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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157860

>gravity has infinite range
nigga these scientists can't be serious. assuming alien lifeforms exist, it takes only one with a gravity-detecting thingamabob on the other side of the universe to pinpoint my exact location due to muh gravity.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157828

The absolute state of STEM cucks

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157820

>1kg wood = 4 kW/h
>1 kg coal = 8 kW/h
>1l fuel oil = 11,5 kW/h
>1l Diesel = 10 kW/h
>1l Hydrogen = 33 kW/h
>1kg of Uranium = 22 700 000 kW/h

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157777

What the FUCK are these cunts rambling on
How can a number be a subset?
How can something have no largest element?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157736

Hello anons, which examples do you think give the best ROI for your field?
I have a physics background and I've realized recently how shamefully shallow my understanding of other topics is.
My project is to learn to solve 3-5 examples in different fields using all the right notation and jargon.
The goal isn't to be an expert, just to learn what chem/math/etc 'feels' like, if that makes sense.
Either way, it seems like a good exercise to boil down everything you've learned.

Here are the problems for physics I've settled on, maybe there are better ones:
- Precession of Mercury (GR)
- Fine Structure of Hydrogen (QM)
There are other topics but they all rely on these two problems anyhow and might lean on toy models too much for any real intuition.

Thanks for the help.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157723

This midwit ruined math. He and Cauchy are the worst mathematicians of all times, and math would be significantly better without their "contributions".

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157700

Will he be the first man to set foot on mars?

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🧡 Cannabis is for losers.

Anonymous No. 16157689

>The highest regular use (16 percent) was recorded among U.S. adults who earned less than $24,000 per year, and those whose completed a high school education or less (13 percent).
>Almost half of Biden voters want to live someplace weed is legalized
>The consumption levels dropped nearly threefold with those who have advanced degrees and those who live in high-earning households.
>95% of people who make $180,000/year or more do not consume cannabis regularly

It's a fact. If you want to get ahead in life, you shouldn't be wasting time/money smoking pot.

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🧡 >Today I'll wear a dishtowel on my head.

Anonymous No. 16157657

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🧡 Newly discovered cosmic megastructure challenges theories of the universe

Anonymous No. 16157651

What broader implications would this have regarding our understanding of the universe? I'd love to hear Neil degrasse Tyson's perspective on this. But more to the point, what are your thoughts about this /sci/?

>Newly discovered cosmic megastructure challenges theories of the universe

>A 1.3bn light year-sized ring discovered by PhD student in Lancashire appears to defy the cosmological principle assumption

>β€œFrom current cosmological theories we didn’t think structures on this scale were possible,” said Alexia Lopez, a PhD student at the University of Central Lancashire, who led the analysis. β€œWe could expect maybe one exceedingly large structure in all our observable universe.”

>Zooming out on the universe should, in theory, reveal a vast, featureless expanse. Yet the Big Ring is one of a growing list of unexpectedly large structures. Others include the Giant Arc, which appears just next to the Big Ring and was also discovered by Lopez in 2021. Cosmologists calculate the current theoretical size limit of structures to be 1.2bn light years, but the Big Ring and the Giant Arc, which spans an estimated 3.3bn light years, breach this limit.

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🧡 why trans people exist

Anonymous No. 16157625

so whats the evolutionary cause for some men having a female identity? its too common to write it off as a mutation, isn't a mental illness and did not pop up last decade as a fad - see

if its some kind of a trans gene, how did it make it through? Makes no sense that some males feel miserable being male - not to mention mating and reproduction behavioral issues. and if it's some kind of a disorder - what happens in the womb to fuck up person's gender?

please refrain from /pol/ schizoposting thanks

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🧡 Russian Space Nukes

Anonymous No. 16157624

>Asked about the potential effect of such a weapon, Plumb said low-Earth orbit β€” the most common orbit for satellites β€” would be rendered unusable for possibly up to a year because of the radiation from a nuclear detonation.

