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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944836

How can someone preserve their creations?
I've seen people write that digital art is volatile, but their viewpoint always seems incomprehensive.

Consider a fully modeled, textured, and rigged character or even a static scene; how do you preserve it?
All that data lives comfortably in the project file, but software comes and goes and different versions of the same software would have trouble opening the same file.
Maybe use interchange formats? Ok, but no software supports all interchange formats and no interchange format supports all features your software provides.
It becomes increasingly important to find a solution since ever increasing monitor resolutions can cause the rendered result of your work to be no longer suitable for viewing. Many digital artworks that were created in the early 2000s or 90s are the size of a postage stamp on modern displays. If you could store the "raw" data (models, textures, animations) you could just rerender your scene.
Except as technology improves, shading models change. Think about the difference in quality when renderers switched from scanline rendering to ray tracing to path tracing to whatever the new hotness is (metropolis light transport?). Sure those were all improvements, but at a certain point an artwork has to be "done" and however it looks is part of that regardless of whether or not it reflects the current skill level of the artist.

This is pretty different to traditional art.
Sure no two photographs of the same artwork can ever be identical; different lighting conditions/camera angle/etc. But those two photographs will be a lot closer together in quality than a CG scene rendered with a scanline renderer vs a bidirectional path tracer.
While different lighting conditions can affect traditional artwork, it doesn't affect the fundamental shading of the subject(s) of the artwork like how different light transport models would.

Maybe all this is stupid, but isn't there a way CG art can last at least the artist's life?

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🧡 I challenge anyone to make a cheaper style from scratch

Anonymous No. 944802

I love how not a single 4chan hater can make a finished model, with UV, texture and rig in 3 hours for a production cost of 2-5 usd.

It's literally a speedrunning style of 3D autism.

And no amount of butthurt will change the fact is a supreme bootleg cheap style, that everyone easily recognize.

Also, It runs flawesly in igpus, I could literally make my style run on a fucking N64 machine.
So, yeah.

It has a lot of advantages, and as of now, It's even competitive with current AI to make a finished 3D model, and even if AI will improve, I doubt a single faggot here can make a style that is economically competitive (by hand) with AI.

It's trully a marvel of 3D.
And It's not low effort.

Took since 2017 to actually being able to make it, so It took 6-7 years to develop such style.

feel free to cope then.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944788

little fantasy character sculpt

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🧡 Maya script editor

Anonymous No. 944780

Interested in the script editor for Maya. found it hard finding good scripts. wanted to see what community might have instead of Chatgpt

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🧡 Godot 4 vs ue5

Anonymous No. 944706

What would you recommend for a rts toy example?

Godot seems the way to go for everything 2D, but breaks making anything look good in 3D.

Unreal on the other hand is designed for fps and what I read so far has catastrophic orthographic rendering.

Haven't used either.

What does anon suggest and why?

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🧡 what is a good place to start/Great resources

Anonymous No. 944698

Hi, I'm interested in learning 3D modeling with hopes of making mini's and maybe animation down the road. I have blender and a decent laptop, what are some good videos to watch/ good resources to get started.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944683

I sculpted this

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944620

Any advice on working with others during a project?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944545

Why isn't this a red board?

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🧡 Mattepainting in videogames

Anonymous No. 944544

How do? Oculus Home has an amazing form of matte painting in the Quest 2. The desert environment is a perfect example. How the hell do I do this?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944529

Can any professionals here throw out some examples of completion times and pricing? I need some interesting objects for my website. If anyone would could give a reference of how long it would take to make these 3D models and what a median rate would be, I would appreciate it! Just so I have some idea before I go to hire an artist. Can also leave an email if you're available.

Please keep in mind that though some of these are very detailed, I'll need simpler versions. Thanks <3

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🧡 How to make money

Anonymous No. 944521

Blender 3D is the best skill i have
but i have no idea how to make money with that

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🧡 Results

waddup No. 944512


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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944486

Have you had a think about it?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Krater

princess_cacash No. 944401

Krater the smoking caterpillar

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944391

design a better logo

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944359

Has anyone here experienced repeated nvidia driver crashing on any of the drivers in the 531.xx line on win11, making 3d production impossible on said drivers?

Had to roll back to the 528 drivers which are stable, but I am concerned about not being able to upgrade nor test 3d applications across a range of drivers due to the driver completely crashing. This is the first time I've ever had any issues with drivers and I've been using nvidia for 17 years.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944311

Can someone give me a visual example of how this is possible

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944307

So, what’s /3/'s opinion on my models based on obscure characters?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944295

Answer me just this one thing : is it better to keep cg as a hobby and do any other job? Ive worked real cg gigs before in games and it was horrible

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Getting better is pointless

Anonymous No. 944291

Why the fuck should I put effort into my art if you're gonna call it shit anyway?

It's pretty stupid to put effort into my art when I get the same feedback anyway.

Imagine spending a month on a model and then get the same feedback I get when I make a 3 hours finished model.

It doesn't matter if I put 30 hours or 3 hours, I get the same feedback.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944283

post a game character creator that can make mario 64 or sully or synty type of models.

I need a character creator like Vroid, makehuman and character creator, but for low poly trashy indie models like synty.

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🧡 Mudbox vs Zbrush

Anonymous No. 944183

Is Mudbox still worth getting to pair with Zbrush together? It is said Mudbox has a true 3D camera and the better ability to sculpt finer details due to a more comfortable sculpting feel than Zbrushs as the tools feel comfy to use.

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🧡 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 944133

/wip/ - Works in Progress - ENHANCED VISUALS edition
Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>940620
List of free resources:

/3/ Discord for those interested: