2023
June 23-25 - Ulaanbaatar Grand Slam
August 4-6 - Hungary Grand Slam
August 18-20 - Zagreb Grand Prix
September 22-24 - Baku Grand Slam
October 20-22 - Abu Dhabi Grand Slam
December 2-3 - Tokyo Grand Slam


Previous thread: >>138304