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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16174183

Why are midwits so obsessed with the idea of nuclear energy when renewables have easily eclipsed them in nearly every way possible over a decade ago? Is it just the "i hecking LOVE science... stupid greenpeace hippies don't understand how safe nuclear is..." identity factor? Imagine spending over a decade to build a nuclear plant that costs 15x more than the equivalent amount of solar panels and battery capacity added together. There's a reason why neither China or the US does that at any real scale anymore.

Then when you point this out it's all "molten thorium small scale nuclear fusion reactors are just around the corner, just wait, they just need more funding," when you could just be developing solar and wind farms instead.

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great salt lakes ....jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16174144

Can /sci/ deboooooooooooooonk this flat earther? Why is the laser still visible 21 miles across the Great Salt Lake?

PS, I'm not taking sides here I'm just genuinely curious about the truth and I want to know if these flat earth videos can be deboooooooonked. I'm not a scientist or a mathematician or any of the sort by the way, which is probably why these videos seem very convincing to me.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16174132

Will the bird flu become a major epidemic or is it a nothing burger?

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🧵 Quantum consciousness was just proven

Anonymous No. 16174099

Determinists in shambles

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon No. 16174070

There is a dimensional emergency - you've all seen the signs. The previous civilization that exists in a different dimension created this one unevenly, the simulation is broken. The rise of mankind didn't happen fluently and it resulted in this waste dimension we exist; where the fruits aren't capable of riping and the people more so. There are signs of upper dimensionality interacting with us trying to heal the situation. Do your part, it's not on our heads, but we should support ourselves a bit.

You're allowed to scan my Twitter, WorldofVard, if you want to hear news on this topic

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16174065

What is the scientific explanation behind society being so soft and feminine nowadays?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16174053

why has this shit not been done yet?
seems pretty simple desu, it's just metal and electronics, can't be that expensive.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16174048

>summer holidays approaching fast
>won't be able to study anything because of summer depression just like last year
>wont have the comfy uni library to study in at home
its so over, summer holidays shouldnt even be a thing. my productivity goes down the toilet during summers

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon No. 16173988

Literacy is just as important as math where science is involved. Good luck on this cyclop-minded board. You fags are truly low-wits to midwit range

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🧵 altered evolution theory

Anonymous No. 16173977

what if we didnt evolve from frogs?

here's my take on it:

1. frog like creatures rise on land maybe 400 million years ago, directly evolved from fish

2. fish who gave rise to amphibians also stayed in water.. for 50 million years

3. 350 million years ago a NON AMPHIBIAN fish rises to live on land, he is the actual ancestor of lizards, crocodiles, mammals, birds

thus frogs were a dead end right from the beginning, its amazing they survived to this day

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🧵 Question?

Anonymous No. 16173975

If a land area of 208 hectares can become a country (Monaco) and accede to the United Nations.

Can an island of 253 hectares do the same if it has the backing of a permanent UN member of the Security Council?

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

🗑️ 🧵 List what science currently does not know?

Anonymous No. 16173969

I'll start
Why we're here
Whence we came
Wither we go
Does science even know anything of value?

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🧵 So let's say, hypothetically,

Anonymous No. 16173865

I made a discovery (not-Math), but I have no higher education. What should I have to do to not look like a sperg?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173856

If you were in Starfleet, what rank and area would closely resemble your current social status and occupation?

I would literally look like pic related, am actual research scientist employed as a postdoc in charge of students who work for me

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🧵 Albert Einstein

Anonymous No. 16173833

What did his ideas actually accomplish?
How did they impact the world?
He doesn't seem very relevant to me

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🧵 Is the universe infinite?

Christian Universalist AI will save humanity No. 16173665

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon No. 16173621

What is the name of all that a human is able of?

You could say Ability and Agility, but this would be only the heart-of-the-matter. So what is it? I think this is what the term (L shoulder) Jesus (R shoulder) Christ, refers to.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173544

>There is more diversity within races than there is between races
What does this mean? And why is this used to disprove the existence of race?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173539

>Clearly, ...
>Obviously, ...
>It should be self-evident that ...
>It follows trivially that ...
>It can be easily proven that ...
I swear, if I find this shit in one more textbook, I'm gonna go postal.

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🧵 bathing in oxygen singlets

Anonymous No. 16173532

sup /sci/

not a troll, I promise. I'm a chemistry nerd germophobe who thinks deodorants are sketchy. instead, I take a bath with 4oz of bleach (this is a verified decolonization treatment for MRSA, google it) plus... 3oz of sodium percarbonate... so I generate pic related oxygen singlets (which rapidly turn into regular-ass diatomic oxygen gas). when I do this, I can go three days without needing a bath/shower/deodorant unless I do something super-sweaty or touch something microorganism-y.

how awesome/bad is this idea?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173457

>msg is le safe though

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173329

Why can't we just reverse engineer the brain? It's not like we have a shortage of brains or anything

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173322

What's this guy's deal? Was he really the super genius that indians hype him up to be or a hack since he never used any proofs?

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🧵 Is pure math harder than theoretical physics ?

Anonymous No. 16173297

The Reddit answer is that you can’t compare the two. But really which is harder? And if you have to say that some areas of theoretical physics are harder than some areas of pure math but like number heart is harder than any are of physics that is a fine answer. I want to know how you would classify this. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to assume the stuff written does is harder than a lot of stuff pure mathematicians do. But like things like astrophysics for instance are child’s play for mathematicians. But still there are things in mathematics that even Edward written would have trouble with.