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🗑️ 🧵 Karen that hates skaters and calls the cops

Anonymous No. 178089

So there is this woman that lives behind a skate shop and consistently calls the cops on kids skating in the parking lot saying it's too loud. The police have started issueing citations against the employees of the shop for disturbing the peace just to appease her. Here's is a YouTube video of what she does too.

The cops were kind enough to provide her email too.
Her address is 5327 S Owasso Ave, Tulsa, OK 74105

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 178026

I'm a boxer but my friend group is doing wrestling matches. How do I cope without wasting a lot of time and money?

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🧵 juego de la creacion and pok ta pok

Anonymous No. 177999

In countries like guatemala, mexico and cuba there is a revival of 2 meso-american games: el juego de la creacion (game of the creation) which is a sort of hockey with a ball constantly on fire, and pok tap pok\juego de pelota, which is a sort of handball but using elbows, knees ,hips and head only. you probably remember this from the "road to el dorado" animated movie.
The players use the very colourful and awesome costumes of mayan or aztec priests for religious (neo-pagan) rituals or tourist events, but many kids and young men play it in normal clothes just like playing soccer of basket.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177971

Most arms focused taekwondo fighter

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177944

>Don't wear helmets
I sincerely don't understand it. What's the logic other than it looks bad/dumb?

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🧵 Starting on a 7.5 skate

Anonymous No. 177939

I'm just learning the ropes on skating with my friends skate he never used and bought when he was a kid, lol... thing is, i have little room for error in this small board... what are the basics I should master to stop being a pussy about doing an ollie in movement ??

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177875

>negates your choking skills

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177858

What about this guy's boxing?
He is a former baseball player, gangster, and most famous for street fights.

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🧵 Let him fight Tyson Furry

Anonymous No. 177802

For some reason people love talking about strenght vs skills and this would be a good example of strenght vs skill fight

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177783

Ramon Dino or Bris Cumstead?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177772

21 Y/O Guy. want to learn how to fight. Is there any point of start learning it? and what sport should I choose? friend of mine told me what kickboxing and hapkido are good

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177537

Are they brothers or something? When I see a picture of them alone I can’t tell which is which

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🧵 Ronda Rousey got exposed as an untelented transphobic CHUD

Anonymous No. 177504

>Speaking on his Weekend At Effy’s podcast, Effy called Ronda Rousey out for more than just her wrestling ability.

>Effy said:

>“When I think of if I respect a wrestler, or disrespect or don’t enjoy or promote a wrestler, they only have to be three things, okay? The first is, a little bit good at wrestling, just a little bit.

>“The second is, they have to believe that trans people are valid, and respect and honor our trans friends and family. The third is they have to believe that Sandy Hook actually happened. If you cross off zero out of three of those, then you (need to leave).

>“But Ronda Rousey is the dumbest b***h of all time. She is not good at wrestling. She is transphobic, and she questions the reality of whether Sandy Hook happened, and I just said it anyway. Ronda Rousey, you’re a big dumb b***h.

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🧵 /esg/ Enternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 177498

SOTY prediction edition

Basic brand info for beginners

Shoe reviews:

Submit a shoe review:

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

skatepark etiquette: Don't be a kook
Old Thread: >>176281

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🧵 sell me martial arts for self defence

Anonymous No. 177391

here's all my reasons why i think its stupid to dedicate yourself to martial arts for self defence
>most people don't know how to fight anyway so why spend so much time preparing for something that wont play out the way you have trained?
>anyone who genuinely try's to threaten your life most likely will have a weapon
>if they are not robbing you they will probably use that weapon before you have time to even react, like from behind out of nowhere(just watch nigger murder/mugging videos on gif for proof)
>martial arts also wont help you if they just have more people to fight to begin with though you would have a better chance than against weapons
>martial arts come with risk involved like unnecessary injury

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🧵 Defensive boxers today?

Anonymous No. 177348

Name some defensive boxers of the modern times. These guys always have mad skills.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177320

Throwing knives is a chill hobby. I got some cheap knives and set up a cardboard box.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177307

Strenght is the only thing that matters

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🧵 /HEMA/ General

Anonymous No. 177304

/HEMA/ General - Yes capo no cap

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting -
Back to the source -
Martin Fabian Sparring -

>Where can I find these treatises?

>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?

Previous: >>163303

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🧵 mxgp thread

Anonymous No. 177298

what is the best mxgp track of the lastest years? the patagonia argentina track are amazing and one of the best probably

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🧵 Anybody remember Sloshing?

Slosh-daddy No. 177231

Hey guys I'm trying to remember a sport from when I was about eight in the late 90's. I used to go to this waterpark in Pennsylvania and people would scream out "SLOSHIIIIIIIIES" as fat gentlemen would bodyslam into the surf machine in the back corner of the park, by the wave machine.

I thought it was strange how there was a seemingly never-ending supply of large men and an even larger crowd to urge them on. Have any of you ever experienced this? I probably saw this happen at least eight times in three years. It was pretty extreme.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177185

Do extreme sports games exist?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177123

The Southeast has fallen.

Millions must Kongklai AnnyMuayThai.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177016

any tips to improve my ollie

i kinda just pop it and it and then always land off balance not to the point that i fall or anything but that my toes touch the ground and the board ends up not moving anymore or sometimes i land in the “rocket ollie” position