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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 lets get real about autism

skeptic No. 16158426

I knew a guy with autism growing up. He moaned, couldn't understand language and needed someone to feed him. He's 50 now and his mum still probably wipes his ass.

Sensory differences in autistic people were unheard of until Temple Grandin spoke about her experiences.

Autism used to mean people who had severe intellectual difficulties.

Nowadays, people who would have previously just been considered weird, get the label autism as a social pass and a disability check

Many people with supposed autism are literally advocates. Professionals at communication and social skill. If they were really bad at it, they wouldn't be effective at politics and wouldn't be able to mask

as recently as 1998, autism was still being taught to medical students as being a form of "mental retardation." (Quoting the terminology actually deemed acceptable at the time.)

"Autism," at the time I'm describing, was the term used to describe what we now label as "Kanner Syndrome," an autism form that trends strongly toward the lower-functioning end of the autism spectrum.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Women are better at STEM

Anonymous No. 16158386

Teen girls solved a mathematical puzzle that men thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. Men could literally not comprehend it until these two girls broke the mold of European centered tools of mathematics and architecture!

Black, Beautiful & Brilliant


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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158371

Why couldn't you prove the pythagorean theorem anon?
>intellectually mogged by a high schooler

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158368

>I can't breed

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158365

Why can't we have cities that float on water?

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🧡 Fuck science

Anonymous No. 16158353

>have cold
>have cold symptoms
>suffering all day
>want relief
>decide to trustthescience.jpg
>google "antihistamine relieve cold symptoms"
>read 3 scientific studies
>"Conclusion. No, antihistamines do not relieve rhinovirus infections symptoms. Histamine levels remained constant and antihistamines had NO effect during rhinovirus infections."
>take antihistamine anyway
>cold symptoms all go away within 20 minutes
Fuck science and fuck you

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158333

>all high t men like picrel died out in wars when they were millions at most, washing out the genes
>planet earth is now populated with billions of skinnyfat sedentary trannies who spend all day discussing inane shit on the internet while the world around them is littered with burning garbage
Grim. """Evolution""" is gay and retarded

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158299

I wake up at the crack of dawn and go outside to absorb blue light to keep my circadian rhythms in phase. After that I take an ice cold shower to release dopamine while engaging in the Wim Hof breathing method to oxygenate the cells in my body. When I get out of the shower I drink my Athletic Greensβ„’, and have my first Yerba Matte caffeine ingestion, making sure it's at least 90 minutes after I wake up, to ensure the adenosine receptors in my brain have been activated before they get pushed down by the caffeine molecules. I lock my phone in a timed safe to engage in focused work, which I make sure to do in 90 minute ultradian cycles. After that I practice Yoga Nidra as a Non Sleep Deep Rest protocol to prepare for more focused work. When the day's podcast is finished, I then proceed to lift weights and take Tongkat Ali to boost my testosterone and optimise my gains, at which point I go outside at dusk to absorb more blue light to keep my circadian rhythms in phase. When I come home I turn my apartment into a dark cave by turning off all my high-colour temperature lightbulbs and switching on lamps equipped with dim red bulbs. Before bed I engage in a 5-minute Physiological Sigh, consisting of breathing sharply through my nose twice and exhaling slowly through my mouth, which helps me relax. When I finally tuck in the for the night I pop a couple of magnesium threonate pills to sleep.

Who else here is /hubermanpilled/?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158245

Can two loading injections of invega at 100 and 150 mg respectively fuck me up for life or I can recover my brain chemistry and hormonal balance in the long run

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158237

Why do you reject the plain truth of Bohmian mechanics? Why do you wallow in darkness when the solution is right before you?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158189

Greetings, long time no post. Let's talk about the true health concerns of nicotine pouches, both known and unknown. I want to analyze the ingredients beyond the nicotine and understand any risks that might have been so far overlooked. I haven't found the official ingredient list of Zyn pouches but found some tests on various Zyn types:

>The pouch contains fillers (maltitol and microcrystalline cellulose), a stabilizer (hydroxypropyl cellulose), pH adjusters (sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate), a nicotine salt, food grade flavorings, and a sweetener (acesulfame K).
ZYN moist which has a 37%

The usual topic of discussion seems to be on nicotine's effects on heart health, blood pressure, etc. Comments on this are welcome, but also hoping to analyze the other ingredients. I know nothing about any of these so I'm looking for anyone with any relevant knowledge at all to provide some opinions.

Also welcome is discussion on other brands and any nicotine concentration - On, Fre; 3mg, 6mg, 15mg; etc.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 What the fuck

Anonymous No. 16158185

did I just stumble upon?

I can't even comprehend the whole thing.
>black hole in earth connected to our DNA which communicates through water in 4+n dimension

I rabbitholed on a completely different thing and stumbled across this absolute gem.
Is all science deliberately stupified so we continue to behave like ants?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158134

All right /sci/, you win. I'll become a nuclear engineer.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158132

How do I take a picture, scientifically speaking? I don't have a camera.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158126

why haven't we been back to the moon in such a long time?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158112

>It's ok, the protestors on campus will cancel final exams

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 why does /sci/ hate the jews so much

Anonymous No. 16158094

why is it that whenever someone says something slightly stupid or makes an absent minded mistake some anons will go "stfu jew" or dismiss them as "jewish science"

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158056

Why are the "Big Five" traits considered a valid and scientifically sound system of classifying different personality types, while the Myers-Briggs types are considered more akin to astrology or fortune-telling?

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🧡 My father is 68 and he is obsessed with longevity research and David Sinclair

Anonymous No. 16158047

How do I tell him he isn't gonna make it because he's too old but I am?

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the mysteries of ....jpg

🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158023

What are some issues that science has yet to come up with an adequate explanation for or scientists have no clue how to even where to begin. This can be biological, events in nurture, physics, the universe, etc. etc.

For these phenomenon that science has not been able to address do you have any pet theories?

Consciousness is the one I'm most intrigued by.

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🧡 mRNA vaccine kids are autist

Anonymous No. 16157911

kids who are born to WHITE mothers who are vaccinated, will themselves suffer from the vaccine consequences

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Massachusetts Wom....png

🧡 What are the statistical odds of this?

Anonymous No. 16157898

and doesn't this contradict the old adage "the lottery is a tax on stupid people who don't understand statistics" ?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157896

China is legit doomed long term. Their demographics are fucked. They have no technological advantage or globally competitive companies or industries. All their factories are own by the West and the entire world is moving their factories out and into India. Pollution is so bad that crops can't be grown in China longer, hence why they import most of their food. There is no future for China, at best they become another north korea, at worse more then a billions starve or die in the upcoming civil war and have most of their land is grabbed by India and Russia

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157887

Why don't we end proofs with B.B.C. instead?