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Anonymous No. 16288150

why birds poop is white?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16288144

Does anyone know what paper he is referring to?

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🗑️ 🧵 Which Undergrad Courses Can You Skip?

Anonymous No. 16288141

I taught myself all of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calc 1 and 2, along with some linear algebra. I would need to review these subjects for a month or two to refresh all my knowledge, but there are plenty of high schools that offer all of these courses. Is it possible to test out of a lot of this shit prior to university if you don't have any high school credits for these courses? Would this shorten the length of time it takes to get a bachelor's degree?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16288140

has anyone ever tried to see what happens when you get all your hydration from fruits and vegetables?

is there a good reason not to try?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16288105

Hebes are encroaching on loli territory. Scientifically, what can be done to correct these brats?

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Anonymous No. 16288089

If you cloned a neanderthal today and raised it as a human, would it be able to integrate into human society?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16288067

how do our gas giants have the heat energy to stay gaseous?
i would imagine them extremely cold so all the gas should have contracted into liquid, making them "water worlds"
do they really receive enough heat energy from the sun or is it all leftover heat from their creation?

will they become water worlds one day?

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🧵 Alpha gal tick a bioweapon?

Anonymous No. 16288032

Just got bit. Am curious.

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🧵 Geometry by Audin

Anonymous No. 16288027

Why does this function need to be partial? What element of the domain can't get mapped to a vector in the vector space E?

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🧵 Logarithm algorithm

M'ens. Lem Daier No. 16288017


Suppose you could take the logarithm of an entire file. First, how do you do it? And second, what are the benefits? Is this a project I should embark on? The pay is trash but what about recognition? Why would a PI even create a project like this? He won't even tell me. That's why I'm scratching my head. Promises huge fame.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16287995

What's a good routine for those who decide to study on their free time and what's good way of going through textbooks.

Should I skip the theory and start right off with the examples and then backtrack the necessary theory to complete the exercises?

If anyone's willing to share their experiences it'll be a big help thank.

It seems I`m too dumb for school so I'll resort to learning on my own. ;^(

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🧵 29 Day Human Menstrual Cycle = 29 Day Lunar Cycle?

Anonymous No. 16287988

>Women temporarily synchronize their menstrual cycles with the luminance and gravimetric cycles of the Moon
>We hypothesize that in ancient times, human reproductive behavior was synchronous with the Moon but that our modern lifestyles have changed reproductive physiology and behavior.

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Anonymous No. 16287979

/med/ help I have tachycardia from just drinking a 6pack of beers fuck, what do I do, h-how do I stop drinking so much??

/med/.. help..

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16287944

Does AI cause global warming?

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🧵 [BREAKING NEWS] NASA Cancels Immediate and Future Moon Mission

Anonymous No. 16287943

After NASA/Boeing stranded 2 astronauts in space, on a mission that was supposed to last 7 days (it's now 40+ days and counting), they have now decided to scrap their moon missions, immediate and future, citing cost overruns.

With that in mind, what do you think about future space industry? Who will be the first people to go to the moon?

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🧵 Need your help with a .. bizarre math question

Anonymous No. 16287936

So the “official “ number of deaths from the Dresden massacre are 25’000 and the supposed number of people buried in a mass grave at Heidefriedhof Cemetery in Dresden is 16’000

However the real numbers were much larger , they were able to find 250’000 bodies, the Red Cross estimated it to be even higher at 275’000 bodies , however because of the sheer amount of refugees in the city it is estimated that 350-400 thousand died and the bodies that they couldn’t find were boiled nothingness

So how many do you think died and how many do you think were recovered and buried ? I’ve not been able to find a completely conclusive answer

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Anonymous No. 16287864

Inner voice bros?

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🧵 Can psilocybin assist with language learning?

Anonymous No. 16287813

Since promotes neuroplasticity, and it allows you to think outside of the normal structure of your thought, if it's a language that you already have been learning, but are not yet fluent in, could it assist with thinking in the structure of the new language, rather than translating your native language into the new one?

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🧵 I hate the mythogoly of science, especially physics

Anonymous No. 16287794

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16287671

why are people so disrespectful to him?

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🗑️ 🧵 Are tall people dumber?

Anonymous No. 16287661

Back in the day, exaggerated height was associated with dimwittedness. Was there any basis for this?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16287581

If college students are so smart, how come they can't figure out how to pay off their own debts?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16287536

Is there any actual evidence that the sun is responsible for 80%-90% of skin aging?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16287534

>make a new journal and become its editor in chief
>have your friend make another new journal and become its editor in chief as new
>you submit papers to your friend journal
>your friend submit papers to your journal
>always accept each other papers
>always cite each other work from the other journal
>now both journals will have high impact factor due to citations from the other ones
>now you both have high citation counts in high impact factor journals
is there a system to stop people from doing this or it's just unlimited exploit for a free "high impact" academic career?