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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296517

When will /sci/ be able to prevent the Earth from burning

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296511

So, how accurate is really this film. The whole blight excuse to abandon Earth seems contrived and turned me off. It was cool to see the time dilation, but I'm sure this one is exaggerated too, specially with the inner more extreme planets. Obviously the inside of the black hole is complete bs, but what else?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296493
4 IMO problems solved.
ASI at the horizon. Takeoff imminent. System safety unchecked.
It's all gonna be over soon.

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🧵 probability

Anonymous No. 16296492

how would you calculate the probability of rolling an odd or even number on 4chan. thanks.

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🧵 Convolution Problem

Mathguy No. 16296365

Is there a function [math] g: R \rightarrow R [/math] such that [math] g^2=g*g [/math], where * denotes convolution?

We can take g to be integrable and bounded. This problem is hard because it’s both nonlinear and non-local. Obvious strategies all fail, with simple inequalities failing to rule out a solution and Fourier transforming getting you back to where you started. Attempting to do power series or other forms of expansion end poorly because what is well behaved for the square term isn’t for the autoconvolution, and vice versa. Simple inequalities show that no such solution can exist which is supported on [math] (1/e, \infty) [/math], even over the shared domain of [math] g^2 [/math] and [math] g*g [/math]. In general, no finite support works because the convolution will double it. It’s worth noting that a solution to the problem can be horizontally rescaled to a solution for [math] g^2= c g*g [/math]. This isn’t the case if we define the problem over the domain (0,1) and take the convolution to be periodic (modulo 1). In that case, Jensen immediately rules out solutions to [math] g^2= c g*g [/math] unless [math] c>1 [/math]. Beyond that I have no idea. Another way to solve the problem would be to find a function who is its own Fourier transform, and whose square is its own Fourier transform as well. This is evidently difficult. Any new strategies would be greatly appreciated.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296346

How does this not prove God exists. Pi is infinite randomness. Mathematicians are absolutely wasting their time trying to find a logical pattern.

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🧵 /cold/

Anonymous No. 16296331

Every day I feel goosebumps and cold tremors on my arms and legs, even though it's hot, even though I've been under the literal hot sun for several minutes. This bothers me a lot, because my body is shaking all the time. What can it be? Is it worth going to the doctor?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296252

>Hello chud
>look at this ai/quantum vaporware headline
>[reddit tier joke] (I am german btw)
>[phone rings] "Oh hi Elon" (proceeds to asskiss elon musk 3 more times during the video)
>hydrogen is bad
How does this clueless whore have any reach at all?

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🗑️ 🧵 Climate change is real and anthropogenic but I have a question

Anonymous No. 16296250

So like the title says, not trying to argue against the existence of climate change. Just have a question about the historic measurements. Historic daily measurements go back to about 1850, in a time where you have people using analog mercury thermometers measuring the temperature and marking down what they saw with a margin of error around 1-2 tenths of a degree. Fast forward to today and we can use digital thermometers placed all around the globe to get accurate readings to several significant figures.
So my question is how do we square the old data with the new when the amount of change we're trying to avoid falls within that margin for error?
Genuinely asking. Research papers on it would be cool if you have it.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296205

math bros…

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296170

Science has proven that all except ultimate alphas, in all animals, not just humans, are deranged disturbed perverted sinspawn creatures, that shouldnt exist.

How long do you think it will take until all non ultimate alphas, who are not loyal to the obvious winner of World War 3, will be extremely painfully enslaved and attached to the power plug?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296095

It's over for mathematicians. RIP

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296092

What a fucking retard

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🧵 don't procreate goy

white power No. 16296042

is this true?

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🧵 Pissing with your dick in the sink is the Medically correct way.

Anonymous No. 16295957

You have access to your dick at all time; you can clean it later; minimum chance of infection.
Just have running water at all times you dirty bastard.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295891

> be me
> greatest scientist of my generation
> make groundbreaking discoveries, revolutionising field
> realise dogma of state religion contradicts scientific evidence
> don’t care if it’s heresy, a scientist pursues the truth
> create outrage, get stripped of honours, become pariah
> give half-hearted apology to minimise punishment
> live out last years of life in poverty and isolation
> be James Watson
> pic unrelated

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🗑️ 🧵 Solar Maximum 2024

Anonymous No. 16295773

Are we just fucked if a Carrington Event level CME hits Earth?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295730

What are /sci/'s thoughts on exobiology? Are we ever going to find little green men? Bacteria? The origin of life in the Universe? Is it all a scam or should we look for life even if we might never find it?

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🧵 Would never existing feel the same as being dead?

Anonymous No. 16295719

Can't wrap my head around this crap.
In this universe, I could have not existed, like the offspring of, say, Nero and Marilyn Monroe (because they lived in different time periods, and so, could not have possibly mated, etcetc).
Well, I exist now, and am going to die one day. That day, I stop existing, right? So, when I stop existing, do I enter the same pure lack of consciousness like the person who never was, or do I get "frozen" in the last moment my consciousness had something left of it?
Like some sort of instant of deep dreamless sleep, after all my thoughts, feelings, memories are gone and I'm just a husk and there's next to nothing in my mind in that last instant?
Pic not related.

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16295707

Back at the Pad Edition

Previous - >>16293407

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🗑️ 🧵 Yet another negro plagiarism scandal in the sciences

Anonymous No. 16295697

A scientist in Canada copied his postdoc’s work without credit in a paper, according to the retraction notice and a university inquiry report.

The paper by Charles Conteh, a professor at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, appeared in Sage’s Outlook on Agriculture in October 2023. It has one citation, according to Clarivate’s Web of Science.

An inquiry by Brock identified plagiarism and uncredited authorship in the article, according to the report finalized this March and seen by Retraction Watch. Failure to give post-doctoral fellows the “opportunity to publish in peer-reviewed journals negatively impacts [them] both reputationally and financially,” the report states.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295686

Meteorology bros, how do we fix this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295626

Im about to graduate with my PhD in Electrical/Computer engineering. Idk what to do with my life, I’m so tired of being poor but I love working in science. Do I give up the passionate work for pay? I hear ECE PhDs can easily get a job paying like 200k-300k in the states

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295624

>Dark Oxygen
Why are scientists so creatively bankrupt?