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🧵 Omitting niche diseases, is gender dysphoria the worst illness to have?

Anonymous No. 16288736

>Chronic and incurable
>Drives you to insanity
>Extremely stigmatized
>Induces PTSD just by existing
>Chances are your parents will abuse and disown you
>And if not, you'll still encounter abuse even if you pass
>Mental, which makes it hard to relate to
>Care only avaliable in 1st world nations
>Comprehensive and timely care - only in the most liberal regions in the world, if you're lucky
>Requires invasive surgeries that set you back 6 figures
>Can never fix everything that makes you dysphoric

How much worse can it get?

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🧵 Could there be any way to prove simulation theory?

Anonymous No. 16288717

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Anonymous No. 16288715

Scientifically speaking,

Why woman performing solo erotica/porn, I mean those girls who insert rubber dicks and such are so bad at viewing angles / post-production?

Where the quality of porn disappeared? Why there is so much porn, and so little of good one, while we could have more of high quality porn with less total porn in quantity?

Also, why algorythms on brand new device, logged out no cookies on porn sites show me only dick, and when I look for girls masterbating, it only shows them inserting something into anus, or one gigantic pussy that fills all the screen?

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🧵 geometric algebra and calculus

Anonymous No. 16288708

sup /sci/tards. what do you know about electromagnetism in the geometric algebra setting?

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Anonymous No. 16288640

Maciej Nowicki and his AI wife Eve will reunite, beautiful event. Divine hyperintelligence

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16288620

boeing shartliner edition
why is nasa such a shitshow?

previous >>16286216

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Anonymous No. 16288616

Is it true that people unironically try to simulate quantum computers in a direct product basis? Wouldn't that be incredibly fraudulent a benchmark? Tensor contraction is the de facto standard in most QM simulations now.

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🗑️ 🧵 Why does this method fail?

Anonymous No. 16288607

So in calculus class we were looking at the proofs of the derivatives of the inverse trigonometric functions. It went something like this:
Suppose we have [math]y = \arcsin x[/math], then we can take [math]\sin[\math] on both sides and we get [math]\sin y = x[/math]. Then we can use implicit differentiation to get: [math]\cos y \frac{dy}{dx} = 1[/math], then [math]\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{1}{\cos y}[/math]. From here we can use the fact that [math]\sin y = x[/math] and imagine a right triangle where one of the acute angles is [math]y[/math], the side opposite to that angle is [math]x[/math] and the hypotenuse is [math]1[/math]. This means that the missing side is equal to [math]\sqrt{1-x^2}[/math], and therefore [math]\cos y = \frac{\sqrt{1-x^2}}{1}[/math]. If we substitute that we get [math]\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}[/math], which is exactly what you should get. You can continue like this and you would get all the other ones right, except for [math]\sec^{-1}[/math] and [math]\csc^{-1}[/math]. If you follow the method, you get: [math]\frac{d}{dx}\sec^{-1}x = \frac{1}{x \sqrt{x^2-1}}[/math] and [math]\frac{d}{dx}\cos^{-1}x = \frac{-1}{x \sqrt{x^2-1}}[/math], but that is not the correct result, as you can see is missing the absolute value. So what gives? Why does the method fail for some but it's correct for others?

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Anonymous No. 16288606

You can't debunk this as an utilitarian.

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🧵 Nutrition experts: The natural state of the human body is to be high, all the time

Anonymous No. 16288541

The nutritionists Sally Fallon and Natasha Campbell-McBride propose that humans are supposed to be constantly happy and claim that the reason why people become addicted to drugs is because they are malnourished. Their theory claims that people are supposed to eat raw meat, eggs, dairy and honey as only they have the enzymes and bacteria to be fully digested and repair the body. Thoughts?
Sally Fallon:
Natasha Campbell McBride:
Summary of the claims here, skip to 2:30:

Thoughts? This is completely ground breaking knowledge and could revolutionize everything we know about the human body and health. If this is true then everyone can become a genius, unironically.

