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🧵 wtf

Anonymous No. 987027

Why do you need a phd to accomplish the simplest tasks imaginable in maya? I just want to paint the middle of this mesh with an asphalt material and the sides with a grass material. This couldn't be more simple in blender- you make a mix node and plug your grass into one input and your asphalt into another, then you plug an image texture into your alpha input, create a new image and paint your mask.

In maya the paint3d tool seems to do absolutely nothing unless you're painting on a cube primitive. Tutorials that may or may not help me accomplish this very simple task have 30 minutes of nonsense to skip through. why

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🧵 /Daz3D/ general - Kristen Stewart edition

Anonymous No. 986993

Previous: >>979755

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Suggested Blender Bridge:

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool:

Hair Creation: (Being reworked?)

News: James Thornton, Leader of Tafi and Daz 3D, Named 2022 Utah CEO of the Year

Some anon created a cool morph. May require editing since it auto applies to any Gen8 female. Quinn -mega(.)nz/file/2qpGmDoD#YdTIb5G1dMRMnpPneyGGRpp5t5KUTC7glXwgu_daL_8
Fix in next post.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986972

been here for 10 minutes and already notice the blender hatred, what are recommended softwares for 3d modeling for someone with zero experience 3d modeling or creativity of any kind?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986918

Questions that don't deserve their own threads

I wanted to ask a question that didn't deserve its own thread but I didn't see one active, so I'll start one

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🧵 Learning oldschool 3D style

Anonymous No. 986910

For context I work professionally as a commercial illustrator for editorials, packaging and advertising and I'm proficient in using the gradient mesh tool in illustrator among other things in order to create "quasi-3D" looking illustrations.

With this in mind, how easy would it be to learn this 90s CGI style like pic related? It's something I want to learn for myself because ive always been obsessed with that style and want to make art in that style.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986899

Always keep track of your topology, lads.

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🧵 blender or c4d?

Anonymous No. 986833

Was originally trying to learn blender but the user interface is really slow for me to use and even after getting the hang of it im just not enjoying making stuff with it. I would have been happy to buy C4D outright but since they've changed to subscription plans I'll be pirating it.

Which one should I invest my time learning? Is it beneficial to learn both?

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🧵 Stylized Characters

Anonymous No. 986779

I'm interested in the creation of simple, stylized characters like picrel. Modelling humanoids has always been my bane and I want to get good at it. Could some kind anon point me in the right direction resource/course-wise?

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🧵 Maya mel / Studio Library

Anonymous No. 986759

I'm having an annoying issue with studio library, probably me using it wrongly. If I add a run animation to a character in a scene, so I don't have to animated it every time, it snaps back to where the root is, and aligning it so you can't tell afterwards is a problem.

So I wanted to make a Mel script to create a locator at the current position of the character, then constrain the root to that position so the character will end up in the same place, but I can't get this fucking Mel garbage to work. Even examples online just give me syntax errors.
Now I'm just trying to select the locator and set its translateY to 0, but how to I set the position of either a named object, or the selection?
spaceLocator -p 0 0 0 -name FuckYouMaya;
parentConstraint -skipRotate x -skipRotate z Character:RootX_M FuckYouMaya;
select -r FuckYouMayat_parentConstraint1 ;
select -r FuckYouMaya

SetAttr //what goes here?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986739

Do any of You Do Stage Visuals?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986705

> failed to save: No disk space

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986633

When are they going to make a proper 3d modelling software?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986630

I'm actually scared about AI, like is there any point learning to draw or model when computers are becoming capable or generating shit within seconds?
I really don't know if it's worth to keep learning

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🧵 Rendering in Marmoset

Anonymous No. 986519

Can you suggest tutorials for setting up lights and render settings in Marmoset for professional looking renders that I can post on Artstation?
Paid or free it doesn't matter.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986479

Join this discord server guys
---> /9phRfTRWZe

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986447

i needed to edit a video yesterday and blender kept crashing on me. it was a very simple edit just a few cuts and some freeze frames. i hadn't opened blender in years, maybe 2 or 3 years. what the hell happened?

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🧵 3D design software for Linux

Anonymous No. 986416

I want to start doing learning 3D modelling since I want to design small accessories and jewelry, mainly the kind of stuff that would be injection moulded.
So, what software should I be using? Blender seems to have a lot of tutorials available but a lot of people also decry it as having an unintuitive interface. It also doesn't seem to be that good for when you need exact measurements, which I'll undoubtedly need to be able to fit in pre-fab components such as snap buttons etc.
AutoCAD is unfortunately Windows only, which I'm not going back to ever considering the dumpster fire it seems to have become since I left. FreeCAD might be sufficient for my needs, but would using a straight-up CAD program actually be good for my use case which isn't really that technical?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986405

is it a bad idea to use A.I. pictures as reference for modeling and texture color?

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🧵 Failing at Blender

Anonymous No. 986401

Can someone review my issues with Blender and present a diagnosis? I'll be actively comparing myself to someone else that started at the same time. Both have no previous practical experience (Mine was like 2 parts of the Blender donut years ago)

Please help me decide what to do

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986371

Thoughts on how Bloodborne PSX looks?

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🗑️ 🧵 /cg/ - Cris General

Anonymous No. 986344

Exclusive non-chuddity 3d workflows goes in here.

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auto shade smooth.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986320

me when i try to learn blender

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🧵 Meshy General

Anonymous No. 986251

I was going to learn how to model but I saw there's a text-to-model AI software. It's got textures too.
Has anyone tried this out? How is it?

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🧵 Is /3d/ modelling easier than illustration?

Anonymous No. 986048

I do illustrations like pic rel with the mesh tool in illustrator but it's extremely laborious and takes far too much time to flesh out one idea. I also hate illustrator's workflow, if you make one mistake you have to retrace your steps and it just chews up more time.

My illustration style may as well be 3d at this point but would it be easier in 3d? The mesh structure is practically the same, and lighting would be way easier.

Pic rel not my art I just dont want to dox myself by posting real art.