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🗑️ 🧵 How is this made?

Anonymous No. 991427

Id pay top dollar to have the blend file for this or even get in contact with the creator.

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🧵 Arcsys topology question

Anonymous No. 991417

I know why the fans around the lips exists but why are there so many cuts on the planes all through the head?

Usually when I see people make anime models, the topology is just regular planes.

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🧵 Lighting your scenes

Anonymous No. 991405

Hello /3/! I need your help.

> TL;DR - How do I make set up good lighting in my 3D scenes?

For the longest time this has been my biggest weakness as a (aspiring) 3D artist and I think this is what preventing me from delivering more professional tier results.

Honestly you can be the best artists ever but if your lighting is bad it doesn't really matters

>What do I need:

>Examples of great lighting in 3D scenes

Anything that can help me make lighting that doesn't sucks
And hopefully great lighting on my own scenes

>Please help me suck less

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991296

What would your process be to create textures like those? As I see it, it's layers upon layers, and of different size. The very start of it could be relatively small squarish seamless tiled texture of bark, the next step would be apply it to model, then go into handpainting and create new non-tiled texture on top to paint subtle shading lines, then create another layer for moss, and then yet another layer for decals. The problem is, I'm not sure how this all translates to modeling software like Blender for example. Have you ever seen any tutorials like this, is it even possible to have many layers of textures of different sizes, some of which are handpainted and cover the whole object while others are tiled and painted elsewhere like Krita? It all sounds to me like all those textures should have different UV-mappings to achieve efficient workflow. Is this even possible? If not, what is a more realistic way to do this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991224

So say I have a video of someone dancing, and I want to export that as a motion capture to Blender. How do I do it? I tried Googling and the first three links were from Youtubers pushing different subscription based services like, rokoko, Is this the only way to go about it? Are there any caveats to these services, like about what you can and cannot upload like most AI services these days? I'd prefer an opensource way but nowadays most opensource software is some obscure github packages I have to figure out how to download and install. Should I just do old school animation and do it all by hand and use the video as a reference?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991216

How do you even rig eyes like that

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991164

hello /3/

I'd like your professional opinion on 3d animation

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Anonymous No. 991151

Are you here by chance?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991137

>See an animation on youtube
>It's another "i can't spline so i pretend its stopmotion anime" fad shit
>Models aren't even toonshaded
Will this trend ever die?

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🧵 So this is the power of AAA studio 3D artists

Anonymous No. 991124

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🧵 trying to model a shotgun and I have questions

Anonymous No. 991086

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991075

here's you're UV unwrap, saar
do not un-stich!

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4chan 3d.jpg

🧵 i know i suck, ive never sought advice

Anonymous No. 991073

NEVER received any critique before. have been modeling for about a year.

i made this stylized bitch. tear my work apart. note that the teats havent been applied yet

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991020

Rotosaars, it's over...

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 990983

What cad is this? and what are the other softwares in this image?

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

🗑️ 🧵 Trolling animations_zero

DeltaA350 No. 990927

Go to animations_zero in Twitter, then spam like this post.

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🧵 What features does Blender still lack in your opinion?

Anonymous No. 990870

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 990857

This must be something really basic, but. Lets say there are two concentric cylinders like picrelated.
When you look at them individually, smooth shading works just fine. But when you look at them together, at their shared overlap surface you will notice the true lowpoly geometry of bigger cylinder is now visible.
How would you fix this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 990845

are you thinking what im thinking, /3/?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 990844

Whats are the best method to accuire Sketch up pro (can be between 2015 and 2025) without getting in trouble with trimble.

(Thia thread is obviously ment for People Who know were this is about, no offence)

I dont want the trail version (trimble) since I see no possibility to install plugins alongside the trailversion.

How to obtain this software. Just the Plugin friendly versions so dont need to be 2025. Im done with Freedcad (it gots a great functionality) and I need to work with plugins, plugins, plugins

Keep in mind: I ask it for my /3/b/ros and it must have been requested quite oftenly (be glad 4chan is not moderated by moralfags, we-are-pirates here). Call the FBI, this is the internet.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 990834

How thick in inches would you say this should be? I want to get it perfect.

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🗑️ 🧵 is 3DCG a good tranny cope

Anonymous No. 990829

I realized that the reason why I love 3DCG is that im a repressed tranny and doing 3D art is the closest thing I get to expressing myself as a cute girl or just immersing myself in a fictional world in general.
Is 3D art a good way to express desires that are impossible in the real world? Does it make you better or worse as an artist? Can anyone relate?

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🗑️ 🧵 Orochinho presidente

Orochinho No. 990758

Nada ñ sou estou aqui para dizer q noz da o cu porra é o orochinho presidente do brasil

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🧵 alternatives to grease pencil.

Anonymous No. 990728

Is there another software with a better brush system that grease pencil?

Is there a way to have some raster tool like Krita being able to export to grease pencil.

grease pencil brush engine is just cumbersome compared to drawing with a raster tool like Krita.