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🧵 Black Hole Go Big Boom

Anonymous No. 16195406

How do we know that Black holes don't explode like stars? What would be the ramifications if they actually do?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16195397

The IAU's 2006 vote was a publicity stunt rather than a fair scientific undertaking, with only 424 out of 10,000 astronomers worldwide participating, and most of those few allowed to vote were not subject mater experts. This small group overturned the recommendation of the IAU's own committee and ignored the fact that Pluto is more planet-like than many other Solar System objects, with an atmosphere, complex geology, and moons of its own. Pluto also gravitationally dominates its orbital zone like other planets, and the argument that it hasn't cleared its orbit is flawed, as Neptune hasn't cleared its either. The definition of a planet should be based on physical properties, not an arbitrary vote. Imagine the ludicrous notion that a super Jupiter could be found in the Oort cloud and deemed not a planet because other stuff exists in its orbit.

The IAU meets August 6th-15th, 2024, now can we influence them to do the right thing and re-instate Pluto? Barring that how can we minimize their influence and funding. I wonder in the US if we can get state boards of education to mandate the teaching that Pluto is a planet and that the scientific process does not determine fact via rigged votes.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16195374

Do you know of people who regret studying medicine? What did they do?
I got my MD last year and I don't want to do a specialty. People have told me to do Radiology because you don't see patients and make big money, but that shit's boring as fuck.

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🧵 Requesting reading material for understanding this paper

Roteman No. 16195367

i want to get into the warping of space and the fourth and higher spacial dimentions, more specifically warp drives which do not use exotic matter, black holes and white holes, negative matter and punching a hole through the fabric of spacetime
please come at this at a college dropout level
also no chakras and ether energy and 1.11 killo hertz shit like that thx

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🧵 If you believed you solved the equation of everything...

Anonymous No. 16195354

... would you have a social obligation to make a big deal out of it? Reach out to people about it? What if you tried and people just called you names and harrassed you? Do you just accept that people don't understand and go on with your life?

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🧵 3x + 1 problem general

Anonymous No. 16195345

The most fascinating math problem. What makes it so hard to make any progress on this problem when it looks so simple? Is there any chance of ever solving it?

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🧵 special relativity

Hiyoko mame-iri gohan No. 16195317

im at 12th grade and im trying to understand special relitvity, what i understand so far is its basicly x=v.t but v is constant at the speed of light so when x increases time itself slows down to make up for it. but why is c the speed limit, how do we know things can past the speed of light, isnt there some particles that can move faster than light?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16195315

>more attractive people are more intellige-
>more symmetrical faces equals higher IQ-
>Not being bald makes you smarte-

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🧵 /eeg/ - Electrical Engineering General

Anonymous No. 16195271

Power and energy
Control engineering
Microelectronics and nanoelectronics
Signal processing
Photonics and optics

all of them are welcome here....

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16195248

Spitzer Edition

Previous - >>16192128

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🧵 cross-post /sci/ + /tv/

Anonymous No. 16195227

A top physicist Max Tegmark says Silicon Valley is downplaying the risk of AI.

And then this Hollywood show seems to be fear-mongering it.

What kind of future are they buttering us up for?

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🗑️ 🧵 Who is worse, scientifically speaking?

Anonymous No. 16195214

Schizo retards like Terrence Howard or smug soience faggots like pic related and Thundercuck? At least you can laugh and shake your head at Howard being a retard and forcing Yale to listen to his rambling and get some enjoyment out of that.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16195199

if ronnie mcnutt was a mathematician, would he would end his lemmas and proofs with "well guys, I guess that's it" instead of [math]\square[/math]?

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🧵 Is /sci/ a big midwit hangout group?

Anonymous No. 16195189

Is /sci/ a big midwit hangout group? Not a troll or bait post. But something I've been thinking. We all have surface level understanding of many things, biology (thanks to race autism), psychology, math, electronics, software, while we all are in reality studying maybe physics, CS, math or something at collage (right now, or in the past). But we never truly excelled in that one main thing. Of course, we are well read in that subject compared to a subtier midwit. But we never truly excelled to a point where we contributed something worthy to the field. Or even made significant contributions to that one field.

And actual high IQ people are busy hanging out with their colleagues, socializing. We midwits are here theorizing computational model for coding DNA to enhance muh race into producing physics theories on neuroscience.

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🧵 Water powered vehicles - possibly feasible?