What's the science behind this? How does detonating a nuke in orbit render that orbit usable?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157607

What science can come of ones own thoughts, or does it all require physical activity?

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🧡 The book that killed /sci/entists delusions

Anonymous No. 16157573

Read it

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Anonymous No. 16157523

>LARP as ascetic, friendless, super-disciplined hermit whose life is wholly dedicated to mathematics.
>He had a son with his landlady during his time in Nancy
>With his wife Mireille Dufour, he had three children: Johanna (born 1959), Alexander (born 1961), and Mathieu (born 1965)
>He also had one child with Justine Skalba, with whom he lived in a commune in the early 1970s

From my, chronically online 4chan anon perspective it seems like there is clearly something not right about his propaganda.

inb4: He only became monk when he was elderly creep.
No, it was said that he was ascetic, friendless, super-disciplined even when he was studying as undergraduate

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157519

Is a quintillion even possible? I heard that numbers end at 4000 quadrillion. In all honesty, thinking we just add a 0 is basic and intolerable. You're not true mathematicians are you?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157478

> assume an F16 but with some sort of oxidizer or oxidizer fuel instead of the regular fuel
Could it reach Space?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Engineering college

Anonymous No. 16157462

I'm submitting a college transfer application. My GPA sucks (2.75) but I really want to get into Electrical Engineering. My current major is IT. The application wants my intended major. Should I put something that has lower competition, like Gender Studies or something? Surely putting EE will only harm me, right? I ask /sci/ because you would be familiar with engineering academia than, say, /r9k/. I'm also Asian and a straight male, and I know better than self-report Asian on any college application; that can only ever hurt you.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157450

why is the goal of the current space programme to put a """person of color"" on the moon?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157385

hegel the philosopher said that science will inevitably be the tool that solves everything. he said though, that in order to do this, science must evolve into a system that involves the observer/being in the equation. in other words, it must somehow encapsulate big picture intuiting and feeling by becoming a self referential system, that not only explains all of reality, but also justifies itself

do you think this realistically will ever be possible?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Psychology question: Does my brother have a mental condition?

Anonymous No. 16157376

tl;dr: My brother can't move on from getting dumped from more than a decade ago. Is this a mental problem?

11 years ago, my brother was dumped by his gf. They dated for two years and she dumped him for someone else. Between that time, he fell down the redpill/manosphere rabbit hole and started espousing all their talking points.
>Sexual marketplace value
>Alpha mindset
It seemed he had found a cope to deal with his dumping but then in 2022, out of the blue, he needed to get hospitalized for suicidal ideation. It turned out he got scammed by some guy in west africa claiming to be a friend of his ex. The scammer said she was in a near fatal car crash and needed money to pay for the medical bills. And he dumped six figures based on a hope that he was gonna get back with his ex. Even when he was hospitalized ad told the doctors what happened, they all said something to the effect of "Dude, you HAVE to move on."

This fixation on an ex from over a decade ago is just strange and his hope to get back with her is just sad. Is this a condition of some sort? Because can't be normal. Any links to studies would be appreciated.

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🧡 /mnt/ - Molecular Nanotechnology general

Anonymous No. 16157325

Where the fuck is my assembler edition?

That's right it's time for another molecular nanotechnology. Remember keep your discussion limited to actual nanotechnology applications, inventions, and theorizing, not sissy boy nu-nanotechnology.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157218

>"The Bic Cristal pen design is so far distilled in it's utility and aesthetic that if intelligent life remotely resembling ours exists elsewhere in the Cosmos, it is highly likely they use a writing instrument identical to this near Platonic Ideal."
WTF is this true?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16157204

why aren't prosthetics better?
read a couple articles about it and all the electronic ones usually aren't more useful than cable controlled ones, or nothing at all.

you're not going to pick up a grape with your retard arm, you're going to do it with the good one, but you're fucked if you want to try and use a chainsaw or open a jar or whatever.

why is stuff not better than it is?