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🧡 What's with all the anti-vegan threads now?

Anonymous No. 16239253

Veganism is fine so long as you do your research and, depending on your diet supplement nutrients you may be deficient in (Vitamin B12, D, iron, and iodine being the most common). Most of what you will need can easily be provided with a multivitamin. In fact veganism may very well be necessary when you consider the current rate we are consuming dairy and meat is unsustainable on a global scale, especially when you consider the impact of animal agriculture on climate change. Plus there is a moral quandary - we all agree harming animals unnecessarily is wrong, yet by eating animals we are harming them unnecessarily since we no longer need to eat animals to survive.

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🧡 Why are samoans so goddamn big?

Anonymous No. 16239233

I constantly see these "my samoan 3 year old" videos on tiktok and they're all well over 5 feet

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Anonymous No. 16239226


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🧡 We'll reach 10 billion people by 2048

Anonymous No. 16239177

Current population: 8.1 Billion

-with 1.1% growth per year: 10 bi by 2044
-with 1% growth per year: 10 bi by 2046
-with 0.9% growth per year: 10 bi by 2048
-with 0.8% growth per year: 10 bi by 2051
-with 0.7% growth per year: 10 bi by 2055

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16239166

The reality we experience is the only reality we have experienced, so how do we know that there isn’t anything beyond our reality?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 18 year old athlete lost concsciousness and died!

Anonymous No. 16239141

He was just appointed onto olympics

Just prior olympics training he made a routine diving to proof he is up for it

It happened on the weekend:
Jackson James Rice suddenly lost consciousness while submerged, he died there.
When he was pulled up he seemed already dead.

Paris Olympics are about to start some 4 weeks from now.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Study Thread

Anonymous No. 16239125

I've been a complete fraud in university for the past 3 years and managed to get by doing absolutely fuck all. I'm now about to start a Master's degree in 3 months and I actually want to succeed now.

I have 3 months to "learn" (or rather, discover) 3 years' worth of courses. I have everything I need to study neatly organized on my computer, I just need to read the damn things now except I have never studied in my life and have a destroyed attention span from gaming and NEETing all my life. What's your advice for me? Already doing Pomodoro technique which is useful but I really struggle with reading/focusing for more than 30 minutes. At some point I just lose focus and can't really go further. Advice?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16239103

Did China really surpass the West scientifically? Perhaps some of you know more about the academic world in China.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 /mg/ - math general

Anonymous No. 16239073

math t-shirt edition

previous >>16234484

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16239049

How come John Bardeen is barely even well known within his field instead of being a household name like Einstein?
Bardeen was a much, much more important physicist than Einstein, Bardeen's work lead to major technological advancement that actually benefitted humanity while Einstein's work was practically useless. Bardeen is the only physicist with two Nobel prizes, if anyone should be the most famous 20th century physicist, it should be Bardeen, but instead it's Einstein and Bardeen isn't anywhere near the top of the list of most well known 20th century physicists

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16239046

I don't know if I'm just being retarded, but I don't think that self-referential statements make any sense and simply violate the law of identity.
This would include the statement "this statement is false". They result in an infinite regress, which really just collapses into nothingness. So the statement "this statement is false" is nonsensical, it points at nothing and then says that that nothingness is false; no shit you're not gonna be able to say it's true or false.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238997

can someone please invent a microwave but for cold

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238971

Cosmic rays and their effect on Earth weather

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238949

How do I develop a more efficient mental model and change the way I think? Self studying math and philosophy has made me realize my current method is inefficient and not compatible with logic heavy subjects.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238922

The retarded schizos (antivaccine, climate change deniers) make me want to vote for biden. I voted for Trump twice. Four more years of the sleepy king feels like the kind of punishment they need and deserve. Is the biden administration actually doing anything positive for climate change or is it just all empty bullshit. Still on the fence.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238900

Co2 released as water heated up:
When water is heated up, it can release CO2 (carbon dioxide) in a process known as degassing. This occurs because CO2 is dissolved in water at higher concentrations than it is in the atmosphere. As the water is heated, the solubility of CO2 decreases, allowing it to escape from the solution.
How it Works
When water is heated, the molecules gain energy and start moving faster. This increased kinetic energy allows the CO2 molecules to break free from their bonds with the water molecules and escape into the air as a gas.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238897

What's the single best and most comprehensive book on the history of science? Multiple volumes is fine.

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Whites are better....jpg

🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238890

According to Pew Research whites are 18% more knowledgeable about science when compared to latinoxes and over 42% more knowledgeable than people of African ancestry.

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🧡 vegan here

Anonymous No. 16238877

I'm not part of the vegan community because I know it's just political rubbish and has ideological roots but I'm a person willing to abandon my precepts if they are proven false.... can you categorically prove that veganism is false and harmful to humans? You can use whatever argument you want, including the "historical" argument, but some data would be uncomfortable to use. And about the dice, I have doubts because the "other side" also shows several dice, so is it just one throwing dice over the other?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238832

How impactful is body odor for sexual attraction? Maybe they play a big role on wheter the "vibes" are good or not when meeting someone?

Do armpit odor, sweat and groint sweat have higher concentrations of molecules that allow potential partners to properly sniff out how compatible their MHC is?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238818

>He uses a calculator

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238739

>These faggots spent billions of dollars and only found one new particle
You're better of giving money to black mesa

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Is consciousness real?

Anonymous No. 16238709

why did the stupid faggot tranny atheist jannies delete the thread on fear od dying?

Scientific trials of psilocybin have been and are being done with terminal patients which shows reports of a loss of fear of dying yet the d egenerate moderating this board deleted that thread in which was my absolute greatest ever explaination of the effects of psilocybin and I was too busy living life and enjoying it to have checked back to screenshot it myself and its gone.. how many monekypox have you found around your mouth and anus today you aids infected nigger?

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🧡 What is the highest temp crop?

Anonymous No. 16238707

Hey guys, how hot is the hottest growing region on earth? How hot does it need to be for the fruits and plants there to thrive?