Anonymous No. 16195153

1.Water is used to generate electricity through a hydro generator/water turbine.
2.The generated electricity is used in an electrolysis process to split water (or another hydrogen-containing substance) into hydrogen and oxygen gases.
3.The produced hydrogen gas is collected, compressed, and stored in high-pressure tanks within the vehicle.
4.The stored hydrogen gas is injected into the combustion engine, where it is ignited to power the vehicle.

potential drawbacks:
>Significant water storage space
Not a huge issue; most vehicles would have large enough space to store several gallons of water, and it would scale with size ofc (smaller car, smaller water tank)
>efficiency of hydro generator and electrolysis process to make it practical
This is more key but since cars can store several hundred gallons of water (see the size of 200 gallon water tank), it remains a matter of actually testing the system out to assess efficiency needs. (electrolysis process should be fine judging from how efficient it is based on already existing tech (70-80% efficiency in submarines etc), and mainly the initial water to electricity generation process via hydro-generator could be a concern for potential bottlenecks)

I'd like some critique on this please.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16195151

1.Water is used to generate electricity through a hydro generator/water turbine.
2.The generated electricity is used in an electrolysis process to split water (or another hydrogen-containing substance) into hydrogen and oxygen gases.
3.The produced hydrogen gas is collected, compressed, and stored in high-pressure tanks within the vehicle.
4.The stored hydrogen gas is injected into the combustion engine, where it is ignited to power the vehicle.

potential drawbacks:
>Significant water storage space
Not a huge issue; most vehicles would have large enough space to store several gallons of water, and it would scale with size ofc (smaller car, smaller water tank)
>efficiency of hydro generator and electrolysis process to make it practical
This is more key but since cars can store several hundred gallons of water (see the size of 200 gallon water tank), it remains a matter of actually testing the system out to assess efficiency needs. (electrolysis process should be fine judging from how efficient it is based on already existing tech (70-80% efficiency in submarines etc), and mainly the initial water to electricity generation process via hydro-generator could be a concern for potential bottlenecks)

I'd like some critique on this please.

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🧵 Killing termites and similar pests with microwaves

Anonymous No. 16195148

I have an idea: a device that uses microwaves to kill termites. The generated microwave radiation would be powerful enough to burn the termites inside wood of relatively short width but not too powerful to be able reach long distances.

Some issues I've thought of is that microwaves would be reflected by nails, cables or other metallic objects, but maybe the device could be designed in such a way that reflected radiation would be absorbed by some components.

Also, I guess the same device could be used to "scan" tunnels. And to kill similar pests and maybe even weeds.

Would it work? Is it a bad idea?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16195146

We are Psychopathic Geniuses.

Only 1/31,560 people have a 160+ IQ, and only 1% of the population has psychopathy. Assuming probabilistic independence, about 1/3,156,000 of the population satisfy both criteria, meaning there are only around 2,535 of us in the world. Are you one of us?

Every human interaction induces a game. The player who wants to win the most sets the rules. Affective empathy and other forms of neuroticism set the bar for your capacity to take action. This bar is concerningly low for most people, bordering on the self-sacrificial if not outright masochistic. In effect, when faced with a purely rational opponent, such a person can never win. No intelligence makes one impotent; no lack of affective empathy and other irrational biases makes one incapable of competing at the extremes. In this sense, psychopathic geniuses are the ideal people, a superior people.

We labor to create an engaging environment for such extraordinarily esoteric individuals—a place free from the impotence of the ordinary, a place free from the irrationality of neurotypicals. We may look friendly on the surface, but make no mistake—there are no lengths we won't go to if you piss us off.


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon, King of Sci/Put your name as Knight of Barkon to worship No. 16195142


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🧵 is /sci/ smarter than /g/?

Anonymous No. 16195066

can /sci/ find a closed form solution? or at least an exact solution of some form?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16195018

whats the scientific reason for south italy being a shithole?

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🧵 Why did /sci/ fall for the Lab Leak Conspiracy theory?

Anonymous No. 16195015

Why did this board fall so hard for the Lab Leak conspiracy theory?

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🧵 Is the human body never meant to get wet?

Anonymous No. 16194964

If our skin is meant to have a delicate microbiome of bacteria and yeasts, that basically get washed off with exposure to water and resets the skin to a ground zero that one must build up all over again, are we actually evolved to never wash our skin with water, let alone any form of surfactant? Or even to allow dust and dirt to do the work of exfoliating residues off, much like every other mammal that only takes dust baths?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16194896

What the fuck are units? Why do we need them to make measurements? Do they bridge the gap between the abstract and the concrete? They're arbitrary too but somehow still work. Wtf why?