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🧵 Blender General

Anonymous No. 918904

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918894

Do you think there will be a big major japanese studio who will spend big bucks into developing some tech to make anime with 3D that doesn't look like current failed imitations?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918887

Hearing a lot of big talk from industry vets on other boards now - they say that sculpting realistic humans like grasetti is dead and buried and at best looks uncanny. They say that everything is scanned and cleaned up when going for realism in production. Does this resonate with you, /3/?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918845

Holy fuck, I just discovered a new workflow to make this head in 2-3 minutes.

Holy shit, and it uses vanilla blender without any type of addon.


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Orkynoid No. 918823

Going to finish this hated char soon.
Had a pallet cleanse and blocked out some fan art of the Mortal Kombat character Sareena ^^

Hair and undies are all temp.

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🗑️ 🧵 <a href="">bright colors art</a>

Anonymous No. 918781

<a href="">bright colors art</a>

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918776

Hey brothers, I got a question. What would I need to learn to be able to make videos somewhat like this?

I doesn't need to be great, if I can just throw together some presets and tweak some value and I'm happy. The more shortcuts the better. I got both a PC and a Mac, so there are no limits software wise.

Context, I'm a musician and recently got my YT artist account approved and want to release a track there exclusively so it gets some traction.

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library project.png

🧵 /archviz/

Anonymous No. 918693

So i know 99% of the board is more interested in modelling catgirls and donuts but i wonder if there's enough people here doing archviz to warrant a general.

So archbros:
>whatcha modelling
>whatcha rendering
>whatcha designing
>what software ya using and what software is SHIT

here is a project im working on for a public library. model's just getting started.

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🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 918686

/wip/ - Works in Progress

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>915718

List of free resources:
/3/ Discord for those interested:

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918655

Advise me courses or anything to study anatomy for sculpting

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🧵 COD 2 Weapon Textures

Anonymous No. 918643

Can someone explain how weapon textures from cod 2 looked low res and high res at the same time? Like the general look of it is low res but if you look closely you can see sharp details (especially noticeable on the steel part)

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🧵 3D Community Challenge

Anonymous No. 918563
What did you think of the top 100 renders?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918525

is it worth it using a +20 year old program to make 3D art if I never touched a modelling program in my life?
i like late 90s cgi stuff

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918514

Where can i find measurements and pictures for gun parts? Every time I try to model I would give up just because I don't have enough references on the part I'm modeling

Are there any websites that have blueprints for each part of the gun

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918493

>become basic/ebin in blender
>can make basicshit/anything
ok where do I apply for a job? where/how can freelancers/industryfags even work? I'm dead serious; is there a tutorial of sorts when it comes to making portfolios, where to post them and how the "industry" as a whole works? I'm interested in 3D modelling for shits n giggles, but if there's profit to be made then I would prioritize it over other things in life and make some fucking bank (even if it's a 20 buck commission). for modeling itself I read the FAQ so all I need is practice.

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🗑️ 🧵 Autodesk now uses arcade videogame coin credits

Anonymous No. 918485

Now maya is not a subcription, neither the other autodesk tools.
They have replaced their old subscription model with a token system from videogame arcades.

You can now buy 300 tokens pack or more.
Opening Maya now cost 6 tokens per use.

>mfw not an autodesk loser
fucking loser, lmao.

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🗑️ 🧵 Autodesk now uses arcade videogame coin credits

Anonymous No. 918484

Now maya is not a subcription, neither the other autodesk tools.
They have replaced their old subscription model with a token system from videogame arcades.

You can now buy 300 tokens pack or more.
Opening Maya now cost 6 tokens per use.

>mfw not an autodesk loser
fucking loser, lmao.

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🧵 Corrective Blendshapes

Anonymous No. 918480

So after learning and studying rigging and skin weights, testing dozens of models and creating my own character, I found out this is not really enough.
Im using Maya and saw many of the most complex models out there use corrective blendshapes.
Is there any specific tutorial for these? Critical areas like knees, elbows, the waist area and similar poses.

I tried creating a blendshape, assign that one to a control (elbow) and activate when it reaches a certain angle. But that doesnt really work out at all.

>Is this necessary? How -should- it be done? Which is the correct way?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918476

>be 3ds max user
>only other 3ds max thread is a hate thread


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🗑️ 🧵 I gather a team

Anonymous No. 918470

Distranny link, VSgN2xFGPf

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918452

This board is so fucking boring. People here are so confidently elitist when its super obvious to anyone who knows a decent amount of CG how far their head is up their own ass. You people give the dumbest takes because you think it makes you look like you know what you're talking about. It's fine to not know a lot, this field is huge, very abstracted, and there aren't a lot of great resources to get a cohesive understanding of everything.

>blender is bad
>no blender is good

People who tend not to be very good at their art get so fixated on the tools, that they don't develop the skills. Any of the popular software out there can be used to make great things. It literally does not fucking matter.

Stop mindlessly bickering over your preferred software so I can see some actually interesting shit

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your computer is ....jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918441

Is this board accepting of people just posting a cool render they made? like "hey, I made a super awesome looking horse running away from a explosion in slowmo with a samurai screaming on its back, sword raised" to "he he. turtle get straw stuck in his bum bum. duuuuur." btw yes I made the latter. I'm not good enough to make the former yet lol.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918431

I'm looking to get into 3d modeling/animation in blender. my gaming rig is struggling to keep up with highres rendering, what are the odds that my library would let me use their computers to render from a usb drive loaded with my favorite distro of linux? it takes several hours each to render animations over 30 min long on my pc, imma try running a batch file at home then go to the library and use their computer army I doubt see much use and have those things chug away. they have a lot of potatoes iirc. like, a LOT. i have like 40 flash drives loaded with linux mint, 10 loaded with other distros and another that holds all my .blend files. its almost full of them despite being a 64gb stick; if it takes roughly 8 hours/min with 30 potatoes I can average around 16 min/minute of animation and they are open around 14 hrs/ day so yeah. if nobody can say, I'll just walk in and ask tomorrow. I've been using a pattern of animate, save file, then around the end of the month batch render them all. that way I maximize both my shitposting capacity and my hours of practice. if that doesn't work I'll just buy a shitload of rpis and use all my old boost/buck converters to make a mega potato rendering cluster with 1 18650 cell each for the monthly render spree. today I'm backing up all my files and loading up all my linux drives with the blend files and making a batch file for 20 5-ish minute renders w/ cycles @ 100 samples each. my gaming pc will handle all the longer ones I want ray tracing on. despite all my effort and practice i'm still really bad at blender, might be some sort of learning disorder. if you actually read this novel, congrats and ty i guess.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918358

Modeling was fun before I came here