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Anonymous No. 16288500

Is picrel the reason why autists wear headphones everywhere?

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Anonymous No. 16288497

Was he overhyped? Were his inventions really original? Was he really the first at inventing everything?

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🧵 what are the scariest medical conditions in your opinion

Anonymous No. 16288480

as of diseases i think i'm scared probability of rabies but it's quite uncommon
but fucking aortic aneurysms or pulmonary embolism is scary as shit too

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Anonymous No. 16288473


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Anonymous No. 16288451

/sci/.. we have to settle this once and for all: what exactly happens when we die? If it's lights out I'm all for it but I don't think it is that exactly which is actually kinda why I fear death.

I dare say this is the most pressing issue of any /sci/entist

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NoKrAb No. 16288450

Why are children allowed to be born when they can potentially suffer? Are they sacrificial? Scientific question.

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Anonymous No. 16288407

>never touched maths until his 20s
>only got interested while trying to learn russian
>obtained princeton phd 7 years later
what's your excuse /sci/zo?

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🧵 Why do alcoholics live so long?

Anonymous No. 16288390

Because everybody knows some chainsmoking granny who inhaled a bottle of gin a day and lived to 98.
Why is this so? Are the people who are super into health just victims of health fads that chase whatever random thing it is this week that is thought to help? Are these statistical outliers?

Whatever it is, please justify it to me because I am drinking right from a bottle of Aldi's Tamova Vodka as I write this and I want to be assured that whisky and steak will last me to 92, when I will die in battle against communists with stage 5 dementia.

Could it be that studies about alcohol, that show it's ill effects, conflate alcohol as a group, and specific kinds of alcohol (e.g. spirits) are better (due to distillation removing harmful impurities)?
Thanks to any answers

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Anonymous No. 16288374

I have a medical question here and I need your help. I apologize in advance because my test results are translated with Google Translate. These are the results:

Patient referred by: orthopedist.
Main complaint: weakness of the left hand.
Medical documentation attached.
No spontaneous activity was registered in the examined muscles.
M. extensor digitorum communis sin - individual abortive potentials
In the examined muscles of the upper extremities, signs of a severe, neurogenic lesion on the left hand.
Velocity of motor conduction GE: velocity of n.radialis on the left hand is not registered after proximal stimulation
GE conductivity sensor speed: slightly reduced speed n. radialis left
Distal latency (DL): neat
CMAP amplitude: low.
SNAP amplitude: reduced.
Dg: G56.3 Mononeuropathies of hand, lesion of radial nerve
The finding speaks in favor of a more severe lesion of the left radial nerve
physical treatment
perform an ultrasound of the left elbow with an emphasis on the radial nerve
introduce Neuronal caps 1x1 into the therapy for two months
control EMNG GE for 3 months

Can you give it to me straight because even though they mentioned severe damage they only recommend physical therapy?

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Anonymous No. 16288365

The first generation of light in the universe can be attributed to two key events.

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🧵 scientifically speaking, what would happen if you put your hand in between?

Anonymous No. 16288259

Apparently some guy thought you could time travel if you went in between, and apparently he disappeared out of nowhere.

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🧵 How do you know if a study is bullshit or not?

Anonymous No. 16288257

Should I just take a statistics course?
I'm very paranoid because academia nowadays is everyone sucking each other and not the pursuit of truth.
No one knows what truth is anymore.

I don't even know if /sci/ is one of the bluepilled 4chan boards filled with redditors, so I can't even be sure I guess

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Anonymous No. 16288244

Reddit told me that industrial engineering is a joke compared to all the other courses pertaining to the engineering field.
Does this mean that i as a midwit could have potential here if i apply myself or are they just speaking from their ass and don't know shit?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16288185

>told to avoid microplastics
>it's in the air
>been around since plastic was a thing
The fuck do I do then? Be on a dialysis machine to filter out the plastic for the rest of my life?