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🧵 Wrist strenth can we make it better?

Anonymous No. 189602

So I am a blackbelt in taekwodo and started doing full contact muay thai for a while now but I feel like sometimes I can't put full power in my punches because of my wrist, sometimes if I punch to hard I feel like I'm going to injure my self so I take a lot of my power away trying to not get hurt

for those that are punchers do you do any conditioning or just keep practicing power punching until you get used and strong enough?

I have great technique so I don't think this is the problem, also my teacher told me that he have the same problem (even tho he is a young and good athlete)

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🧵 Judo sucks

Anonymous No. 189557

I just wrestled with someone 10kg heavier than me. He was up against a wall
>He had old man strength, couldn't even trip him, he would wrap his ankle around mine to limit my movement
>Nothing was working, it's incredibly hard to do anything to someone resisting being taken down
>Go for a "high crotch" (learnt from:
>It works!
>Grab leg and put it closer to armpit then drive forward, he falls to the floor

Wow, this makes me realise how gimped and overcomplicated judo is as a grappling art

Wrestling just works.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 189545

This will not happen because no sane person would fight 31 years old Aspinall while being 37. Beating Stipe and retireing (almost) undefeated is a way to stay a legend forever, losing to a younger champ is not.

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Anonymous No. 189502

>makes your striking skills irrelevant

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🧵 /xs/ approved /a/, /tv/ stuff

Anonymous No. 189476

Just finished rereading Teppu and All-Rounder Meguru after remembering a storytime on /a/ 2(?) years ago where some Brazilian dude got me into martial arts. If you browse this board, thank you you bastard, soon I'll be participating in my first competition.

Anyway, I'm looking for more stuff like this, I already read Ippo btw. Also, movies and other media are also cool

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🧵 Is wrestling the opposite of bjj?

Anonymous No. 189369

Bjj fighters know submissions but suck at takedowns so they either get sprawled and outpunched or eventually get the takedown and win

Wrestlers know takedowns but suck at submissions so they take someone down, win by decision or suddenly get submitted

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 189292

How would you beat him?

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Anonymous No. 189252

He did nothing wrong

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Anonymous No. 189248

why is skiing culture like this?

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🧵 Bjj is better than sambo, catch wrestling, glima, sanda and lethwei

Anonymous No. 189193

Even taekwondo is better than sambo, catch wrestling, glima, sanda and lethwei

If there's no gym that teaches a martial art anywhere near you, it's not a good martial art for you. There's much higher chance your town has karate, taekwondo, bjj, judo, aikido, boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, krav maga or even slightly obscure things like freestyle or Greco Roman wrestling, kung fu or Filipino martial arts than some local stuff nobody knows outside of the country of origin. A wimpy art you can train is better than a good art you can't train.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 189184

>Just Another proof Boxing(SUCKER PUNCH) is the best fighting technique

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🧵 One championship ruthlessly massacred

Anonymous No. 189150

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🧵 How to utilize joint locks in self defence?

Anonymous No. 189145

Chokes are more obvious, you just squeeze until someone faints. But when to stop arm/leg locking someone? When there's a crack?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 189077

What are the odds that I can beat someone in a streetlight with just a 1-2? I'm southpaw if that is important.

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🧵 Levan VS. Devon 2.0

Anonymous No. 189064

So, what do you think? Can he do it this time?

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🗑️ 🧵 Ladder Slide And Woman Die In Ceilandia Brazil

Anonymous No. 188956

Ladder Slide And Woman Die In Ceilandia Brazil

The woman, Sandra de Sousa Marinho, 41 y.o., fell from a ladder during cleaning at a Grade 10 School, in Ceilandia, DF, Brazil, on February 16, did not resist injuries and died February 24, in the saturday morning. She had been admitted to Hospital since the day of the accident.

She was a third-party employee of Royal JG Facilities S/A, which provides cleaning services to the Federal District Education Secretary.

According to the company, the contract does not provide for the performance of services at the height, such as what was done by the victim at the time of the accident.

The company said the stair-cleaning action would have been a request from the school board.

The case was registered at the 15th Police Station as a work accident. Police will investigate the circumstances and the responsibility for what happened.

SEDF mourned her death and said it is providing support to the family and the school.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 188771

rate my wallie

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🧵 pain receptors and extreme sports

Anonymous No. 188733

Are pain receptors necessary for sports, specially extreme sports? I technology and medicine keeps advancing, and humans become able to stop feeling pain or major suffering: would life-risking, martial combat, or endurance\adventure sports become obsolete? Or will they be much more enjoyable? What say you, whats the future of IRL \xs\ at the rate bio-tech and medical enhancements are improving and growing?

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Anonymous No. 188654

Imagine being a pro boxer with a record of 33-18 and only being remembered as a guy with one glove who tapped to mount

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 188633

Is grappler's chance a thing?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 188599

>5'8 man vs 5'8 woman

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 188594

Is there any kind of list that has the best Brazilian jujitsu schools in each city?
I’m looking for the best one in Cambridge, Massachusetts outside of Boston where Harvard is.

I recently got assaulted and wants to take Brazilian jujitsu to defend myself. Does anyone know a good Brazilian jujitsu school in the Cambridge Massachusetts area? I lives by Harvard so the closer the better thank you.

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🧵 Could you beat him in a fight?

Anonymous No. 188438

Could you?
Okay, but how about:
>he gets one month of MMA training with Danaher and GSP
Now what, huh? Think you can beat him now?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 188360

Why do ufc fights end as soon as someone starts getting punched on the ground?
That's like stopping a movie right at the climax