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🧡 IQ is a meme so stfu

Anonymous No. 16418660

>B-but IQ correlates with intelli-ACK
There isn't an absolute definition of what intelligence is, let alone the ability to measure it. Einstein failed history and french, does that make him low IQ? Define intelligence and then define how to measure it with 100% accuracy.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16418594

Why exactly can’t a null hypothesis be proven? It’s very easy to prove that there is no difference between two groups with some experimentation.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16418588

Is exotic mathematics required to understand the physical world or does it just seem that way because math proficiency is part of how physicists establish a social hierarchy.

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🧡 First-Ever Complete Map of an Adult Fruit Fly’s Brain

Anonymous No. 16418514

zoom with a mouse wheel next to x,y,z in top left corner.

I see big trees colored with a single color. Is that a single neuron? The whole tree is a single neuron? I thought neurons don't branch, they are like single line segments inside a tree.

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🧡 Gacha probability question

Anonymous No. 16418509

I only have less than an hour to decide, how can I tell my chances:
Playing a gacha which has 4 URs, you do 60 pulls at a time. So I've done it 5 times, got nothing for the first three 60 pulls. Then I got 2 of the URs on the fourth, and 1 UR on the fifth. All different. Still missing the last UR, what are the chances I get it if I do a 6th 60 pull?
Rates are 0.245% per UR, and dupes are possible.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 How can they peer review a study so quickly?

Anonymous No. 16418461

>Researchers say

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🧡 Just how in the fuck did they designed this without software of any kind?

Anonymous No. 16418457

Fuck autocad, solidworks, computer simulations... fuck everything, give me a ruler and a compass and fuck off.

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🧡 bros

raphael No. 16418428

has anyone tried using q learning and using a physics engine as a feature to "brute force" learn to solve complex physics problems? i just thought of this and i think chatgpt is hallucinating

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16418383

What was a subject in uni that A) You thought would be cool but turned out to be boring? B) one subject that you thought would be boring but turned out to be cool?

A) For me, as a math major Algebra I was incredibly boring, I simply don't care about groups that much.

B) "classical mechanics" was really cool, I really liked to understand Newton's theory fully(for point particles at least), and I specially liked the part about the rocket equation.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16418338

>Meanwhile, on /sci/piter...

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🧡 History Trivia: Science

Anonymous No. 16418334

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🧡 Scientific Nobel Prize Misogyny

Anonymous No. 16418325

This year, all Nobel Prizes in scientific disciplines this year have been awarded to men. When we've made so much progress to try to get women and girls interested in STEM careers, for both practical and justice reasons, as an economy cannot function without STEM, and an unjust society is built on sand: the actions of the Nobel committee are inexcusable.
#NoNobel until they issue a formal apology and redo this year's awards.
The Nobel committee must adjust their ethical standards, and implement diversity and inclusion measures.
Even if you hate women, this is going to damage the amount of women in STEM and therefore hamper the progress of science severely, damaging the economy and innovation.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 physics

raphael No. 16418219

ok so im attempting physics as a 100 FSIQ anti memer. can someone give me a guide to physics and whats only essential for quantum physics i dont know if i can theorize it but my induction is enough to learn other subjects so im assuming its good enough for this shit and i like modeling since im an xgboost on time series faggot

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🧡 Am I retarded?

Anonymous No. 16418207

>be not very talented
>my brain is psyopped into choosing the subject that possibly requires the most talent out of the 'natural sciences'
>my brain is further psyopped into wanting to choose a field that possibly requires the most talent within that subject
>my brain is further psyopped into wanting to choose one of the subfields that requires the most talent within that field, and that almost all the people who are known and accomplished anything worthwhile (e.g. something hard, novel, easily communicable, applications in a lot of other sub-fields) are extremely talented and have been from a young age
>be depressed because I will never achieve what people I look up to have, and I was under some delusion that I could be a great mathematician or accomplish something great my entire, somewhat short life and I don't know how to cope with that

I'm a good student but I don't think that is a necessary nor sufficient condition
What's wrong with me or my brain or the stimuli it receives?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16418163

Doesn't it look like a black hole?;-82.3;5&l=temperature-2m

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Nature Complains About Lack of Women

Anonymous No. 16418156

The most prestigious medical journal in human history tweets that no women had received any Nobel Laureates this year.

What are the implications of this? Are women just not cut out to be in STEM?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16418110

Where can I find this hassle free independently?

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🧡 Gunpowder Plot/V for Vendetta

Anonymous No. 16418086

how much TNT (since that is how we measure explosviveness and shit) would V have had to use to blow up the whole parliament like in the final scene?

Also how much gunpowder did Fawkes bring? I havent found any good answers yet

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16418039

The American Heart Association says to eat sneed oils, are they right?
Do you eat steel oils?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16417987

Who's who? Which people are NPC and which are live?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16417968

triangles are cool.

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🧡 Learning Math

Anonymous No. 16417948

I did's free trial and I am acing basic expressions and basic equations. I have a print out of my times tables that I have been studying. I hope to be doing Calculus within 2 years from now. Is there any school or college that teaches refresher classes to adults like myself? I want to get a PhD in Mathematics now. I am poor and once I can afford a subscription to I will buy it. I also bought a subscription to The Great Courses Signature Collection. I had a rough start in life, never met my dad, was seriously bullied, fell into depression, had no role models, ect. I don't want to be a failure anymore. I want to succeed in life and not be a dumb poor loser.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16417890

How can science be returned to the ideal of objective exploration of reality?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16417858

How does Owls night vision compare to modern light amplification devices that can be used by humans(on the person)?